hunter commando

Chapter 659 Who gave whom to disown?

Chapter 659 Who gave whom to disown?

The temperature in the mountains is very low, and it is the coldest time of the year. The latest temperature measured by the thermometer that was just hung up is 3 degrees Celsius.

In less than 10 minutes, all the work was fully started.

Bulldozers and excavators went into action together to repair a large area of ​​flat land in the southeast corner of the camp.Others were divided into several groups. Those who repaired doors and windows, cleaned the inside and outside, and cleared weeds and trees all got busy.

Right now, it is only preliminary repairs to the camp. After the Chinese New Year, more building materials will be delivered, and the Zhouqiao Army will also send a team of people to stay here permanently to start the construction of other facilities of the permanent barracks.

Li Jiujiu divided the 32 officers into six groups, responsible for cleaning the camp and clearing away weeds.The officers began to work tremblingly.

In the woods on the edge of the camp, a van-type military truck and a camouflage Leopard with an erect antenna were hidden inside, both covered with camouflage nets.It was a vital communications center and the only means for the 107th Company to communicate with the outside world, mainly Lu Yuan.

This camp is now an actual combat base belonging to the Lu Academy. The 107th Company is the first batch of student combat troops. The 107th Company Headquarters is also the base organization. Two brands and one set of troops.

After completing the report, Li Mu got off the communication car, and after a few words to the communication staff transferred from the Luyuan office, he walked towards the row of rooms.

It is a very simple bungalow with sharp edges and corners, all made of solid reinforced concrete. There are six rooms in total, each room is equal in area, about thirty square meters per room.

The five people responsible for cleaning the row houses were all majors. They were specially assigned by Li Jiujiu. After all, they were the highest-ranking people, so they were given a relatively easy job.

Li Mu stood in front of the terraced house and observed them, chatting and laughing as they dilly-dallyed. He looked at the time and saw that not a single room had been cleared out in half an hour.Looking at the other groups, their movements were all perfunctory, they kept talking, but they were doing more and more work.

Li Jiujiu said a few words from time to time, but he did not dare to be harsh, and gently reminded everyone to move a little more neatly. Relatively speaking, his own movements were getting faster and faster, and half of the work was done to him. Do it yourself.

He personally led the major team to clean the platoon, probably because of the same consideration - which of these deputy battalion and main battalion military officers is not the absolute leader in their respective units, who can let go of the heavy work suddenly done by this small soldier? Come on.

Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to have much effect.

Li Mu's face darkened. With this attitude, there was no need for further training. No one would obey him.

"Li Jiujiu!" Li Mu shouted.


Li Jiujiu dropped the broom and ran over.

"Go and take off the epaulettes." Li Mu said.

Li Jiujiu saw the anger on Li Mu's face. It seemed that Li Mu was going to give the military chiefs authority.He cheered up, agreed, and ran over to Lu Xun and brought over his camouflage briefcase.

Standing in the open space in front of the row house, Li Mu took out a whistle from his pocket and blew it suddenly.The whistle sounds, everyone stops and stands still. No matter what you are doing, even if you are zipping up your pants, you must stop. This is discipline.
Li Mu said: "All 107th Company assemble!"

As the Zhouqiao troops continued to work, the officers of the 107th Company dropped their tools, walked over from their respective positions in a sparse manner, and lined up in front of Li Mu.

Li Mu said nothing and watched their gathering movements coldly.

It took three minutes for the team to be assembled. Li Jiujiu wanted to organize the team. Li Mu waved his hand to stop him, took two steps forward, spoke very slowly and in a very calm tone, and said, "After disbanding, return to the original position, and the whistle will sound." Come and gather later.”

Not allowing them to react, Li Mu gently gave the command: "Disband."

The officers stared at Li Mu. They were all the chief officers of the grassroots troops. As soon as Li Mu said these words, they knew what Li Mu was going to do.

However, Li Mu is the guard commander of the 107th Company and their immediate superior. Failure to do so is disobeying orders!
No matter how reluctant they were, the officers complied and slowly returned to their original positions.The process took longer, more than four minutes before the last officer returned to where he had been working.

The corners of Li Jiujiu's mouth twitched slightly - he had seen something good.

Li Mu slowly raised his whistle and blew it for the second time, "Assemble."

The officers then began to gather and lined up in front of Li Mu again.

Li Jiujiu looked at the stopwatch, it was slower than the first time, it took a full 4 minutes.He looked at Li Mu, but Li Mu was still expressionless, and no one could tell what he was thinking.

"After disbanding, return to your original position. Come and gather after the whistle blows." Li Mu still said that calmly!


At this moment, if looks could kill, Li Mu would have been shattered to pieces under the gazes of the officers.

Slower than last time, the officers walked slowly to their previous positions, and some people were whispering to each other.

"What does this kid want to do? Feeling uncomfortable?"

"Isn't it obvious what you want to do? Use the same tactics to deal with small soldiers. Haha, it's interesting."

"Brothers, let's cooperate and see how long he can endure."


If Li Mu has mastered a thousand ways to repair big-headed soldiers, then these officers have mastered a thousand and one.Anyone, whether in terms of military experience or experience in leading troops, has much more experience than Li Mu.What Li Mu is playing now is a trick that junior non-commissioned officers are bad at.Therefore, as soon as Li Mu said those words, the officers knew what he was going to do.

Li Mu knew these situations clearly.However, he had no better way. To complete the training mission, he had to establish his own prestige.With such a big difference in levels, Li Mu had no other way to command this special company than to face the difficulties with both arms!

Li Mu blew the whistle again, but this time he didn't even bother to shout the command to assemble.

The officers once again began to assemble, shuffling and smiling.It will never take more than 20 seconds for any soldier passing by the recruit company to complete such a collection.

However, the situation in the third gathering was too obvious, the procrastination was beyond description, and the deliberate confrontation was very obvious.Some deliberately picked up tools and worked for a while before coming to gather, some walked slowly in twos and threes while laughing and chatting, and some even took out cigarettes and lit them with each other.

It took more than five minutes to complete the third gathering. Li Jiujiu looked at the time on the stopwatch, his face already very ugly and angry.

Officer Yang, who was standing far away on the other side to watch the situation here, wiped his face with a wry smile and said to himself, "Brother, this test is not going to be easy."

The cold wind blew by, and the sunshine at noon was quite warm. There were no clouds to block it, and the sunshine shone down comfortably.The officers who gathered in front of Li Mu looked at Li Mu with smiles on their lips, waiting for the next step with interest.

They were convinced of Li Mu and wanted to give the little guard captain a slap in the face.

They were all waiting to see Li Mu become furious and angry. There was no doubt that that breath was being held in Li Mu's chest.

(End of this chapter)

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