hunter commando

Chapter 493

Chapter 493

Walking up to Li Mu, Zhang Huimin looked at him.

"I heard you're getting married."

Li Mu played with the Swiss Army Knife in his hand, then put it in his pocket, "It's already done. All that's missing is a wedding, which will be held tomorrow."

"Registered?" Zhang Huimin's heart ached.

"Yes." Li Muping nodded calmly.

Relatively speechless.

Thinking of the last time he went home for a funeral and met Zhang Huimin, Li Mu suddenly realized that seeing the woman who had made him live and die again, at this moment, in his eyes, could not cause even a single wave in his heart.

The past has become history. Whether it is good or bad or not, it is an integral part of life. What we need to learn is how to face it correctly.If there was a trace of affection for Zhang Huimin last time, then at this moment, or I don't know when it started, that full stop has been quietly written in Xiang's heart.

"Are you free? I invite you to my wedding banquet. Well, according to custom, we will hold a banquet in the countryside." Li Mu said with a smile.

Zhang Huimin stared at Li Mu with complicated eyes. She said slowly, "I... Li Mu, I'm a little sad. I don't know. I really don't know what happened to me. You know, I stayed near your house for three days. Today I finally saw you going out alone, so I followed."

Li Mu was secretly surprised that such an ordinary woman had stayed near his home for three days without anyone, including himself, noticing anything. Li Mu felt worried and frightened because his vigilance had dropped.If you are on the battlefield, if you are an enemy, then you will undoubtedly be in danger.

He actually found that his first thought was that his vigilance had dropped, rather than being moved by Zhang Huimin's resolute waiting for three days.

"Why bother." Li Mu shook his head slightly and said.

Zhang Huimin smiled self-deprecatingly and said, "Yeah, why bother. We loved each other so much, and the memories of our time together are everywhere. Li Mu, is it true that if a person does something wrong, he will never be able to get it back? ? I abandoned you, I was wrong, I was obsessed with money and blinded my eyes. But, can you understand, you should be able to understand, who can never do the wrong thing forever. "

"Huimin." Li Mu interrupted her softly, "Huimin, I really don't need to say it. I understand, I really understand. But it doesn't make sense anymore. It’s possible. Last time I came back, I should have made it very clear. Between the two of us, money is not an issue, and neither is anything else. It’s because we can’t be a husband and wife at all, do you understand what I mean?”

At this time, Li Mu's cell phone rang.

I took it out and connected it. It was Feng Yuye's phone number.

"I'll take a call." Li Mu smiled apologetically, "Comrade Yuye."

On the other end, Feng Yuye was in the hotel, accompanying her mother, Dean Mei, and several relatives and friends in the business suite. Of course, there were also Dean Mei's best friends. Several of her friends were waiting for her to come and chat in another business suite.

No, it seemed like it had been a long time before Li Mu arrived, so Feng Yuye called to inquire because he was afraid something would happen.

"Comrade Xiao Li, what's your situation? You're 15 minutes later than expected. Is there anything wrong?" Feng Yuye asked worriedly and dissatisfied.

Li Mu said, "Nothing happened. I met a friend on the road to talk to. Come over later and explain the situation to Chief Mei."

"Okay, but you have to hurry up. I can't greet you here alone. My friend is waiting for me to come over. My relatives and a few aunts in the compound also want to greet you. They want to chat with you. To chat.”

"Yes, I know. I will arrive as soon as possible, within half an hour at most." Li Mu said with assurance.

"Well, drive carefully." Feng Yuye said.

Li Mu smiled and said, "Yes, sir."

After hanging up the phone, Li Mu smiled apologetically, "My wife, there is a wedding tomorrow. My wife's relatives and friends are all here. I have to go over and meet and talk to them."

Zhang Huimin heard the sound of her heart breaking, and the fractures were shattered piece by piece, "Li Mu, do you really not love me at all?"

Seeing tears overflowing from Zhang Huimin's eyes, Li Mu was not as panicked as before. He became more and more sure that this woman had completely disappeared from his life, and when he saw her again, he would be just a friend.

"Huimin, let go, don't be immersed in the past. People have to move forward and look forward. You can't change the past, but you can change the future." Li Mu said slowly, "Go back, if you like, I will Let someone pick you up and attend my wedding.”

Zhang Huimin cried and laughed, shaking her head slowly, "No need, I don't think I can participate."

Li Mu nodded slightly, and said in a deep voice, "People can't live for themselves. There are many people around us that we cherish, family members, good friends, and many people who care about you. Adjust well, and you will find happiness. I'm sorry, I it's time to go."

After saying that, Li Mu turned around and got into the car.

The reason why he said the last words was because he was worried that Zhang Huimin would be too emotional to think clearly, but he didn't care too much. Her life was in his own hands. Li Mu, who took a dim view of life and death, was obviously not entangled. on this issue.

Zhang Huimin stood there, watching the Land Cruiser turn around and drive away. It quickly drove off the road and disappeared after turning a corner.

For a moment just now, Zhang Huimin wanted to catch up and shout "I love you" to Li Mu countless times, but even she felt that it was such a powerless move.Back then, I resolutely abandoned Li Mu and chose the rich second generation, but today I came back shamelessly and said to Li Mu that I still love you, which made me feel quite cheap.

It wasn't these that made her completely despair, but Li Mu's calm demeanor and the way he was polite to her, which meant that she had really become a dispensable person in Li Mu's heart, and Li Mu would not do it because of him. And Xingxin will not be angry because of himself.

The greatest sadness is this.

Indeed, she did have thoughts of committing suicide just now, but Li Mu's words woke her up and made her think that if she didn't cherish her own life and looked down upon it, how could she expect others to cherish it?

Zhang Huimin felt that her life was in a mess. The whole world thought that she was about to marry into a rich family and become a rich wife. She once thought that it was a good life. Only when it came to the end did she realize that everything was different from what she had imagined. Two looks.

This city is full of memories of me and him, and I think I have to leave.

Taking a deep breath, Zhang Huimin wiped away her tears and made a decision at this moment. She didn't care what others said. She got in the car and started the car and drove towards the entrance of the highway...

(End of this chapter)

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