I'm really not a 3D player

Chapter 328 Return of the King!

Chapter 328 Return of the King!
After returning from the timeout, the Heat still could not solve the rebounding problem.

The three guys Sun Yi, David Lee, and Chandler are so fucking good at grabbing, and directly blasted the Heat's rebounds.

The Heat tried to get most players back into the penalty area to protect rebounds, but the effect was still not good.

That's not counting. In addition to the rebound being exploded, there are also loopholes in the perimeter defense.

By the time the Warriors replaced Clay, the threat outside the three-point line has greatly increased.

Seeing that the Warriors are about to open up the outside line, the Heat can't ignore it, they can only make the players exhausted, and both inside and outside lines must be taken into account.

But this is a temporary solution, not the root cause, and defeat is only a matter of time.

In the VIP room, Pat Riley frowned watching the situation on the field, then took out his mobile phone and sent a text message to his disciple Spoelstra.

On the Heat's bench, coach Spoelstra read the content of the text message, and after a brief hesitation, his eyes became more determined.

Although this is against the spirit of sportsmanship, since ancient times there have been winners and losers, and history will only remember the winners.

In the 07 Western Conference Finals, the Spurs solved the core of the Suns, Nash, before they made it to the Finals with difficulty and finally won the championship.

He believes that as long as Sun Yi is solved, the Heat can win the championship.

After Coach Spoelstra thought about it, he called Chalmers to his side and whispered a few words in his ear.

"Coach, I understand, I promise to complete the task."

Chalmers felt no psychological pressure at all and nodded without hesitation, accepting the beheading task.

Players like him do the dirty work for the team.

"Mario, let it go, history will only remember the winner, and the team will not forget your contribution."

Coach Spoelstra worried that Chalmers would not be able to make a move at the critical moment, so he gave him a blank check.

Sure enough, Chalmers rushed to the waiting area to get ready to play as if he had been given a shot of blood after hearing this.

Not long after, a dead ball appeared on the court, and the Heat replaced Chalmers.

In the next few rounds, Chalmers failed to find a suitable opportunity and could only lurk around Sun Yi, waiting for the opportunity to deliver a fatal blow.

When the first quarter was about to end, Chalmers finally got his chance.

The Heat's offense failed. Chandler grabbed the rebound, found Sun Yi and passed the ball.

Sun Yi, who was on the fast break, received the pass and accelerated towards the Heat's half court.

Qian Moss's eyes lit up as he retreated. Knowing that his opportunity had come, he quickly rushed in the direction of Sun Yi.

When Sun Yi rushed to the penalty area of ​​the Heat, he caught a glimpse of a black shadow on the left rushing towards him from the corner of his eye...

"Fuck! Those guys across the street are playing dirty tricks!"

Sun Yi was furious in his heart, and the shameless behavior of the Heat angered him.

Seeing that there is no way to escape, you can only head-on!

Sun Yi and Chalmers collided and fell to the floor.

"Beep~!" The referee immediately stopped the game to avoid further expansion of the situation, and then signaled the medical team to enter the field.

On the bench of the Warriors, the old coach Nelson looked at Sun Yi who was lying on the ground in a panic, feeling extremely worried.

He never thought that Riley was so unscrupulous, and he was a blatant useless person in the first scene.

"How dare he! How dare he!"

Old Nelson couldn't restrain the anger in his heart, and quickly came to the sidelines to talk to the referee, hoping to severely punish the Heat for such shameless behavior.

On the other side, on the Heat bench, coach Spoelstra clasped his hands and suppressed the excitement in his heart.

"Sun Yi is injured, what will the Warriors use to fight us?"

Coach Spoelstra was in a very good mood, he ignored the voices of the fans behind the bench, and pretended to care about Chalmers who fell to the ground.

On the court, Sun Yi, who was lying on the floor, showed a painful expression. He knew that his shoulder was injured.

"Hot horses! Labor and management have taken note!"

Sun Yi planted the seeds of hatred in his heart, and then spent a certain amount of training points to instantly cure his injuries.

Chalmers had no plug-in, and still fell to the ground in pain, wailing from time to time.

Create the illusion that he is the victim.

Initially, Chalmers thought he could not be injured. After all, he was the one who took the initiative to hit the person.

But he didn't expect that Sun Yi's body would be so strong that he actually injured himself.

Although he was also injured, he completed the beheading operation.

The limit is worth changing!

Chalmers' Ah Q-like self-comfort made him feel better.

At the same time, the team doctor finally came to the two injured and checked them briefly with instruments.

Sun Yi didn't find any problems, while Chalmers suffered a broken shoulder and basically bid farewell to the season.

After Sun Yi returned to the bench, the Warriors coaching staff and players gathered around to understand the situation.

When they learned about Sun Yi's injury, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

The old coach Nelson was still a little worried, and asked Sun Yi to follow the team doctor back to the locker room for further examination.

Seeing that he couldn't convince the stubborn old man, Sun Yi had no choice but to follow the team doctor and walk towards the player tunnel.

In the studio of TNT TV station, Kenny Smith saw this scene and expressed his views.

"It seems that Sun's injury is a bit serious. Without Sun, this will definitely deal a fatal blow to the Warriors."

"If the Heat win the championship with such despicable means, I will not admit that they are not worthy of winning the O'Brien Cup." Barkley criticized the Heat's crimes sharply.

On the other side, in the player tunnel, Sun Yi stopped and felt that the time was almost up, so he turned his head and told the team doctor his request.

"Mr. John, I am very aware of my physical condition. I feel very healthy. Let me fight side by side with my teammates. They need me!"

After hearing this, team doctor John didn't want to agree to Sun Yi's request, but when he saw the Warriors being suppressed by the Heat on the TV screen, he immediately made up his mind.

"Sun, I promise you, but you also have to promise me that if you feel unwell, you must not show off. You must leave immediately."

"Mr. John, thank you, I will not make fun of my body." After Sun Yi finished speaking, he quickly ran out of the tunnel.

When the fans at the scene saw Sun Yi running out of the tunnel, they immediately stood up and clapped their hands wildly.

"He's back! He's really back!" Barkley shouted excitedly.

In the NBA president's office, David Stern heaved a long sigh of relief when he saw Sun Yi's return.

When he saw Sun Yi walking back to the player tunnel, he almost had a heart attack.

"The Heat are damned!"

Stern managed to establish a solid image of the alliance to the outside world, but was almost destroyed by Riley.

He has no objection to teams improving their defensive strength for the championship.

But his original intention was not to let people with ulterior motives do anything to win.

Stern hates flagrant fouls and intentional fouls extremely much.

"The rules established by the alliance are not perfect enough, allowing some bullies to take advantage of loopholes."

Stern decided to formulate new penalty rules after the end of this season to severely punish players who commit malicious and intentional fouls.

Back on the court, this side of the Warriors bench.

"Coach, I'm ready to play." Sun Yi said loudly.

Old Nelson smiled and said: "It's good to come back, it's good to come back. Now that you are ready, let's play!"

After getting an affirmative answer from Nelson, Sun Yi greeted his teammates again, and then walked towards the waiting area on the sidelines.

"Heat, your nightmare is back!"

(End of this chapter)

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