hunter commando

Chapter 457 You can figure it out!

Chapter 457 You can figure it out!
Chen Tao looked at the time again. It was 43:[-] in the morning, less than two hours before dawn.

Fifteen minutes have passed since I reported the situation, but there has been no reply from the command center.

Involuntarily, Chen Tao speculated on the hesitation of the command headquarters.Using hunter commandos to carry out arrests is extremely risky, but the rewards are also great. Regardless of time or location, hunter commandos are the best choice.However, there is a huge disparity in strength between the two sides, which makes the command very confused.

In addition, there are two ways.

First, notify the Siamese side and let them take the lead in the arrest operation. Second, send the No. 13 commando team to emergency support. By pooling the strength of the two commando teams, the chance of completing the capture mission and successfully withdrawing will be greatly increased.

The rear headquarters is intensively evaluating, in addition to assessing the strength of the Kanglu gang camp, they also need to evaluate the success rate and other impacts of various plans.

Without the support of these evaluation data, it is difficult for the chief executive to make a decision.

In Chen Tao's view, none of the three methods are good enough. If he had to choose one of the three methods, Chen Tao would choose a combined method - the hunter commando team would carry out the arrest, and at the same time, the No. 13 commando team would rush to the rescue. The special police response team from Zhang Gang responded.

The current method is to use all the forces that can be mobilized in the shortest time. In theory, it increases the strength, but in fact it is the hunter commandos who carry out the arrests, and the strength has not changed.

But at least there is support and support.

During the long nights and many dreams, Chen Tao felt strongly that if Kang Lu was aware of it and ran away, it would be impossible to arrest him. In that case, this tragedy that shocked China and the world would remain unsolved - without the main culprit, the government would not be able to solve it. There is no way to explain it to the people, and all face in the international community is gone!
One question that Chen Tao didn't want to waste his brain cells on was whether Kang Lu was the only mastermind.Of course, he would not believe that such an armed drug cartel, who was not even a ruffian in the powerful Yan Kingdom Army, had the courage to shoot at Yan Kingdom citizens, and who was behind it? This question was not for him to think about. Don't even think about it.

Shaking his head slightly, Chen Tao returned his energy to the current matter. Commando No. 13 is in Jinguang. If they set off at this time, they can get here before dawn. Of course, the premise is that Siam provides convenience.Or simply use the Siamese helicopter.If this is the case, then the chance of escaping unscathed increases by a few points.

Chen Tao is not worried about whether he can catch Kang Lu. He believes in the strength of his commando team.What he worried about was how to bring people back after they were caught, with everyone unscathed.

Just as I was thinking about it, Li Mu's voice sounded on the channel, "Headhunter, we're running out of time."

Chen Tao lowered his head and looked at his watch. Another 10 minutes had passed.

"Headhunters, no one knows the situation better than us. I suggest requesting action." Li Mu whispered, "Sneak in and arrest. Although the defensive firepower of the target camp is strong, the quality of their soldiers is not high. We have a great chance of success." ."

"Wait a little longer for orders from the headquarters." Chen Tao didn't think much of Li Mu's suggestion, even though he thought so too.

He is not a fool like Li Mu who acts without permission from his superiors. If something goes wrong, it will not be as simple as losing a few people.

Not just Li Mu, everyone else was anxious.All of them are veterans, and they are well aware of the impact of decisive decisions on actions. The most important thing is that now is the best time to take action. Those soldiers have no interest in chatting anymore, and they are all trapped. Shrouded in meaning.Once the first ray of sunlight comes out, the soldiers will all be as excited as if they were on steroids.

What makes Chen Tao happy is that the soldiers under his command are no longer the raw melons and eggs they were more than half a year ago. They are becoming more and more stable. Even in this more irritating time, the soldiers did not show the slightest impatience. Even the most impatient Shi Lei didn't have any complaints.

This is the progress of the entire team.

Although Chen Tao knew that it would take time for the rear headquarters to come up with a feasible combat plan and require the joint work of many people, he still felt that this efficiency was too slow.

The members of the hunter commando team stayed in place quietly, dormant, staring at their respective targets.As long as they give an order, Du Xiaofan, Shi Lei and Geng Shuai can eliminate the firepower points they are responsible for focusing on within three seconds, while Li Mu and Zhao Yiyun are 90.00% sure of successfully sneaking into the camp.

It doesn't move like a mountain, but moves like a rabbit.

The time reaches [-]:[-] in the morning. Once after [-] o'clock, the speed of dawn will accelerate, which is visible to the naked eye.Chen Tao suddenly felt helpless, helplessly watching the best opportunity to take action pass.Even if we get the order to start the operation at this time, as long as there is a little unexpected situation in the middle, then let alone whether Kang Lu can be taken away safely, even the hunter commando team itself is not very sure that all of them will come out.

Don't forget, what they want to break into is someone else's base camp, and they have already entered the base camp where everyone is on guard and ready.

At this time, Chen Tao just wanted to get one order - to retreat.

Now that the best opportunity has passed, you should retreat decisively, look for opportunities again, and make new arrangements and plans.

However, Chen Tao was thinking from a purely operational perspective, and officers needed to make decisions based on all aspects of the situation.

So, when Chen Tao was about to ask Li Mu and Zhao Yiyun to withdraw, the satellite phone suddenly vibrated. Chen Tao trembled all over. Thinking that it must not be an action order, he quickly answered the call. The officer's voice was calm and powerful: "Hunter! Answer received!"

"I am a hunter, sir, please speak!" Chen Tao replied.

"Commando No. 13 is on the way and is expected to arrive in one hour, three and 10 minutes for support. The response team is ready and ready to respond at any time! My order! Your department will act as appropriate to capture the murderer Kang Lu!" The commander's voice was sonorous and powerful. Don't hesitate!

Chen Tao's mood suddenly became complicated, he was both excited and worried.

Of course, he would obviously not say to his commander, "Sir, the best time for action has passed and the soldiers in the target camp are gradually waking up."What the commander needs you to do is obey orders!Especially in this operation, overseas arrest operations are very restricted, and it is not a simple arrest, but a major matter related to the face of the country and the dignity of the people!

Even if they go all out, the hunter commandos will catch people.

"The order has arrived, brothers, cheer up. Let me say one thing to you. The face and dignity of the people of the country belong to us. You can do whatever you want!" Chen Tao said on the general channel after hanging up the satellite phone.

He knew that the best opportunity to take action was lost, and the soldiers also knew it. They were all veterans of the battlefield and knew it well, so he said this.

"Yes, it's five fifteen now." Chen Tao looked at his watch and said in a deep voice, "The reconnaissance team is on standby, and the surveillance team is waiting for my order!"

The soldiers' eyes gradually lit up, and everyone's face had a look like a steel machine!

(End of this chapter)

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