hunter commando

Chapter 608: From the battlefield to officialdom

Chapter 608: From the battlefield to officialdom

"I've said everything I need to say."

Wen Chaoyang took a drag on his cigarette and then changed the topic back, "My suggestion is that Sun Jishan and others should deal with it, and Li Mu should also deal with it. How to deal with it specifically? What do you think?"

"Fifty points each?" Director Liang frowned, "Li Mu, just forget it. I will deal with Sun Jishan seriously later."

"That's not okay. Since you have taken action, you are at fault. Even the son-in-law of the commander of the military region is no exception." Wen Chaoyang insisted, "Don't look at me like that. Most of the time the vice president means the same thing."

"Seriously?" Director Liang didn't believe it.

"Think about it, why did the deputy dean ask me to handle this matter? Do you think he will avoid you because you didn't arrive at the scene in time?" Wen Chaoyang asked with squinted eyes.

Director Liang's mind was spinning rapidly, but he still couldn't figure it out, so he could only shake his head with a wry smile.

"In the college, apart from the dean and deputy dean, I am the only one who knows Li Mu's background." Wen Chaoyang said in a low voice.

Director Liang couldn't help but ask, "Who is that kid? From what you're saying, he's not from the Ninth Brigade?"

"Yes and no." Wen Chaoyang nodded, "Don't ask, it's a waste of effort."

"Well, Sun Jishan will be punished for serious demerits, and others will be warned and punished. What do you think?" Director Liang weighed it quickly, gritted his teeth, and said his suggestion.

Wen Chaoyang smiled. He knew that Lao Liang was determined to bleed. Who didn't know that Sun Jishan was recruited from the grassroots army and he was labeled as Lao Liang.

"It's serious. If Sun Jishan is punished for a major demerit, it won't matter whether it's a big deal or a minor matter. I think... why don't we see what Li Mu's attitude is?" Wen Chaoyang said after considering it.

Director Liang nodded cruelly, "Okay!"

When the two returned to the office, Li Mu had already drank three cups of tea.

Sitting down again, Director Liang first talked nonsense about the instructor's laxity, and then said sadly, "Comrade Sun Jishan's mind has been paralyzed to this extent. As a leader, I have an unshirkable responsibility. In order to strictly enforce discipline, I will suggest that the organization punish me and give Comrade Sun Jishan a major demerit."

Li Mu did not show the surprised look that Director Liang imagined, and remained calm. This gave him the illusion that he was a subordinate reporting his thoughts and admitting his mistakes to the leader Li Mu.

"Sir, I would like to express my opinion, is that okay?" Li Mu did not act coquettishly, but asked for instructions in a very polite manner.

Director Liang was stunned for a moment, then called out to calm down. After all, he was the director of a lieutenant colonel. Only then did he remember that what he had just said was inappropriate.

However, Li Mu obviously did not pay attention to this aspect, nor was he affected by Director Liang's attitude.

"Of course, Comrade Li Mu, please speak."

Li Mu's tone did not change much, as if he was describing an ordinary thing. He said, "I heard that Captain Sun is about to face the promotion test. If he is punished at this time, I'm afraid the test will have to be cut across the board. It's not a big deal. It’s a big deal, I’m willing to apologize to Captain Sun. Anyway, I was the one who injured him, and I’m willing to accept the punishment given to me by the organization. However, as for Captain Sun, I suggest not to deal with it.”

Stopping, Li Mu didn't notice Director Liang's shocked expression, nor did he look at Wen Chaoyang's surprised expression. He added: "It's not easy for everyone."

At this time, even the way Wen Chaoyang looked at Li Mu changed dramatically.He doesn't look like a 23-year-old young officer, but more like an old man who has experienced many things and has been eroded by the years, with a big belly.

This child is definitely not a thing in the pond. It will transform into a Kunpeng sooner or later and in the evening.

Wen Chaoyang quickly came to his senses and said secretly in his heart, he is worthy of being the son-in-law of a great leader, with the air of a general, and worthy of being the second and last captain of the Hunter Commando Team, with a correct mentality. Even if he is being challenged, he remains calm.

Many people spend their entire lives cultivating these qualities, but Li Mu already possesses them at a young age, and his future is absolutely limitless.

"Comrade Li Mu, you are so surprising and touching." Director Liang's tone was very sincere.

In his eyes, being a disciple of high-ranking cadres is closely related to being reasonable and not being aggressive. It is surprising that he is willing to take a step back. Unexpectedly, instead of taking a step back, Li Mu would rather take the punishment himself than affect a 30-year-old man. The promotion of the year-old captain.

If Sun Jishan couldn't get into the deputy battalion of the major, then what awaited him was the road of changing jobs.

What on earth is Li Mu thinking?

He thought a lot. The reason why he made such a suggestion was that he considered three points.First of all, it is basically certain that Huang Youquan is the one behind the scenes. He can calculate the time of his return to school so accurately and knows that he will usually come over after drinking at home. Except for Li Jiujiu, it is Huang Youquan.Li Jiujiu was obviously impossible, so Huang Youquan was the only one left.

Li Mu was not a good person who would not hit back or retaliate. He wanted to fight back, and he immediately thought of a way to fight back. It was a good way not to pursue Sun Jishan's lynching.Sun Jishan, who is facing the assessment, will definitely be grateful to him. In this way, no matter what the relationship between Sun Jishan and Huang Youquan is, Sun Jishan will no longer help Huang Youquan to rectify himself.

This is Li Mu's strategy to remove the target's branches first and then directly take its life gate.

The second consideration is that his father-in-law is a big shot in the military region after all. The two of them talking outside just now must have been talking about their own backgrounds.If Sun Jishan must be dealt with, people will think that he is bullying others by relying on his father-in-law's power. It doesn't matter to him, but it will definitely affect his father-in-law.

The third point is relatively simple to consider. Anyway, I already have a lot of punishments on my body, so I don’t care about carrying one more.Besides, taking retreat as a way to advance, even if he didn't have an awesome father-in-law, Li Mu still believed that the leader would not make him uncomfortable.

Unconsciously, Li Mu himself did not realize that his thinking gradually completed the transformation from the battlefield to the officialdom. In fact, the officialdom was another battlefield.

Li Mu's suggestion was of course approved by the two division chiefs. The matter came to an end easily and everyone was happy.

(End of this chapter)

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