hunter commando

Chapter 533 Gunshots

Chapter 533 Gunshots
"My intuition tells me that you and I are the same kind of people." Hai Lanqing exhaled a puff of smoke, knocked the ashes, and said.

There seems to be telepathy, and Li Mu also feels this way, but it is not the telepathy between men and women, but the telepathy of personality, belief and ideals of struggle.

Li Mu thought of Chen Tao, and what Chen Tao said echoed clearly in his ears, "Li Mu, you are a born soldier. You have simple ideals and beliefs."

Maybe Hai Lanqing once received such evaluation from Chen Tao - didn't she once work under Chen Tao?

"Officer Hai." Li Mu said in a deep voice, pouring her a cup of tea, "Do you know what others think of us?"

"Let's listen." Hai Lanqing took a sip of tea.

Li Mu changed his posture, collected his thoughts, and said slowly, "I have not been in the military for a long time, and this is my third year. Perhaps because of this, I have always maintained my original intention of joining the army. When I was a recruit, the instructor Asked about the original intention of joining the army. Some were to train themselves, some were for a certain future, some liked soldiers, and some were because of family requirements. When it was my turn to answer, I said seriously that I would make my own contribution to the cause of national defense. .”

After a pause, Li Mu asked, "Do you know what happened at that time?"

"Laughing loudly?"

Li Mu shrugged and said helplessly, "It's not that big of a deal. After all, there is discipline. They are all suppressing their laughter. This is true."

Maybe it was a funny thing, but neither of them could laugh.

Once upon a time, the ideals and beliefs that I wanted to practice and prove with blood from the gun body turned into a joke that would cause laughter?
Li Mu couldn't figure it out, and Hai Lanqing definitely couldn't figure it out either, or even a person of Chen Tao's level couldn't understand the deep-seated reasons.Frozen three feet is not a one-day cold, but, as long as it has not reached the stage of accumulation, there is still hope for everything.

"My director..." Li Mu calmed down, "My director once said that if we don't carry out rectification and reform, our party will be completely in the hands of a small group of people."

Hai Lanqing looked at Li Mu in surprise. It took a long time to accept this sentence and exhaled, "Yes, I am not alarmist. In fact, the situation in the headquarters agency, I personally feel, is more serious than that at the grassroots level."

"Fortunately, changes are probably not far away." Li Mu showed a smile.

Hai Lanqing smiled knowingly and didn't mention anyone by name, but she knew it well.

Looking at the time, Li Mu said, "It's getting late, you should rest early. I just watched the news, and the Tebo Kingdom issued another statement. If the Houthi armed forces are stimulated, they may be the only ones who can invade Salmon. It’s a matter of God.”

"Well, I have to be busy for a while. Old Liu and the others are working overtime outside to make contact. I can't hold back here. Once a war breaks out, communication will definitely be seriously affected. I have to establish basic communication channels as soon as possible." Hai Lan Qing stood up and said, "You should go to bed early."

After saying that, she picked up the water glass and returned to the room.

Li Mu watched Hai Lanqing enter the room and looked at her back.He knew that Hai Lanqing was a lonely person, lonely inside, because maybe there was no one around her who had the same ideals and beliefs as her.She is also a person who is not lonely because she is full of hope for the future and has a pure and rich heart.

One day in the future, there will be more and more people like this, and the army will become stronger and stronger. Li Mu has never doubted this, although there may be constant confusion and setbacks in the process.


Suddenly, a gunshot rang out!
Li Mu jumped up almost at lightning speed, and at the same time grabbed the Rolock pistol on the table. The person had already appeared at the window. He slowly opened a crack and looked down at the street below.

Du Xiaofan rushed out immediately, and Hai Lanqing, who had just entered the room, also ran out.

Li Mu raised his hand and made a stop sign, and whispered, "The gunfire came from the street."

Du Xiaofan quickly came to the other side of the window and looked out from there.

On the street below, the sound of gunfire caused a few pedestrians to disappear immediately. Li Mu saw two people running towards the port. A person was lying on the road, his life or death unknown.

Secretly relieved, Li Mu said, "It's not aimed at us."

Li Mu walked up to Hai Lanqing and said in a deep voice, "Director Hai, please sleep peacefully. If there is any danger, we will notify you as soon as possible."

Hai Lanqing nodded and returned to the room.

At this time, Du Xiaofan, who was only wearing underwear, walked over, the Rolock pistol in his hand hanging to the ground.

"It was like shootings were fired during a gang fight," Du Xiaofan said.

Li Mu frowned slightly, and said, "Don't go to sleep, get dressed and come out and sit down. The police will definitely come over in a while. If you search house by house, it will be a bit troublesome."

Du Xiaofan nodded and glanced at Hai Lanqing's bedroom, "Do I need to tell her to get ready?"

Shaking his head, Li Mu said, "No need for the time being, her work is also very tight."

At this time, none of them knew that at this moment, the Houthi armed forces had already invaded Samen, the capital of Yemen. Maybe at dawn, the Tebo Kingdom would launch a military attack and a war would break out.

Du Xiaofan got dressed, took out a spare magazine and two boxes, and sat on the single sofa.Neither of them dared to be careless, after all, they heard gunshots for the first time since arriving here.They haven't had time to know how the security situation is in Shuiting Port, but there are gunshots at this sensitive time, and they must pay attention to it no matter what.

Apart from anything else, if the police come to check and find that they are carrying guns, this alone is enough to bear.

Du Xiaofan took out the bullets, wiped them carefully, and then put them into the spare magazine one by one.

Looking at his steady hands and methodical movements, Li Mu couldn't help but smile and asked, "Why, nervous?"

Looking up at Li Mu, Du Xiaofan asked, "Aren't you nervous?"

"If being nervous can solve the problem." Li Mu shrugged.

Du Xiaofan had already loaded one magazine and started to load the second one. He said, "It would be untrue to say that I am not nervous. This mission is different from any other one before. I am isolated and helpless, relying only on you and me." The two pistols inside are still not very powerful Rolock 17."

"If you are used to using long guns, short guns will not bring you any sense of security." Li Mu nodded.

"Mainly because they are unfamiliar with the place." Du Xiaofan said, "When I was in Jiaozhou, I still knew that there were our people not far away. Even if there was a problem, there was still a possibility of reinforcements coming. Here we can It’s different, there is no one else but us.”

After thinking about it, Li Mu said, "Old Du, the problem is that you haven't completely changed your identity yet. Don't think of yourself as a soldier now. Our mission is not to attack, but to guard. Keep a low profile as much as possible, everything. The purpose is to protect the safety of the target."

"Maybe, but with you here, I'm not too worried." Du Xiaofan smiled.

Li Mu spread his hands, looked at the time, and said, "Maybe I overestimated the Yicheng police a little."

The two smiled similarly, but it was difficult to sleep well tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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