hunter commando

Chapter 661

Chapter 661

It all stopped.

The grievances dissipated a lot in the cold wind over time, at least they didn't dare to underestimate Li Mu, and they all began to correctly understand the current situation - he was a soldier, and he was the head of the guard.

Since he can reach the position of military commander, his ideological consciousness must be much higher than that of ordinary soldiers.At least it's easy to change positions, think in other people's shoes, and then correct your position.

It's okay to embarrass Li Mu, but if you really have to argue with Li Mu, you will be the one who suffers in the end.The key is that there is nothing wrong with Li Mu's methods. He first explains the truth and then reprimands.Li Mu also has a point wherever he goes.

There are still some feelings of displeasure, and at this time, I also suppress them wisely, and rashly push them up. In the end, it is really me who suffers. At least I will give you an ignorant evaluation if you pass it on. It is entirely possible for a hat to disobey management.

Just wait and see, the days are long, and it doesn’t matter if it’s one day later or one day early.

Li Mu came back to the front of the team again. At this time, Jingui's officers had stood in the cold wind for more than half an hour, and some of them were shaking a little.

"From now on, please, please forget your military rank and position for the time being. You only have one identity, soldiers of the Light Rapid Combat Company of the Army Academy, and soldiers of the 107th Company."

Li Mu said in a loud voice, now he feels more at ease, except for him and Li Jiujiu, everyone has become soldiers.

"I will appoint the squad leader after a period of time. The person who is the squad leader can change to the original rank. In addition, your performance in the 107th company will be recorded in the file, which is part of the resume. I can also tell you, Here, what you have to learn is how to command a light and rapid combat force, and what you have to learn is combat command. Theoretical knowledge is not under my control, I am here to give you the missing practical lessons!"

Li Mu said to Li Jiujiu, "Deputy Health Chief Li, postpone the lunch time by one hour. Take the time to clean up before eating."

"Yes! Chief of Guard!" Li Jiujiu saluted.

Li Mu returned the gift and walked towards the cooking cart to inspect the work of the cooking team.

Li Jiujiu directed the troops to spread out again, and continued to clean according to the original division of labor.This time it was different, the movements became quicker, although not everyone was proactive, but most of them knew that procrastination would not do them any good.After all, it's where I live and eat.

Among these people, the youngest is the same as Li Jiujiu, 27 or 35 years old, and the oldest is a middle school principal, [-] years old.Compared with the top soldiers at the grassroots level, they are leaders as high as the clouds in the sky, but in the entire hierarchy, they are the most basic group of officers.

After adjusting their mentality and completely accepting this temporary identity, these young cadres around 30 years old can really work, and they are definitely not as bad as the big soldiers.They are more mature, more organized in their work, and appear calm in their busy work.The finish is higher quality.

Li Mu ordered the cooking team to slow down and keep the dishes warm so that they would be served hot after an hour.After finishing, he walked towards the helicopter landing site. Chief Yang immediately jogged a few steps to greet him.

"Sir Yang, your movements are very nimble." Li Mu said with a smile.

I have to be satisfied. In just over an hour, the basic outline of the takeoff and landing field came out.

"That's right, Chief Li, I'm not bragging." Commander Yang was very proud and took out a cigarette to blow out. "A standard field airport, I'm talking about an airport that can take off and land tactical transport aircraft. We can give it to it within a day. It will be repaired. The 300-meter heavy-duty bridge will take two to 10 minutes."

Li Mu didn't know much about the Zhouqiao troops. Such speed seemed very scary to him. In fact, any of the Zhouqiao troops in the army had such capabilities.Since the specialized engineering troops were disbanded, the mission they were responsible for fell on the pontoon troops. The pontoon troops were not as simple as just building bridges.

The current engineering corps refers to a branch of the military, including engineers, construction, field water supply, etc. These professional troops form the engineering corps to implement engineering support.

The repair camp of the Zhouqiao troops is just a small side job of the Zhouqiao troops, and it is not difficult at all.No wonder Chief Yang didn't feel any pressure at all.The result of being multi-talented is that there is no job that a soldier cannot do.

To put it bluntly, even if Li Mu was given an infantry battalion, he could still safely set up a camp with a helicopter landing pad, but it would take more time due to the lack of construction machinery.

"Sir Yang, the take-off and landing points need to be expanded, at least to ensure that two large transport helicopters can take off and land at the same time. The space here is completely sufficient." Li Mu pointed to the construction site and said.

Chief Yang agreed, "No problem, as long as we can do it, you can ask for it."

Li Mu chuckled, "I would like you to stay a little longer and help me implement the permanent preparation of the camp."

"Haha, Chief Li, it's hard to say that young people are very motivated. But you don't have to be too anxious. We're just going to come here first to lay the groundwork. After the New Year, the barracks construction team will come over. They are professional." Chief Yang said.

"Is your Zhouqiao troops coming too?" Li Mu asked.

Officer Yang said with a chuckle, "That is necessary, it is necessary to send mechanical assistance."

As he said that, Chief Yang came closer and gave a thumbs up, "Brother, you are the one."

Li Mu took a look and immediately understood what Chief Yang was talking about just now, and immediately smiled.Others looked happy, but only Li Mu could understand the difficulty inside.But Li Mu knew one thing very well. If he wasn't calm enough and didn't face the difficulties, he was afraid that the 107th company would collapse before training even started.

In the leader's view, there are no soldiers who cannot lead troops well, only commanders who cannot lead troops.

Sighing slightly in his heart, Li Mu thought to himself, it would be much better if Wen Chaoyang came over. With him shaking, those officers with their noses in the sky would not dare to confront him so blatantly like today.

A lieutenant jumped out of the communication vehicle on the other side of the woods and hurried over, reporting with steaming breath, "Chief Guard, there's an emergency call!"

Li Mu frowned slightly and quickly ran to the communications vehicle with the communications staff officer.

(End of this chapter)

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