hunter commando

Chapter 508 Officially set sail

Chapter 508 Officially set sail
A grand farewell ceremony was being held on the pier. The Navy Commander personally attended the ceremony and delivered a speech, which is extremely rare.The ceremony process was filmed and reported by the official media, which means that this matter is not just a major military operation.

In an officer's cabin on the ship building, a canopy bed was added to the original officer's bunk in a small space. Of course, the canopy bed will not be an ordinary canopy bed, but a much narrower canopy bed. Two officers can share a room. The cabin becomes a room for four people.

Of course, Li Mu and Lin Yu were the only two people in the officer cabin.Li Mu was also a captain and deputy captain after all, and Lin Yu was able to enjoy such treatment simply because he was so big.

At this moment, everyone is crowded in Li Mu's cabin looking out through the cabin window to see the farewell ceremony at the dock. They are on the 05C destroyer. Of course, they can also be transferred to other ships at any time through ship-based helicopters.

"Tsk, tsk, the big boss of the navy is here." Shi Lei said with a slap in his face. The appearance and characteristics of the navy commander were so obvious that even ordinary people would remember him.

Zhao Yiyun glanced at Shi Lei and said, "It's a grand event for the navy. When we are proud and proud, it would be weird if the big boss didn't attend."

"Why aren't you letting me participate in the ceremony?" Lin Yu said with some confusion.

Du Xiaofan moved his body and gave up his position. Geng Shuai went over and looked out through the cabin window.Du Xiaofan said, "In what capacity do you participate? Did you see that group of Marines standing with them for reporters to take pictures?"

At this moment, Lin Yu suddenly remembered that the faces of these people on his side were kept secret and must not appear in public.

Li Mu sat on the bed. The living conditions on warships in the new era were much better. At least he could straighten his back when sitting on the bed. In the past, the bunks on old warships were like piled coffins.

He took out a cigarette and lit one. Hearing the sound of a lighter, Shi Lei, a heavy smoker, couldn't help it. He stepped out from the cabin window and asked Li Mu for a cigarette.It is clearly stipulated that smoking is not allowed on the ship, and Li Mu obviously seems to have this privilege.

This time I smoked, I had to smoke.

Li Mu had no choice but to say, "Two by two, the people below thought the ship building was on fire."

Others had to endure it for the time being, puffing hard on second-hand smoke.

The leader delivered a powerful speech at the dock ceremony.

Li Mu took a drag on his cigarette and glanced around at the brothers who were all wearing marine camouflage uniforms and holding officer ranks. He then exhaled the smoke and picked up the camouflage briefcase that was placed aside. He opened it and poured out the contents with a splash. come out.

So everyone's eyes are straight.

They were all bundles of hundred-yuan bills, each containing 1 yuan. According to visual inspection, there were more than 10,000 yuan.

"This is……"

Facing everyone's surprised and puzzled looks, Li Mu said, "The salary allowance, food subsidy, etc. for the next three months are all here, down to every dollar."

Everyone suddenly understood.

In the army, you are paid first and then work. That is to say, you are paid this month's money every month, and some will be paid the next month's money at the end of the month.

Li Mu and the others are only temporarily transferred here, so the personnel relations and so on have not changed, so the money is still paid by the original unit and based on the original standards. Lieutenant Li Mu's deputy company's salary, the rest is the salary of the second lieutenant's platoon.

They will be out in the next three months, so they will send all the money for the three months in cash, and then add various other forms of subsidies according to the standards of remote areas. Anyway, they can add them. After all added up, there are also a lot of job allowances. All in all, the total for six people is about 20 in three months.

Of course, the Navy will not give them a penny because they are not within the Navy's establishment.If it is not included in the establishment, there is no budget. Is it possible for Jerry Yang to pay out of his own pocket?
Pulling out the salary list from the pile of money, Li Mu pointed at it and said, "You can take as much as you should according to the number on the list."

After saying that, he leaned back comfortably on the bulkhead and smoked his cigarette, but found that no one moved and everyone was looking at him.

"What are you looking at me for?" Li Mu exhaled smoke and glanced at everyone.

They all found a place to sit, and the big guy Lin Yu sat directly on the floor without saying anything.

Zhao Yiyun shrugged and said, "What are you going to do with the money now? Where to spend it? Is there a shop on the ship?"

"If there is, I will treat everyone to eat for three months." Du Xiaofan smiled slightly, looking at Li Mu proudly, as if to say that it was not the right time for Li Mu to send money, and what is the use of the money when he was trapped on a ship, "You thought it was a cruise ship? .”

Shi Lei spread his hands and said, "Squad leader, you should have taken it out a long time ago. At least you can spend some in Nangang, such as chatting with some girls to discuss life."

"I would rather send it home." Geng Shuai said, "Well, part of it will be used to pay off the debt."

Lin Yu said, "I think so too."

Zhao Yiyun pointed at Li Mu and said, "Old Li, so, we will not collect the money at this time. You are responsible for keeping it yourself. If you lose a dollar, I will take it from you."

Li Mu also understood what they meant. Indeed, paying wages at this moment really has no specific meaning. Shrugging his shoulders, Li Mu said, "I also received the money before I boarded the ship. But..."

As he spoke, he remembered something, his eyes fell on Du Xiaofan's face, and asked, "Old Du, do you really mean what you just said?"


"If there is a small shop on the ship, you can treat everyone to food for three months." Li Mu reminded him.

Du Xiaofan froze for a moment, he saw the conspiracy in Li Mu's eyes, but he never believed that there were small shops on the warship, so he said, "Of course it is true, how could there be small shops on the warship."

Everyone shook their heads, no one believed it.

But seeing how Li Mu was confident of winning, even Du Xiaofan hesitated, and his words were just a splash.

"Okay, then it's settled." Li Mu said with a smile, pointing to the others, "You all heard it, Lao Du wants to treat everyone to a small restaurant for three months, let me see, his salary is enough Throw it on board."

Shi Lei asked in disbelief, "Squad leader, is there really a shop on the ship?"

Li Mu smiled enigmatically, glanced at everyone, and finally his eyes fell on Du Xiaofan's face, and said, "Is there any? I'll find out if I go out and take a look later."

Suddenly, Du Xiaofan felt that his salary might really be on the line.

At the end of the ceremony, amid the sound of military music, the escort formation set sail. The sailors lined up neatly on the deck and saluted the leaders and representatives of the masses who came to see them. They used their tall and tall posture to prove to everyone that they would successfully complete the escort mission!
(End of this chapter)

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