hunter commando

Chapter 667: The company commander who became the company commander

Chapter 667: The company commander who became the company commander

"Condolence performance? Isn't this ridiculous?"

Li Mu almost jumped up when he heard this. The condolence performance was just adding to the chaos. The trouble that Zhao Xu caused has not been settled yet. Here comes another group of people, and they are art soldiers. What secrets does Base 107 have?

"Old Wen, you know about Zhao Xu. The Ministry of Security is watching our 107. Where did this song come from?" Li Mu's tone was not very good. As a political cadre, Wen Chaoyang should have this sensitivity. .

Wen Chaoyang explained with a wry smile, "Of course I don't want those little girls to come and cause trouble, but this is the decision of the Military Region Administration Department. Let alone you and me, even the Lu Yuan can't refuse."

Hearing this, Li Mu could only shake his head helplessly. Since it was arranged by the military region, there was really no way to refuse.Although Lu Yuan is directly under the General Staff, it is located in the southeast after all. Regardless of enrollment or other work, it focuses on the southeast. This kind of Spring Festival condolence performance is not something that Lu Yuan should stand up and say no to.

"Tonight we will conduct a safety and confidentiality awareness education, and clearly stipulate what cannot be said and what cannot be asked. I want the 107th Company to do it. Even a mouse can keep its mouth shut!" Li Mu said.

Wen Chaoyang nodded heavily, "I'll get ready right away and we'll start after dinner."

As he spoke, he looked at Li Mu with a questioning look.

Li Mu said, "I agree."

Wen Chaoyang left quickly.

He also found it strange that although he was two levels higher than Li Mu and his position was three levels higher than Li Mu's, he was still willing to position himself in front of Li Mu.It was definitely not simply because the military chief was older than the political chief, but because he felt that Li Mu was born with the temperament to be a general. Although the words he spoke were plain and unremarkable, they secretly contained power that could not be rejected.

After thinking about it, Li Mu also walked to the row house, called Li Jiujiu out, and told the story.

Li Jiujiu also has one head and two big heads. "Logically speaking, the higher-ups shouldn't hold such condolence performances. This is crazy."

"Now that the matter has come to this, we'd better take preventive measures." Li Mu said.

Li Jiujiu nodded in agreement.

The secret theft organization detected by the security department has targeted Base 107, which means that they have been active. Especially after the number one suspect escaped, the case became more complicated.Until now, there is no news about Lin Dongliang, indicating that the number one suspect has not been captured yet.

Base 107 is an immovable target, and many tasks are done very passively.A bunch of laymen are coming over now and tomorrow, so it would be weird not to worry.

"Immediately organize manpower to investigate the environment around the camp. Even if we can't understand every plant and tree, we still need to grasp the specific environmental conditions." Li Mu said in a deep voice.

Li Jiujiu said, "It is necessary. After the troops were stationed, they only conducted a simple environmental inspection. It is necessary to conduct a detailed inspection again. At least we must find out the location that is conducive to sneak observation."

After thinking for a while, Li Mu said, "Xu Yan, He Shifeng, Huang Youquan, Zhao Xu, Zhang Rusong, you pick a few more people and divide them into three groups. You and I will each lead one group, and Zhang Rusong will lead one group. After lunch, we will Load guns, load live ammunition, and understand the environment within a kilometer radius."

Li Jiujiu frowned slightly, was stunned for a moment, and said, "Load live ammunition?"

"Fire live ammunition." Li Mu repeated.


Li Jiujiu took the order and left in a hurry.

After lunch, those who were called gathered in the equipment room, which was a room divided into two, with one half serving as equipment and the other half serving as the instructor's bedroom.

Including Li Mu and Li Jiujiu, there were a total of twelve people, four in a group, wearing camouflage uniforms, combat boots, and automatic rifles on the backs of tactical vests. Each person carried three magazines of live ammunition.Before communication equipment was in place, everyone could only use walkie-talkies to keep in touch.Walkie-talkies are commonly used as communication tools in non-military missions.The use of equipment is clearly divided, and military equipment cannot be used for non-military tasks.

Li Mu personally assigned tasks to each group and divided them into areas.

"Taking the valley where the camp is located and the only road leading out of the mountain as the axis, within a 500-meter radius on both sides, we have to walk one by one and find all the commanding heights and alleys." Li Mu pointed to the large-scale military map. Said, "Li Jiujiu's team is responsible for the surroundings of the camp, Zhang Rusong's team is responsible for the southeast side of the road, and I am responsible for the northwest side."

After looking at the time, Li Mu gave the order, "Let's go!"

Each group left under the leadership of the group leader.

Li Mu's team members were Xu Yan, He Shifeng and Zhao Xu, all experienced command officers. The four of them put on their hats and walked out along the only mountain road leading to the outside world, hugging the mountain.

There is no need to wear bulky bulletproof vests and Kevlar helmets. Even if there is danger, the firepower of four automatic rifles is enough to fight against most non-military forces.

The mountain road extends along the flat land between the hills. It is winding and has many sharp turns. 180-degree turns are very common, and it goes up and down as the mountain altitude changes.There is a section of the road that is still walking close to the cliff. Below the cliff is a naturally formed river, flowing from high to low.

Li Mu took the lead and opened the way, with Zhao Xu behind, Xu Yan and He Shifeng lined up side by side in the middle, forming a prismatic formation. When encountering a narrow spot, it turned into a marching column, with a distance of about five meters from front to back.

After carefully looking at Li Mu's profile, He Shifeng approached Xu Yan and whispered, "Old Xu, this baby guard looks familiar. Is he from our brigade? I don't remember such a cadre."

Xu Yan smiled slightly and said, "He came from our brigade. He was a soldier at the time, so of course you have no impression."

"Xiao Bing? Don't be joking." He Shifeng said, "But he looks really familiar."

"Oh, I remembered. He spent half a year in the administration department. You should have met him." Xu Yan said.

"Isn't this...impossible, a soldier becoming a guard captain? Is it a lie?" He Shifeng was shocked.

Xu Yan lowered his voice and said, "It's true. Half a year after he became a sergeant, he was promoted to lieutenant. Not many people know about this, so it wouldn't be surprising if you don't know."

"Half a year's promotion?" He Shifeng gasped, really frightened.

Xu Yan said, "Two years ago he was a soldier of the fifth company."

He Shifeng suddenly stopped and was stunned.

"So you are his guard captain!"

Xu Yan has gone away.

(End of this chapter)

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