Chapter 313 The Abnormal Kings

Lu Yuanzhi also wanted the second option of "strengthening the core".

Because in his plan, he still needs to develop his mid-range, especially low-post singles ability in the offseason and next season.

Although according to the more advanced "Magic Ball Theory", the most efficient scoring areas are always outside the three-point line and inside, it must be considered that if he becomes the team leader, there will be many critical moments where he needs to step forward.

For example, there are 10 seconds left in the game and the score is one point behind. How should Lu Yuanzhi choose his attack method?
Of course it’s the one with the highest success rate.

At this time, you know that your opponent is not stupid and will definitely stick to the inside. No one can easily break through the layers of defense and get inside. No matter how high Lu Yuanzhi's finishing success rate is at the basket, it is useless if you can't get into the inside.

The mid-range shot is inherently higher than the three-point shot. At the critical moment, what is important is to score, not how many points to score.

Therefore, if you want to be the boss of the team, you do not have a stable mid-range shot and cannot perform low-post singles at critical moments. This is always flawed.

At that time, there will be various evaluations such as "poor mental attributes", "poor ability to end the game", "strength at critical moments" and so on.

Therefore, Lu Yuanzhi is very greedy for these three options.

Just as Lu Yuanzhi was hesitating, the old gangster called.

"Boy, your defense was strong enough today! This is how you should perform in the playoffs!"

"The rookie wearing the No. 3 jersey looks good. Do you think it is necessary to recruit him to the team next season?"

"Gerald Wallace?" Lu Yuanzhi was stunned for a moment, why did the old gangster fall in love with this guy.

Could it be that the timeline is closing, and no matter what changes occur, a player with Elvis's personality will still be favored by the old gangster?

This is quite possible. Jordan himself is a competitive player, or the most competitive player, so Gerald Wallace's desperate attitude on the court is indeed to his liking.

Now that the old gangster saw the right eye, there was only one question left: Is Elvis suitable to play ball with him?

Lu Yuanzhi himself has the ability to break through, but he is not without long-range shooting ability. On the contrary, his three-point shooting ability has a faint tendency to catch up with Stojakovic.

Therefore, there is no such thing as saying that the offensive space will be occupied.

Gerald Wallace's defensive ability, especially his defensive passion, is a very positive thing for any team.

Who doesn't love a tough defensive player?

After thinking about this, Lu Yuanzhi also replied to the old gangster, "Michael, Gerrard is indeed a good choice. He will make the team full of passion, and he has a great advantage. He is still young, and he is only in his second year. , the end of this season, and two years of the same contract, which is very attractive.”

"But at the same time, this is also a huge flaw, because even if the Kings want to clear salary space, they will not clear a rookie who only needs to pay $92."

"We don't need to think about this. We just need to make demands and let the managers run it. We can't think of everything for them. Otherwise, why would I spend money to hire them?"

Makes sense!

I was speechless!

Unexpectedly, the old gangster's thinking changed so quickly. He suddenly jumped from player thinking to boss thinking.

"Then you have to act quickly. Once the trading window opens, don't let anyone get in first."

"Huh? Why?"

"We still have two sets of tactics related to Gerrard. He may shine in the next game. You have to be prepared." "Hahahaha, I'll wait and see! Don't worry, the Clippers have more chips. We will get all the players we want, but the premise is that in this playoffs, you have to be damn dominant, this is related to our right to speak!"

"You don't need to worry, Michael, this is our agreement, I will do my job well."

After Lu Yuanzhi finished speaking, he was about to hang up the phone. Then he thought about it. Although the old gangster can't read people, he knows football. Today's question is just right to ask Jordan. Is there something wrong with his own cognition or some other reason? .

After listening to Lu Yuanzhi's analysis of the Spurs, the old gangster's tone became serious, "You are right in your analysis. This Spurs team is very strong. Even if I led the 72-win Bulls team to play against them, we might not be able to win." It takes at least 6 games to win."

Lu Yuanzhi was even more surprised after hearing this. He naturally knew what the 72-win Bulls team was.

Although it took them 6 games to defeat the Sonics in the Finals that year, the Sonics were at their peak at that time, and Payton and Kemp were both at their peak. How could this Spurs team compare?

"The strongest thing about this Spurs team is their defense. No one can score easily on them. Everyone will be dragged into the quagmire to fight with them, and then they use their rich experience in physical combat to defeat their opponents."

"Wait, Michael, the first point doesn't make sense."

"I mean, I don't think the Spurs' defense is that good at all?"

"Not that good?" The old gangster sounded surprised. "I'm not blind. Didn't you see that your inside offensive score was almost cut in half? Didn't you see that your mid-range shooting percentage dropped significantly? You Don’t you see Chris is averaging less than 17 points per game?”

"Think about the last series, Chris averaged more than 27 points per game!"

"It's 10 points less, boy!"

"Huh?" Lu Yuanzhi didn't notice that Weber's data dropped so sharply. He thought it was because he got more ball rights and firing rights, which caused Weber's data to decline.

Is it because it is restricted?
"And, kid, didn't you notice? Your offensive rebounds have been cut in half, and your backcourt rebounds have dropped as well."

"In one sentence, your insiders have been blown away!"

Lu Yuanzhi really didn't notice this, because his scoring was not affected at all, and even the number of rebounds per game did not change much.

"Have you forgotten that you are a 206 centimeter big man, 8 centimeters taller than Dennis, and can jump better than him, and you don't have many rebounds, so of course it doesn't have a big impact."

Well, Lu Yuanzhi really didn't think about it from these perspectives.

"So, let me ask you, if an average team encounters a team like the Spurs and their shooting percentage drops, it becomes difficult to score inside, and rebounds are not guaranteed, then how do they score?"

"I can only say that your Kings are a special case. You are so weird. It's already the playoffs. Your three-pointers have increased instead of falling. On average, you hit more than 10 three-pointers per game, accounting for 1 /3 score."

"You are the ones who are abnormal!"

A bolt of lightning flashed in Lu Yuanzhi's mind.

Damn it, why did I forget it?
I have always looked at this Spurs team from the perspective of more than 20 years later, and naturally I feel that they have problems everywhere.

But if you look at it from the perspective of someone in the early 20th century, this Spurs is indeed ridiculously strong.

Because in this era, scoring inside is the key, hand-to-hand combat is the theme, and not scoring hundreds is commonplace.

The Spurs can limit almost every team in this era, but they can't do anything against the Kings.

In a word, in this era, who knows how to defend against the step-back three-pointer? They have never seen this thing before!

(End of this chapter)

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