hunter commando

Chapter 628 Mid-level reception

Chapter 628 Mid-level reception
The Volvo car quickly reached the luxury area halfway up the mountain, and even at night, you could immediately feel the broadened view.

Zhudao City is very expensive, especially in Central, where the dense high-rise buildings make people breathless, and the pace of life is so fast that it is dizzying.If you can slow down the pace of life after work and breathe fresh air freely, a Mid-Levels mansion is your first choice.After all, there are only a few people who can afford to live in luxury homes that cost three to fifty million yuan per unit.

Those who own mid-level villas worth hundreds of millions of Hong Kong dollars are well-known tycoons in Hong Kong.Huang Youwei is not among the richest, but he is also on the list.And because of his youth and vigor, he looks even more attractive after inheriting the family wealth, and often broadcast scandals with female stars. From another perspective, Huang Youwei's reputation is even greater than Li Ka-shing's.

On the way, Secretary An introduced the specific situation to Du Xiaofan, including the personal situation of Huang Youwei, the host of tonight's reception. Then the conversation changed and he talked about the task, "Tonight, Huang Youwei will be the middleman to arrange for us to meet with the Turkish guests."

Du Xiaofan's brows twitched involuntarily, "Guest from Turkey?"

Secretary An said calmly, "Don't forget what you learned in the School of International Relations, and don't ask what you shouldn't ask."

"Understood." Du Xiaofan felt a chill in his heart.

"Have you read the news? Turkey regretted it. The manufacturer is very passive. Our company is a middleman and specializes in solving troubles." Secretary An said slowly.

Du Xiaofan nodded, "I understand."

"I hope there will be a turn for the better." Secretary An said slightly, but her tone sounded pessimistic.

Du Xiaofan secretly thought that not long ago, a certain type of surface-to-air missile system of our country won the bid for Turkey's long-range air defense missile project, which greatly encouraged the mood of the people.Yesterday, the Turkish Parliament did not approve the procurement plan, and the export of the new domestically produced long-range air defense missile system was once again cast a shadow.

Yesterday, I had to look at the national news from a distance. I didn't expect to be involved in it tonight. Du Xiaofan felt like he was dreaming.

In fact, a lot of specific work is done by unknown people. The upper management only needs to shake hands and sign at the signing ceremony after finalizing the contract.

When Huang Youwei arrived at his mansion, the top-of-the-line SUV model among the richest cars did not lose points. Professional bodyguards immediately came over to help Du Xiaofan park the car.

Secretary An took Du Xiaofan's arm and the two walked into the villa.

Mid-Levels Mansion in Zhudao City is a high-end residential area located between the top of Victoria Peak and Central. It is a symbol of wealth.The location in the mid-levels offers a panoramic view of Victoria Harbor and is close to business districts such as Sheung Wan, Central and Admiralty.The most important thing is that it is surrounded by nature, with a large number of trees and other plants, and the air quality is very good.

The villa is surrounded by mountains and rivers. There is a large open-air swimming pool in the front yard. Surrounding the swimming pool is a complete and unique leisure area. The large green grass is even more lush under the incandescent lights.The reception was held on the first floor of the main building of the villa, a space comparable to a hotel lobby.

Huang Youwei's family often holds cocktail parties and swimsuit parties, and is very famous in Hong Kong's high-end business circles.Some people who don't have enough weight are proud to participate in the Huang family's regular card activities.

Tonight is also the regular Friday night cocktail party. If it's summer, it's usually a swimsuit party.A large number of socialites, celebrities, and models were walking back and forth in extremely sexy swimsuits of various colors. They attracted prominent figures in Hong Kong's business community, as well as high-ranking officials from Zhudao City.For businessmen, it is a very good social circle.

Entering the reception, both Du Xiaofan and Secretary An had reserved smiles on their faces.Du Xiaofan's steady eyes revealed the confidence and vitality of a young talent, while Secretary An's winking eyes showed the charm of a noble young lady.Even Du Xiaofan had to sigh that a woman like Secretary An could be a youthful and invincible college student in her twenties, or she could be dressed as a charming young woman in her thirties.

Women around the age of 30 are the most attractive. They have lost their childishness but have not yet been infected with a strong sense of twilight.

As guests were coming and going at the cocktail party, the waiter's right hand placed the tray and his left hand on his back as he shuttled among them.

The gentlemen were well-dressed and behaved like gentlemen. Holding a glass of red wine in one hand, they elegantly talked about the trend of the Hang Seng Index and the looming signs of the government's [-] trillion economic stimulus plan.The ladies competed with each other, and Gu Panzhijian smiled and talked about the snow in the Alps, the tulips in the Netherlands, and the current situation of Guan Xige.

"Miss An."

Not far away, a middle-aged man saw Secretary An, apologized to the people around him, and walked towards him.A man with a medium build and a round face, slightly pale, walked over holding a wine glass.

"Mr. Huang." Secretary An took a glass of red wine from the passing waiter's tray.

Du Xiaofan smiled and took a glass of Chivas Regal.

There is no doubt that the person coming is the owner Huang Youwei.

"You're late." Huang Youwei chuckled.

"Mr. Huang, I came all the way and didn't even eat dinner." Secretary An said, slightly coquettishly.

Du Xiaofan's heart skipped a beat, and he secretly admired her for her ability to seduce people.

"Introducing my boyfriend, Du Lei." Secretary An introduced Du Xiaofan to Huang Youwei, "our boss's son."

"Oh, Du Sheng." Huang Youwei's words sounded awkward to Du Xiaofan.

After shaking hands with Huang Youwei, Du Xiaofan said, "Mr. Huang, I have long admired your name."

"Haha, I have a well-deserved reputation as a prostitute." Huang Youwei pointed at Secretary An, "Your Secretary An is very sharp, and his business has already reached Turkey."

Du Xiaofan ignored Huang Youwei's frequent glances at Secretary An's chest and smiled slightly, "Thank you, Mr. Huang, for your help."

He was wondering how Secretary An got in touch with Huang Youwei. It seemed that he didn't know what kind of business Secretary An was discussing with the Turkish guest.Could it be that Secretary An used her own body...

Impossible, our military does not allow intelligence personnel to work in this way.

The three of them clinked glasses and took a reserved sip.

As soon as Chivas Regal entered the mouth, Du Xiaofan's first reaction was that it was real wine.

Just at this time, the dance music started playing, and the waiter came over in time. Huang Youwei put the wine glass on the tray and invited Secretary An gentlemanly: "Ms. An, please." He then nodded and smiled friendly to Du Xiaofan, which was regarded as a polite way of asking for advice.

Du Xiaofan let go of Secretary An and nodded slightly, then raised his glass to Huang Youwei, then stepped aside and watched the two of them in the center, dancing to the dance music.

While looking around, smiling and nodding from time to time, Du Xiaofan walked to the buffet and took some food to satisfy his hunger. Then he leaned to the side and slowly swayed the red wine in the glass without looking away from Huang Youwei and Huang Youwei. Secretary An.

Huang Youwei's mouth kept moving, and Secretary An showed a shy smile in cooperation from time to time.Du Xiaofan felt faintly unhappy, but when he thought about the mission, he suppressed everything.

A charming face familiar to people all over the country appeared before her eyes...

(End of this chapter)

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