My light shines on Arsenal

Chapter 107 Forming a New Team

Chapter 107 Forming a New Team

Anyone else?

It seems that behind the scenes of the team is also very complicated.

Chen Yao couldn't help but have a better understanding of Wenger's greatness.

He not only has to deal with the competitive affairs in front of the stage, but also in the behind-the-scenes plans such as the club's equity change and the construction of a new stadium, the professor has also been arguing with these people.

In fact, whether it was the introduction of Kroenke, the development of Highbury, the construction of the Emirates Stadium, or the departure of David Dane, Wenger was in it.

A club is like a big company. If there are only purely competitive matters, it will be easier to handle.

At Arsenal, the situation is even more special. Wenger's role is not a simple coach, but a manager, and it is inevitable to be involved in these affairs.

Gathering his mind, Chen Yao brought his attention back to this matter.

"There is another person, he is..."

"Ivan Gazidis."

"What is he doing with you?"

"You have to be prepared." Meng Qinghe turned his head and said seriously, "Gazidis is starting to prepare his change plan, and the club will soon face a storm."

"What does he want to do?"

"Gazidis plans to take back Wenger's power and redistribute it. The reason he approached me was that he wanted me to have internal control over the team's finances. Especially player sales."

"What do you mean?" Chen Yao was puzzled, "Does he want me to not have the right to trade players freely?"

Meng Qinghe's eyes flickered twice, "He doesn't know that we know each other."

Chen Yao wiped off his sweat: "It's a good thing I don't know. Mariana, you must not restrain me from buying someone, I won't spend money recklessly."

"I hope." Meng Qinghe lowered his eyes, "I hope we can cooperate happily."


Chen Yao did not stay in Los Angeles for too long.

Now, it's mid-June, and he still has a lot to do. It's going to be a busy summer.

After bidding farewell to Meng Qinghe, Chen Yao did not fly back to London directly, but flew to the European continent.

The first task he has to complete is to form his own coaching team.

Pat Rice has a tacit understanding with his partner. The old assistant coach is practical, diligent and steady. If he can continue to stay in the team, it will be of great benefit to the young head coach.

But at this time, Pat is probably already enjoying his retirement life on the beach in the Mediterranean Sea, and Wenger's old department, such as Bora and Primorac, have only mediocre cooperation with Chen Yao.

After Wenger left, although they did not resign, they just clocked in and out with their salary, and there was no in-depth cooperation with themselves.

As a rookie coach in charge of the team for the first time, he lacks experience and lacks sufficient control ability in daily management.

A coaching team that closely surrounds you is extremely important.

The first person Chen Yao chose was a former star of Arsenal.


The Land of Windmills, Netherlands.


Chen Yao was walking in a modern training base, accompanied by a tall man in his forties with blond hair but a somewhat unbearable hairline.

His face was rounder than before, and he was wearing a short-sleeved sweatshirt. He was a little fat, but he could still see some of his vigorous figure back then.

"How do you feel?" the blond man asked with a smile.

"Very advanced and modern. No wonder Ajax can become a star-making factory." Chen Yao walked past a white wall with a huge Ajax team emblem: the head of the ancient Greek hero Ajax.

"Come on." The blond middle-aged man led Chen Yao to a dining table and brought two drinks.

"To be honest, I can't believe you became the head coach at such a young age."

"Dennis, at my age, you were already one of the best players in the world. I think it's harder than being a manager."

Dennis Bergkamp smiled with nostalgia on his face: "That was a long time ago. Now I am in my 40s, and it is good to take care of children."

Chen Yao took a few sips of his drink and asked, "Dennis, you must know the purpose of my visit."

Bergkamp touched his forehead. There used to be flowing blond hair, but now there are not many hairs there due to the receding hairline.

"You want to invite me back to Arsenal?"


"Youth training coach?"

"No, I want you to be in the first team and work with me."

"Sigh." Bergkamp waved his hand, "I don't want to hurt you, but Chen, I really can't help you."

Bergkamp's eyes were sincere, and the 43-year-old Dutchman took a few more sips of his drink.

"Unlike others, I am still obsessed with football after retirement...I came here to do youth training just because I need to find something to do for the rest of my life."

Bergkamp looked at the open-air training field outside the window. Under the scorching sun, there were still many young players practicing their skills on the lawn.

"I'm sorry, Chen. I don't mean to shirk it, but I really can't help you with anything."

"Unlike some players who have shown their talents as coaches after retirement, my ability is limited to this. Bringing children into contact with football is the limit of what I can do."

"And..." Bergkamp stretched his body, "I am afraid of flying, and you are wrong to choose me."

Bergkamp's fear of flying has earned him the nickname "The Flying Dutchman".

The shadow of his youth caused him to suffer from aerophobia, which meant that when the team needed to fly to participate in away games, Bergkamp was unable to travel with the team.

These are all reasonable reasons, Chen Yao looked at Bergkamp, ​​he couldn't see from the face of "Ice Prince" that he was deliberately evading, all he could see was helplessness and calmness.

"No." Chen Yao shook his head, "Dennis, tell me the truth."

"That's the truth." Bergkamp smiled wryly. "If you need, I can introduce you to some coaches. They are all knowledgeable and waiting for invitations from top leagues."

"No, Dennis." Chen Yao stared at Bergkamp and said with a smile, "You are not someone without pursuit. You just think that here, you can pursue what you want."

Bergkamp was silent for a moment. "What do I want?"

"That's right. What you want is different from others. Your desire for championships and honors may be a little less, but what you really pursue is pure football in your mind."

Before Bergkamp could speak, Chen Yao continued: "You are a talented player and a thoughtful coach. I think you can feel the impact of changes in the football environment on young players."

"And you want to use your way to temper, train, guide young people, and lead them to touch the essence of football in your understanding, don't you? So you will choose Ajax, the top youth academy in Europe camp."

"Here, you can touch the rough jade, you can shape them, and this is the source of your sense of accomplishment."

"Dennis, it's not like you have no pursuit as you said. On the contrary, I think your pursuit is more noble than simple honor."

After Chen Yao finished speaking, Bergkamp touched his fat belly and nodded slightly.

"You know me very well," Bergkamp said. "Yes, I do think that Ajax's youth academy is the best place for me."

"Since I retired, I have been thinking about what is the purpose of our sport. Is it to compete for championships? Or to entertain the public like gladiators in the Colosseum? Or is it just a by-product of commercial behavior? The performances are all clearly priced commodities?"

(End of this chapter)

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