hunter commando

Chapter 516

Chapter 516

Two Land Rover Defenders were speeding along the road from the direction of the town, their beams of light particularly conspicuous in the dark night.

Li Mu clearly saw that there were three Land Rover Defenders in total, and another Land Rover Defender went in the opposite direction.This shows that the other party does not know their position and can only roughly judge that it is in the northeast and southwest directions. Judging from the way they can't wait to drive at a speed of 180 kilometers per hour, they are obviously very anxious.

Unfortunately, two Land Rover Defenders were heading northeast.

Li Mu could only hope that they didn't find any clues and kept chasing along the road.

When the two Land Rover Defenders stopped on the road less than 200 meters away from where Li Mu and Zhao Yiyun were ambushing, Li Mu knew he had met his opponent.The other party must have searched the building where Lao Liu and Diamond stayed, and thus judged the time of departure. No trace of vehicles was found, so it was naturally deduced that our side must have been marching on foot. In this way, the range can be easily deduced.

When Li Mu and Zhao Yiyun saw the heavily armed combatants coming out of the car, they immediately looked at each other and the corners of their mouths twitched.

"It's either Blackwater or SEAL Team [-]. When we sneaked into the town, we didn't see these Land Rover Defenders." Li Mu said firmly.

Zhao Yiyun suppressed his voice, slowly raised the muzzle of his gun, and aimed it at the target, "Now we really meet our opponents. Look at their movements, they are very sophisticated."

Li Mu frowned and thought. Over there, seven armed men wearing civilian clothes but fully armed had opened the search line and entered the woods with very skillful movements to start the search.

"Old Zhao, we have to lure them away." Li Mu whispered when he saw that the other party's search direction was towards Langtou and the others.

Yang Zhiyuan and the others obviously did not have time to clean up the traces, and the traces left behind would soon reveal their whereabouts.

"Just do what you say." Zhao Yiyun said simply and neatly without any nonsense.

Rolling his eyes, Li Mu said, "Do you think they will leave anyone behind to watch the car?"

Zhao Yiyun's brows twitched, he was stunned for a moment, then he grinned and said, "I think I can give it a try."

Putting away his smile, Li Mu jumped out from behind the grass, quickly crossed the road, and reached the other side of the road without attracting any attention.If there was a guard on the vehicle, he would definitely be able to see Li Mu crossing the highway.Li Mu made a gesture, and Zhao Yiyun also crossed the road immediately, and the two joined together, hunched one after another, and moved quickly along the side of the road to where the Land Rover Defender was parked.

There was no one left to guard the two cars. It was a great opportunity. Li Mu and Zhao Yiyun jumped into the car without hesitation. Li Mu sat in the driver's seat and started the car suddenly!

The sound of the diesel engine running could not be more obvious in this silent night!Stepping on the clutch and shifting into gear, the Land Rover Defender jumped out as if someone had kicked it from behind!
The white armed men who were advancing in a chasing column in the woods by the road were startled suddenly. The leader's beard didn't hesitate, and he waved his hand and led the people to turn around and rush to the position of the vehicle!Two other people ran diagonally towards the road, trying to get in front and snipe!

They didn't expect that the other party would be so bold as to ambush instead of leaving as quickly as possible.Obviously, they would not believe that the other party would be divided into two parts. You must know that the remaining part of the people will definitely not be able to leave here!
"Robert! They are heading northeast! Stop him!" Commander Beard gave an order through the radio to the people taking the shortcut.

"James! People are over here! They stole a car! GPS location!" Commander Beard contacted another group of people and passed the situation.

"Received! Okay, the positioning device on the vehicle has been remotely activated!" James suddenly became energetic and replied.

Not long after, Commander Beard led the others into the second Land Rover Defender and gave chase.

"They are catching up. Do you have any plan?" Zhao Yiyun turned to look. Less than a kilometer away, the enemy was catching up.


Li Mu uttered a word, and as soon as he finished speaking, suddenly there was a flicker of fire in the woods on the right side in front of him. Li Mu subconsciously pointed in the direction. It was a gun shooting!Sure enough, in almost a second, bullets hit the car, and several bullet holes appeared on the front windshield. At the same time, gunshots were also heard!

Shocked in a cold sweat!
"One o'clock position!" Li Mu shouted.

Zhao Yiyun picked up a submachine gun used for close combat. Who knows where the navy got this thing? He aimed at the bright spot and fired a dense sweep!

Li Mu freed up one hand, picked up the butt of the Bayi Tactical Modified Gun and smashed it at the cracked front windshield. The tempered glass was completely shattered. Li Mu held the steering wheel with his left hand and held the gun with his right hand, and headed towards the target together with Zhao Yiyun. shooting!

Robert and Robert were suddenly no longer covered by the dense rain of bullets. They did not expect that their opponents could actually shoot such accurate shots from the car!The gunshots around him stopped, and Robert turned around to look. His colleague had been shot several times in the face and was dead beyond recognition.

He was about to avoid the opponent's sharp edge, when a bullet passed through his left shoulder, he immediately lost half of his strength and fell to the ground.

The Land Rover Defender kept speeding past the position where Robert and the others were ambushing, raising clouds of dust, although it was hard to see clearly at night.

"Hey, the car behind is still chasing after me." Zhao Yiyun said in a relaxed tone, while putting on a new magazine, and did not forget to check the time, "I have to say, if there is no way to fix them within 10 minutes , we're going to miss the time to take the helicopter. I said, you don't intend to stay here to be a straw king, do you?"

Li Mu smiled and said, "There's not much oil and water here."

After secretly calculating the distance, Li Mu put away his smile and said, "Langtou and the others should be safe. Have you seen the end of the woods ahead? There is a large open space ahead. We have to deal with them in this woods, and then rush to Pick-up point.”

"Nice plan."

Li Mu immediately braked and stopped. Zhao Yiyun jumped out of the car and brought all the equipment.Before Li Mu got out of the car, he spent a few seconds setting up booby traps with two grenades on the car.

Commander Huzi and his men chased them here. Before the car lights shone on Li Mu and Zhao Yiyun, they had already disappeared into the woods.Fortunately, due to the soil, a large forest has grown on this coast, and it has become even more disorganized under the tossing of the sea breeze over the years.

Knowing that one of his troops was killed and another injured, Commander Hu knew that he had met a master. While calling another group of personnel for quick reinforcements, he led his men into the woods to pursue Li Mu and the others along the traces left by them.The booby traps Li Mu placed on the car did not work.

The other party is not that easy to deal with.

(End of this chapter)

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