hunter commando

Chapter 464 Battle for the Highlands

Chapter 464 Battle for the Highlands

"This is my territory!"

Li Mu spat out something viciously at the corpse on the ground and stood there like a god of murder!
Several more enemies rushed up. Li Mu fired wildly, but unexpectedly he ran out of bullets!Without thinking, he let go of the rifle like a reflex, and actually pulled out the pistol from the holster within 0.67 seconds and fired the first bullet!
"Clap clap clap..."

Continuous 5.8 mm pistol bullets were fired, and the two remaining enemies were hit in the face and neck, causing them to fall backward.Although the caliber is small, it still has a stopping effect!
Li Mu's eyes were as red as bloodshot. He quickly put away his pistol, picked up his submachine gun, and quickly replaced it with a live ammunition clip.As soon as he loaded the gun, two more enemies rushed up from the right and shot at Li Mu!
He suddenly fell down and rolled to the ground. When he stood up, a precise small fan shot had passed.A few bullets hit the chests of the two soldiers as badly as if they were hit by a car!

Li Mu's eyes turned red. He found that soldiers kept rushing up and shooting before he could stand still!Li Mu broke out. He kept changing his shooting position, and the AK-47 in his hand was almost firing at the rate of a machine gun!
Another magazine fired!
This time, he did not use a pistol. Instead, when there were five or six bullets left, he took out the spare magazine with his left hand, and then pressed the button as fast as lightning to eject the empty magazine. At this time, there was still one bullet. In the gun machine, which was preparing to fire, Li Mu moved very quickly and accurately loaded the new magazine. At this time, the last bullet was fired!

At the same time, Li Mu's left hand had already passed over the gun and clicked the trigger to load it again!

The bullets were connected together and fired continuously, and there was no sign of a pause in reloading at all!

This is the so-called one-handed magazine change. Relying on extremely fast magazine changes to maintain the continuity of firepower!
On the opposite hillside, several soldiers who were about to shoot while Li Mu was changing magazines just popped up, and their heads were blown open by dense and accurate bullets. The strong inertia caused a soldier to fall backwards, and his body It rolled down the hillside!
Defeated another wave of attacks!
There are already more than a dozen corpses lying on the edge of the highland!
"Each group reported the situation!" Li Mu asked quickly without having time to breathe, and at the same time looked towards Geng Shuai, who was the weakest.

At this time, the sky has completely brightened up, there is plenty of light, and the sunshine is quiet!
"We blocked the attack!" Du Xiaofan reported, "The enemy convoy has stopped advancing and is organizing troops to attack me!"

After listening carefully, sure enough, the gunfire from Du Xiaofan and Shi Lei's side on the left had stopped, but the gunfire from Geng Shuai's side on the right was still intensive.

Li Mu hurriedly ran to the right side of the high ground and lay down to observe. At this time, Geng Shuai replied: "I can't stop it! A group of enemies has already come around from the right side and is probably attacking my side!"

He didn't ask for support, he just reported the situation truthfully.

Because there were no extra manpower, Li Mu could not go to support, because the high ground he was holding was the support point of the three positions. Once the high ground was lost, the entire front would be finished.

In the plan, the capture team must hand over with the response team before the cover team can evacuate.In other words, before Chen Tao and the others handed over their people to the response team, Li Mu's cover team had to hold off the enemy.Obviously, under the premise of having a good position and occupying the commanding heights, Li Mu would not give up this front and choose to let the enemy chase and beat him.

It's definitely better to compete face to face than to be chased and beaten!
Li Mu was very anxious. He had to hold on to the high ground and couldn't go to support Geng Shuai. He couldn't transfer Du Xiaofan or Shi Lei. They were guarding the only maneuverable road. If the enemy broke through, they could kill him within half an hour. Go in front of Chen Tao and the others, and even cut off the way of the response team.

"Instructor, let me go!"

Just when Li Mu was at his wits' end, Ling Ruoxuan crawled to his side and said decisively, "I'm going to support the right wing!"

Seeing Li Mu frowning and thinking, Ling Ruoxuan said urgently, "Instructor, it's too late if we don't get over. At least I can cover Instructor Geng Shuai's flank!"

Making a decisive decision, Li Mu no longer hesitated and said in a deep voice, "Okay! Remember, never go to the foot of the mountain. Just find a bunker on the mountainside and use firepower to provide cover for Geng Shuai!"

"Understood! Please don't worry, instructor!" Ling Ruoxuan held an automatic rifle in one hand, propped the other hand on the ground, and hurried over quickly.

Li Mu quickly moved to the right side of the high ground, lying there and observing the enemies in front of Geng Shuai's position.After a visual inspection of the distance, it was already beyond the effective range of the automatic rifle. Moreover, this was not a flat area, but was blocked by trees in the middle, and the target's figure was looming.

Li Mu watched carefully, looking for a commander. There must be a commander, otherwise an effective attack would not be organized.Behind the grass beside a tree, a machine gun was firing fiercely at Geng Shuai's position, providing fire suppression while the remaining soldiers spread out and rushed upward.

Behind the bushes, one can vaguely see an officer wearing a military cap holding a walkie-talkie, and seems to be talking about something.

"It's you."

Li Mu twitched the corner of his mouth slightly. The officer pressed his head into the gap of the sight, adjusted his breathing, and deeply felt the wind speed.In the early morning, the humidity is a bit heavy, so the shooting height must be raised by at least one density. The wind is blowing from the southwest. From the swaying of the leaves, it can be judged that the wind is around level [-]. According to the distance conversion, the aiming point must move to the left of the target. Two to three crypts.

After a few seconds of heartache, Li Mu had an idea in his mind, and the aiming point had moved into place, as long as the target didn't move.

The index finger of his right hand slowly applied pressure, and the first fire of the trigger was suppressed. Li Mu was calm and continued to slowly increase the pressure. The second fire was steadily suppressed, and a 7.62mm bullet rushed out of the chamber and struck the mark. The arc flies towards the left side of the target.

Under the influence of the wind and air humidity, the bullet that was pointed to the left and higher slowly returned to the correct route. When the distance was only about ten meters, the warhead was aimed squarely at the target. The right temple of Li Mu - Li Mu's position is on the right side of the target.


Li Mu couldn't see very clearly, after all, it was 300 meters away.

However, the 7.62mm warhead was accurately inserted into the target's right temple, smashing his central nervous system within a second.

The machine gunner on the side had no idea that the commander beside him had his head blown off, and the sound of the gunfire covered up the sound of the commander falling to the ground.

When Geng Shuai's counterattack was frustrated again, the soldiers discovered that the commander had lost his voice...

(End of this chapter)

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