hunter commando

Chapter 460 Secret Capture 2

Chapter 460 Secret Capture 2
"I heard that the last time the officer went out, he hijacked two Yan Kingdom merchant ships. Is it true?" Soldier A asked, taking out a cigarette to decibel one from his companion.

Soldier B's voice was a little hoarse. He said, "It is said that he killed thirteen people. Damn it!"

"Heizi, let's go. We can't do this job anymore. I don't care what I do, but harming my own compatriots is something I can't get over." Soldier A said.

After a while of silence, Soldier B sighed and said, "It's easier said than done to leave. Besides, what else can we do besides carrying guns and fighting? Are we working as coolies? The money given here is quite good. If we work for another two years, it will be enough to pay for the house."


Long sigh.

Li Mu decisively got into trouble. When he was about to launch an attack, he heard this conversation in Mandarin with an accent.

Yan people.

How to do?
Li Mu has never been so hesitant.

What he was sure of was that these two men were not retired soldiers.There is always a connection between soldiers, let alone senior soldiers like Li Mu.But even if it wasn't, Li Mu couldn't convince himself to take action.At this time, he couldn't report to the headhunter. The distance was so close and he would be exposed if he spoke.

Time is life at this time, the longer you stay, the greater the possibility of being exposed, you must know that Li Mu is hanging on the tower with almost no cover at this time.

Chen Tao and the others also felt strange. There had been no movement from Li Mu for a while. It was neither exposed nor the attack was frustrated.They didn't dare to contact Li Mu. God knew whether the voice in the headset would be detected by the enemy in this silent dawn.

How to do?
Convince them to surrender?
Impossible. As long as Li Mu suddenly appears, the subconscious actions of the two soldiers will expose him and even shoot at him conditionally!
Sweat dripped from Li Mu's forehead. Li Mu gritted his teeth tightly and was having a fierce ideological struggle in his heart, what to do, what to do!
It can be seen from their conversation that they did not participate in causing the tragedy, but they are armed drug trafficking soldiers after all.

Li Mu didn't have to have any psychological burden to do what he should do, but he still couldn't convince himself to kill him!
Is there a way to have the best of both worlds?

Even if there is, the risk is extremely high!
One side is the task, the other side is your own emotions, how to make a choice! ?
To take risks, or not to take risks?

Taking the risk of mission failure, just to save two compatriots who became armed drug trafficking soldiers, which one is more important! ?
As time passed, Li Mu tried his best to calm down. If he delayed it any longer, the situation would become more and more unfavorable to his side, and he had to make a choice!
Li Mu climbed up quietly, his face painted in camouflage expressionless. At that moment, he felt calm and calm.

He strode over and suddenly appeared behind Soldier A. Li Mu held his mouth firmly with his left hand. However, the saber in his right hand did not habitually cut Soldier A's neck or insert it into his heart. He stepped forward suddenly, holding Soldier A in his arms and stepping forward. At the same time, the saber in his right hand was pressed against Soldier B's throat!

"Don't make a sound or you will die!" Li Mu whispered as fast as he could in his life.

Under the sudden turn of events, Soldier A and Soldier B were both stunned. They indeed subconsciously picked up the AK-47 rifles hanging from their necks.But when they heard Li Mu's voice, their eyes widened.

"I am the Yanguo Armed Police! If you don't want to die, don't make any noise!" Li Mu said in a low voice.

Soldier B closed his mouth tightly. Li Mu's saber was at his throat and had cut through the skin. He could even smell the fishy smell of his own blood.

"I heard what you just said. You are lucky. If I had not heard your conversation, you would be dead by now." Li Mu said coldly, "Put down the gun and take off your belt."

Soldier B did as he was told, but said with piercing eyes, "Brothers of the Armed Police! We are from the Yan Kingdom! I know you must be here to arrest Kang Lu. Don't worry, we won't let anyone know!"

Li Mu undoubtedly couldn't believe what he said. He pinched Soldier A's acupuncture point with his left hand and twisted it hard. Soldier A collapsed. Li Mu gently put him down and said, "He just passed out."

With his hands free, Li Mu took out the backpack rope, reached out to grab Soldier B, and quickly tied up Soldier B in the standard way of binding a prisoner. The backpack rope was wrapped around his mouth, and he couldn't make a sound even if he wanted to!

After tying the two people together, Li Mu said, "I will let you go before I leave."

After dealing with the two threats, Li Mu secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't know if what he was doing was the right thing to do, but he knew that if there was a way not to kill them, he would definitely go all out.

He finally chose to take the risk and took the risk of mission failure to seize the tower in this way.

Without any time to think, Li Mu quickly reported, "Headhunter, the tower is safe!"

"Copy that! We're going in!" The headhunter breathed a sigh of relief, and he and Du Xiaofan began to sneak into Kang Lu's residence.

Zhao Yiyun saw everything through the scope. He didn't know why Li Mu would take the risk of capturing the two soldiers in the tower alive, but he could see that Li Mu obviously had very compelling reasons!
He didn't ask the reason. Since Li Mu didn't take the initiative to report to the headhunter, it meant that Li Mu didn't want the headhunter to know, at least it might not be the time yet.

Soldier B struggled, whining softly from his mouth.Li Mu turned his head and looked over. Soldier B's only movable neck was twisting and his eyes were moving with difficulty.

Li Mu stared into his eyes and saw no treacherous color. He said in a deep voice, "What do you want to say?"

Soldier B nodded vigorously to express that he had something to say.

However, Li Mu didn't need him to say anything, and there couldn't be any mistakes at this time.

"You stay here peacefully. I will let you speak when I need you to speak." Li Mu said.

Soldier B suddenly became quiet and lowered his head in despair.

But Chen Tao and Du Xiaofan said that they successfully approached the target building and sneaked under the floor.Because it is a stilt house, there is a space of about 1.2 meters between the floor and the ground.The two of them crawled slowly and quietly below, looking for a gap that could be exploited.

Without wasting much time, they saw that one of the rooms still had a light on, and the light was leaking through the cracks in the floor.Chen Tao made a gesture, Du Xiaofan nodded, and then approached there.Chen Tao climbed out. After confirming that it was safe, he stood up and walked directly up the stairs.

Entering the hall, Chen Tao met the butler who was walking over with tea. The two almost bumped into each other.While the butler was still dazed, Chen Tao had already raised the knife and dropped it. After holding him, the sharp saber pierced his heart deeply. Chen Tao actually still had the time to catch the teapot without letting it fall. Fall and make a sound!
(End of this chapter)

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