hunter commando

Chapter 567

Chapter 567
The pickup truck with the 12.7mm heavy machine gun mounted in the back is the heavily armored mobile strike force armed by Yecheng. When wandering through the streets of the city, it at least gives a big blow to professional soldiers like the special search and rescue team who are used to seeing armies of tanks and armored vehicles. Psychological stress.

Because they have no way to deal with these flexible and numerous unarmed vehicles loaded with heavy firepower!

Some pickup trucks even have recoilless rifles or rocket launchers instead of heavy machine guns!Even those rocket launchers are 107mm multiple rockets produced in Yanguo!

Li Mu was almost stunned when he saw the mobile troops coming out of nowhere. It was definitely not without reason that the Yecheng Armed Forces were able to bring down the government troops, and the pickup trucks were able to kill the armored vehicles.

Watching Roger's taillights disappear at the corner of the street in front of him from a distance, followed by several pickup trucks who followed behind him, Li Mu looked back and took advantage of the people behind him not paying attention. He suddenly turned his head and sided to the right side. The small alley next to him, then speeded up and ran, and disappeared in a moment.

Li Mu recognized the Roger SUV through the car's taillights, and vaguely felt that it was one of his own, but he was not sure, let alone Zhao Yiyun and the others in the car.But one thing is for sure, the enemy of your enemy is your friend.

Looking at the current situation, it would be difficult for the two Roger cars to escape, although it could be seen that the driver was very familiar with the route here.

Li Mu decided to help them.

Crossing the alley and coming to another road, Li Mu looked up and saw a pickup truck coming from the direction of the city, obviously taking a shortcut to intercept Roger.

Thinking quickly, Li Mu hid half of his body in the corner, suddenly raised the muzzle of the gun, and shot a short shot at the machine gunner standing on the back compartment. Then the muzzle moved slightly, took aim and fired again. It's a two-shot short burst!

The bullets were fired very accurately into the heads of the machine gunner and driver, causing them to lose consciousness and fall down.The pickup truck swayed left and right as if it had been drugged, and drove past Li Mu using its inertia. Li Mu suddenly put away his automatic rifle, opened his stance, and ran after the pickup truck. Soon, he and the pickup truck remained relatively stationary. state, he immediately grabbed the car door, saw the right moment, pulled the dead body out, and jumped into the driver's seat.

At this time, the co-pilot was still holding the steering wheel in panic to prevent the pickup truck from losing control.

Li Mu smiled with his white teeth exposed, raised his automatic rifle and pulled the trigger, directly beating the co-pilot soldier to pieces.

He didn't care about the corpse on the passenger seat, nor did he care that the blood from the corpse soon soaked the seat.Li Mu took over the control of the pickup truck, stepped on the accelerator and ran towards the main road leading to Hudaydah Port in the west of the city.

Roger in front turned slightly and used the left side of the front of the car to slam open a pickup truck blocking the front. Zhao Yiyun picked off a grenade and threw it away, just as a pickup truck caught up. The grenade rolled under the chassis of the pickup truck and exploded. The relatively large shock wave shook the pickup truck upwards. The driver suddenly lost control of the direction and hit the pickup truck as a roadblock. The collision scene was very Tragic.

The pickup truck behind was like a murderer. Several trucks were hit by others, but they didn't even hurt the other truck. They continued to chase like crazy. The heavy machine guns in the back opened fire one after another, hitting two people. The building walls on the side are peeling off and dust is flying!A soldier who was quite leisurely heard the sound and curiously stuck his head out of the window upstairs to look. He was hit by several rounds of 12.7mm bullets and exploded like a watermelon dropped to the ground!
On Roger from behind, Lin Yu and Geng Shuai kept firing at the back, but the unrhythmic shaking and the pursuers who had already raised their defenses greatly reduced their shooting. Shooting could only delay the pursuit but could not scare them for the time being. Chasing troops!
"Crossing the street in front is the highway!" Lao Liu shouted loudly.

But Roger was already driving at the fastest speed. Even if he wanted to go faster, there was no way to go faster!

Zhao Yiyun held the August [-] tactical assault rifle tightly in his hand and stared ahead intently. Suddenly, he shouted: "Be careful!"

Lao Liu suddenly turned the steering wheel to the right like a launch!
A bazooka rocket rushed straight from the front with a long tail flame!

Roger's reaction from behind was not slow either. When Old Liu dodged to the right, the agent driving the car swung to the left!
The rocket dragged a long tail of flames and whizzed past Roger's car body behind it. It plunged into the pickup truck that was catching up behind it. The Chaohai pickup truck produced by Yanguo Chaohai Automobile Factory was immediately blown away. It climbed into the sky, slid forward under the influence of inertia, and finally turned into a pile of burning wreckage across the street, with the pickup truck behind being temporarily blocked!

However, the situation is not developing in a direction favorable to the special search and rescue team.

Ahead was the only exit out of the city. However, at this time, four or five pickup trucks were parked there, with heavy machine guns, recoilless rifles, and rocket launchers, all blocking their way forward.

It's less than 300 meters ahead.

If you rush, you may not be able to rush over. Even if you can rush over, I'm afraid the special search and rescue team will suffer heavy casualties.

There are two options, actually one option, go left or right at the intersection 50 meters ahead, but that requires a detour to get out of the city.

In other words, there is no other choice.

"Let's go left!"

Old Liu yelled and turned sharply to the left. Roger drew an S shape almost out of control.Zhao Yiyun and Shi Lei opened the window, and the August [-]st tactical assault rifles in their hands opened fire violently when Roger's right side faced the west side!
The Yecheng armed soldiers at the front who were using vehicles as cover were knocked off their feet by the precise fire, but the 7.62mm bullets had absolutely no effect on those vehicles.

When the second Roger followed suit and made a sudden [-]-degree turn to the left, the pursuers behind also knocked away the wreckage blocking the road and pursued them again.

What Lao Liu and the others didn't know was that as they were walking south, troops were gathering in the south to block their way.

As Li Mu expected, it was very difficult for the two Rogers to escape from the city.

At this time, Li Mu drove a pickup truck from the north and followed the pursuers as they pursued Roger again. At the same time, Li Mu also saw the exit that was strictly blocked.

Secretly, Li Mu had to think of another solution quickly!
(End of this chapter)

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