hunter commando

Chapter 563

Chapter 563
Whether it works or not, it depends on this.

What Hares said was right. Li Mu couldn't push the thick stone away, not even if he was added to it.

Watching Li Muan put up the improvised explosive device that took him half an hour to make, Hares had mixed emotions. He hoped that this thing could explode the stone slab, but he also felt that this thing was very unreliable!

Li Mu stood up and breathed a sigh of relief, "Okay, let's do it right here. Move back."

Hares dragged his stumped leg to hide in a hurry. Li Mu ignited the clothing fibers used as a lead wire, then quickly left the door and hid in a corner where the explosion could not reach.

There was no explosion soon, and Harris's heart was raised. He had been waiting for the explosion to sound and then he could relax, but he never heard the sound. It was an uncomfortable feeling that the second shoe had not dropped.

Li Mu, however, had a calm expression and waited quietly. He was confident in his craftsmanship and knew what was happening.


There was a loud bang and the explosion reverberated in the basement, making the sound even louder!

Li Mu saw a burst of dust suddenly rising from the door, accompanied by the sound of gravel falling, and then, with a "boom", it seemed that something heavy fell to the ground!

A dim yellow light projected in from outside.

Suddenly, the corners of Li Mu's mouth raised slightly, he succeeded.

The improvised explosive device created successfully blew down the stone slab. It did not explode, but the shock wave generated was confined in a small space. It went out from the only exit and knocked down the stone slab. That slab was the ceiling and steel bars. It's a concrete structure, and I don't know how many kilograms it weighs.

Li Mu looked at Hares. At this moment, Hares also realized something. Looking over, panic slowly appeared in his eyes.

Without saying anything else, Li Mu ran out.There was no need for him to kill Hares. His purpose was to save people, not to assassinate senior officers of the Yecheng armed forces.

Li Mu's voice disappeared at the door for a long time, and Hares slowly collapsed on the floor. At this time, he was convinced that he was indeed lucky to survive.

Standing on the ruins, Li Mu greedily took a few breaths of fresh air with a faint smell of gunpowder smoke, knowing that he had once again escaped death.However, the real danger has not passed yet - we have to leave here and return to our own people.

Should we go back to a safe place or the embassy?
Li Mu took out the maritime satellite phone, but found that the battery was exhausted.

With a slight sigh, Li Mu walked in the direction of the embassy based on his memory. The safe spot obviously no longer existed.

The night is getting darker and darker, and the time has reached nine o'clock.

Special search and rescue teams searched on foot from the Manhattan hotel south to the neighborhood where the embassy is located.

Old Liu stopped, took out two sips of water, and looked around.The fires in many burning places in the city have been reduced, and the fires in some places have been extinguished. Salmen City has gradually entered complete darkness, but with the faint moonlight, the outlines of things can be vaguely distinguished.

"The embassy is in front of us." Old Liu said in a deep voice, "Let's go there to see the situation, but we can't show up."

Everyone didn't say anything. They searched all the way and grabbed several tongues. After questioning, the answer they got was either that they didn't know, or that Harris was dead and was blown to death in the Manhattan Hotel.But what about Li Mu?No one knew. In fact, unless they happened to catch the soldiers who were present at the time, Lao Liu and the others would not be able to ask for specific information.

If Harris was killed in a Manhattan hotel, was Li Mu also killed?

Not to mention Lao Liu, Zhao Yiyun and the others firmly didn't believe it.Before the bombing, with Li Mu's ability, he could have found a shelter. It was impossible for him to be killed in a building.Old Liu also thought so, thinking that the location where Li Mu was at that time was the lobby of the hotel, more than ten steps away from the door.Even if he escaped when the missile hit the Manhattan Hotel, Li Mu still had time to run to a safe place. Old Liu had seen his speed before.

Therefore, Lao Liu judged that Li Mu was most likely to take advantage of the chaos and escape.Then he has only two choices after escaping, either return to Shuiting Port or return to the embassy.Li Mu knew that the safety point had been removed.

Therefore, at this time, they approached the embassy slowly with all hope, hoping to see some clues there, that Li Mu had returned to the embassy.

Just because this search and rescue mission is secret, they cannot appear in front of embassy personnel, otherwise the operation cannot be explained.

Approaching the street corner next to the main entrance of the embassy in a concealed manner, they spread out their battle lines, hiding themselves in the shadows and looking towards the embassy.

At this time, the embassy was brightly lit, and the backup power generation system was working. There were several cars parked in front of the door, and staff were constantly loading some expensive equipment into the cars. There was a fire in the yard, as if it was burning. What important documents.It looked busy but not chaotic.

"What are they doing?" Shi Lei asked via the radio.

Zhao Yiyun's heart suddenly sank, "Obviously they are evacuating. Have you seen Lao Li?"

No one answered.

Old Liu looked at the time and said in a deep voice, "The order to temporarily close the embassy has been issued. All personnel in the embassy and consulates must evacuate. This group of people is the last group."

"I didn't see the squad leader, Mr. Liu, why don't you go over and ask." Shi Lei said anxiously.

Lao Liu shook his head slowly, "In the embassy's work plan, there is not even a single person from the Yan Kingdom left in Salmen City. If we show up, with our current mercenary outfit, I can guarantee that it won't take until dawn. He will be sent back to his country to be dealt with under military law."

Even if Shi Lei didn't want to understand, he had to understand it, which would lead to passivity in diplomacy.The appearance of heavily armed Yanguo people in the capital of another country was enough to turn the world upside down for some Western media.

"Everyone pay attention to observe and see Emperor Li Mu report." Lao Liu said, the only way to do this is to use, "Once we confirm that Li Mu is inside, we will immediately withdraw, this action has never happened!"

In desperation, everyone could only concentrate on observation.

The embassy staff moved quickly. After the last person checked all the rooms and facilities, he locked the door and people got on the car one after another. Under the protection of the guards, several cars carrying the last batch of evacuees from the embassy arrived. Drive outside the city.


No one spoke, but everyone knew that Li Mu was not among those people.

"We still have eight hours. Excluding the distance, there are only four hours at most."

Lao Liu said slowly, "Keep looking!"

Without another word, the special search and rescue team disappeared into the darkness again...

Note: Go all out, the total number of monthly votes will reach 150 and more votes will be added!One chapter will be added for every 50 additional chapters!The rifle is fighting, brothers, should you push it forward and give it a damn jerk! ?
 Go all out, the total number of monthly votes reaches 150 and more votes will be added!One chapter will be added for every 50 additional chapters!The rifle is fighting, do you guys push it forward and give it a fucking slam! ?
(End of this chapter)

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