hunter commando

Chapter 614 5-day leader

Chapter 614: Fifteen Days Leader

Over there, the vice president had already seen Wen Chaoyang coming with someone, so he stood up.

When the vice president stood up, Wen Chaoyang, Li Mu and Li Jiujiu happened to come to him.When the president of the National University and several main leaders at the table saw the vice president standing up, they all stood up. Of course, the main leaders of the military region's teaching team had already stood up.

"let me introduce."

The vice president smiled and began to speak, pointing to Li Mu and Li Jiujiu, "These two are outstanding students from our Lu Academy, and both of them are outstanding guardsmen in the entire army."

Li Mu couldn't help but laugh secretly in his heart. It was okay for the vice-president to talk big words.Li Jiujiu definitely deserves the title of the outstanding guard commander in the entire army, but for someone with little experience in leading troops, he may not be worthy of his title.

At the same time, Li Mu also noticed that there were two empty seats next to the deputy dean, obviously reserved for himself and Li Jiujiu.

At first glance, the president of the National University is a scholar. He is in his 50s with silver hair and eyes. He looks more like a professor, but he is also experienced in the wine industry.

The principal raised his glass and said, "On behalf of NUS, I would like to respect the two leaders. Do it first and pay respects!"

After saying that, I raised my neck and drank it, a good dose of Wuliangye.

Li Mu and Li Jiujiu quickly picked up the wine, and the waiter had already prepared everything.The small white wine cup could hold less than half a liang of wine, which was nothing to Li Mu and Li Jiujiu who drank white wine from boiling water cups.

After the principal paid his respects, the other leaders paid their respects one by one, and then the military region teaching team paid their respects. Li Mu and Li Jiujiu did not refuse anyone who came, and they sat down after rubbing their butts for a while.

Li Mu and Li Jiujiu were the youngest people present. After they arrived, the target at the wine table naturally became them, and they attracted the firepower on behalf of the vice dean.

The delicacies on the round table were the same as they were when they were served, and they were still the same now. The main thing was drinking. I drank for six or seven minutes first to get the atmosphere up, and then I ate the food to suppress the wine.Fortunately, they had eaten something to fill their stomachs before coming, so Li Mu and Li Jiujiu were quite confident.

For an hour, Li Mu and Li Jiujiu never put their hands down, so the leaders of National University gave him a thumbs up and let them go.

Li Jiujiu saw the opportunity at this time and whispered to Li Mu, "The leaders of the military region's training team seem to be in awe of our vice president. This is not normal."

The vice president was sitting on Li Mu's left side. Li Mu had already found out the status from the vice president, so he said, "The military region teaching team will soon be merged into the Lu Academy. In other words, the vice president will soon be Became their leader.”

"No wonder!" On Li Jiujiu's right was Wen Chaoyang, who had just taken the opportunity to ask some questions, "No wonder the vice-president served as the commander of the National University's military training division and brought us two over as leaders. Oh yes, you are also serving as Chief of staff. Deputy division chief of staff, Lao Li, congratulations, come on, let's go!"

Li Mu picked up the cup and touched it with Li Jiujiu, shook his head slightly and said with a smile, "The title is quite impressive, but it's a pity that this chief of staff is not the chief of staff."

Originally, the freshmen of National University were divided into two groups for military training, but it was more troublesome for the instructors to coordinate. After all, the army has its own tasks and it is impossible to accommodate your local school.Therefore, this year, all the more than 1 freshmen of National University were organized into one division, and all of them were concentrated in military training during the winter vacation.

The National University Military Training Division is divided into the First Regiment and the Second Regiment. The regiment is divided into 27 battalions according to the colleges. For example, the School of Foreign Languages ​​and Literature is the Foreign Languages ​​Battalion, and the School of Humanities is the Humanities Battalion.In terms of organization, this military training division has much more people than the reinforced infantry division during the war.The infantry divisions under the Category B Compendium Army only have 1 troops in total.

Li Mu is the chief of staff of the division and leader of the first regiment. His main position is the leader of the first regiment. Li Jiujiu is his deputy and deputy leader of the first regiment.

Of course, this kind of title, which is only valid for fifteen days, seems to most people to be just a chat after dinner.

The leaders of the second regiment are all served by the teaching team. After all, it is just a military training for college students. Each regiment has one leader and one deputy leader. The battalion is also configured in this way. The following companies only appoint guard commanders, and of course it is only verbal. appointment.

At the welcome banquet, the soldiers were the happiest.

The alcohol prohibition in Military Region C is very strict. Even for government agencies, it is difficult for them to have a drink, let alone grassroots units.Tonight is the welcome banquet of National University. The protagonists are the instructors. White wine, red wine and beer are freely available. Drink as much as you can.

Of course, the banquet will end on time, and after it is over, the instructors must also go to bed on time. The iron-clad living system, even if it is transformed into a field, cannot be changed as long as there is no night combat training mission.

The last time Li Mu slept in his memory was the night when he arrived at the target area and set up camp during the foot march. He was busy until the early morning before falling asleep.His impression of laziness was on the second day of the foot march back to the camp. Everyone was so tired that their bones were about to fall apart, and there were blisters on their feet. The captain of the guard specially approved that except for the normal duty personnel, others could Sleep until seven in the morning.

I slept half an hour longer than usual.

Li Mu clearly remembers that around 06:30 that morning, everyone woke up and lay on the bed with their eyes open.The biological clock has been set, and everyone wakes up on time even if they can sleep for half an hour longer.But even if I woke up, I couldn't get up.

Because getting up at seven o'clock is also an order.

Li Mu didn't know how much he drank. This was the most he had ever drunk, and he was walking a little unsteadily.Li Jiujiu was more serious, his eyes were already distracted.Li Mu could see that Li Jiujiu was holding on with his breath, as long as he relaxed, he would fall down immediately.

Fortunately, the banquet ended on time, and Li Mu and Li Jiujiu returned to the room side by side.

They were leaders, so they could live in single rooms, while the other instructors lived in double and triple rooms, which almost filled the entire hotel.

After sending Li Jiujiu back to his room, Li Mu returned to his room.

In the room, his camouflage backpack was already there, obviously arranged by Wen Chaoyang to pack it up. On the table were neatly placed some items and documents that would be used during the military training.

Li Mu made a cup of tea and walked to the balcony to overlook the night view of the campus. His room was facing the stadium. It was a very large stadium. It was an outcropping stadium that was bigger than a standard gymnasium. It also had a rubber track, which was better than the one in Lu Academy. How many times more advanced.It is the main venue for military training.

The cold wind blew, and Li Mu slowly woke up.

What he was thinking about was not military training, but his own path.This year of studying in Luyuan was the time when he thought the most.During the banquet, what Li Jiujiu said caused waves in his heart.

He had never thought about being the chief of staff before.The fifteen-day title he obtained during this military training aroused his ambition.

Chen Tao is right when he says that if you want to realize your ideals, you must strive to get to a higher position as soon as possible.

The division chief of staff must not be the end goal.

(End of this chapter)

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