hunter commando

Chapter 693 Tweet’s suggestion

Chapter 693 Tweet’s suggestion

After looking around the scene of the firefight, Li Mu basically believed A Dong's words.Although he is not a professional surveyor, the traces at the scene are obvious. First, the big tree was knocked down, and then the Land Rover stopped. A Dong fired a shot into the driver's seat. The bullet casing was found on the ground. Then, based on the position of the fallen body, it can be judged that at that time The man was on the right side of the Land Rover.

After checking the time, it would be dawn in two hours. Li Mu was no longer in a hurry, so he took Li Jiujiu and the others to protect the scene and waited for the police to arrive.

It was around four o'clock in the morning, the time when the temperature was the lowest of the day, but the few cadres brought over by Li Mu did not feel cold at all. Many people who have been soldiers for more than ten years would never encounter such a thing. Who would encounter this? Not hot-blooded.

From a certain perspective, peace is a butcher's knife designed to kill the murderous spirit of the army. It has been more than 30 years since the last large-scale war ended. The cadres who grew up in that year and had experience in leading troops have either retired from active service or have already retired. Become a senior leader.This has created a serious gap. The number of mid- to senior-level officers with combat experience is scarce, not to mention the large number of lower-level command officers.

The military budget is increasing every year. In fact, aside from improving the salary of soldiers, the money that can be used to maintain normal combat training expenses is really not much. Not to mention that it will be enough for generals, but the military basically does not have it. The method can be used freely.

Of course, if some corrupt officials drank a few bottles of red wine from [-], a company's monthly expenses would be covered.Therefore, every time soldiers like Li Mu read on the news that a corrupt official had been found somewhere and how much money had been embezzled, their most intuitive impression was that it was enough to cover the expenses of many companies in those years.

The food they eat is still the same basic food, and the bullets they shoot are still in stock for more than ten years.

Back to business, Li Mu and Li Jiujiu walked to the side and talked in low voices.

"After dawn, you immediately take people to find the location where the mysterious man is lurking." Li Mu said.

Li Jiujiu nodded in agreement, glanced around, as if he had been thinking for a long time, and whispered, "Lao Li, I have an idea for a day or two. I didn't think it was mature before. Now it seems that I have to make a suggestion." .”

"Say." Li Mu glanced at him.

"It is unrealistic for Base 107 to rely on its own strength to carry out security and security." Li Jiujiu said slowly, "Look, we only have 50 students in total, and the other security personnel are one carrot after another. The security and security work is heavy, which will inevitably affect Training training tasks. Don’t forget, our fundamental purpose is to focus on the fifty cadre students. If they can’t learn anything or other things affect the quality of learning, our original intention will be lost.”

After a pause, Li Jiujiu continued, "The most important thing is that in the plan, our 107 base will be developed into a land and air training base in the future. So many important technical equipment should be guarded by specialized security forces. . Therefore, I suggest that we request the higher authorities to dispatch a special force to be responsible for the security of Base 107."

In fact, after Li Jiujiu finished speaking the previous paragraph, Li Mu basically understood it.

Li Mu nodded slowly, took out the cigarettes and passed them out, then lit one and took two puffs, saying, "Your suggestion is very good. The current situation is indeed putting the cart before the horse. But you kid is sincerely laughing at me. Since you I’ve seen the problem a long time ago, why didn’t I raise it earlier?”

Smiling, Li Jiujiu said, "Now is the right time."

"When I arrive in Ling City this time, I will go to Vice President Fang to mention this matter. If we want to mobilize troops, a battalion with a large number and a company is suitable. Of course it cannot be the armed police." Li Mu looked at the time and said, "You are planning After so many days, do you have a suitable unit in mind?"

Li Jiujiu said simply, "Actually, the most suitable one is your old company. The distance is not far, and there will be no difficulty in cooperating when the time comes."

Li Mu's eyes lit up immediately, he was right.It is definitely difficult to transfer a company from other troops to guard the 107 base.The reason is simple. Once you are responsible for security work, your daily training will inevitably be affected.One and a half months is no problem, but if it takes too long, the company's combat effectiveness will definitely be affected, which no one can accept.

I finally managed to increase my combat effectiveness and prepared to get a few more advanced companies for annual military training. However, I was transferred to show you the gate and the troops were crippled. Who did I mess with?

It would be much easier to talk if it were Li Mu's old unit, the Ninth Brigade.Because you, Comrade Li Mu, are the youngest captain in the army who left the [-]th Brigade, and your name is a celebrity on the boss's desk.Now Comrade Li Mu serves as the military director of the army's first light infantry training base. When he encounters difficulties, he asks the veteran troops for help. Can the veteran troops not lend a hand?

Moreover, if the Ninth Brigade can send the fifth company over, it will basically give Li Mu command.Wouldn’t future work be carried out more smoothly?

Thinking of this, Li Mu couldn't help but patted Li Jiujiu on the shoulder and said sincerely, "Comrade Jiujiu, you have great potential to be the chief of staff!"

"If you don't have a chief of staff, you won't even fart. I'll work hard and keep working hard, and strive to become a lieutenant colonel and become the chief of staff of the entire regiment." Li Jiujiu also laughed.

Li Mu said, "Don't worry, it won't take long for you to become chief of staff."

If someone else said this, Li Jiujiu would just listen to it and don't take it seriously. Taking it seriously is just because he can't get along with his own mood. But when these words came out of Li Mu's mouth, Li Jiujiu always felt that they were very reasonable and convincing.Perhaps it was because, from the day Li Jiujiu met Li Mu, everything Li Mu said was quickly verified, including various speeches in the Lu Academy.

Isn't the current 107 base an obvious example?

Going back further, there were first Li Mu’s papers, and then there were speeches at grass-roots inspection seminars. From air assault troops to high-mobility light infantry units, any of them are types of troops that must be vigorously developed and constructed in the future army plan.Maybe everyone understands the framework and leading ideas, but none of them are as thorough and specific as Li Mu.

Li Mu can even come up with a specific training plan. This is the difference.

On the mountain road in the distance, red and blue police lights flashed alternately rapidly, and the police criminal investigators who received the alarm call finally arrived.

(End of this chapter)

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