hunter commando

Chapter 449 Three Minutes Combat Strength

Chapter 449 Three Minutes Combat Strength
"Get out of the car!"

As if a needle had pricked the most sensitive nerve line, Li Mu immediately shouted in a low voice!

The Lieutenant of the Gong Army and his men seemed to have been on steroids. They opened the door and jumped out of the car!The talent was halfway down, and the last thing you expected to happen happened!

The gunshots rang out suddenly!

A soldier in front of the Lieutenant of the Gong Army was hit by a barrage of bullets. His whole body twitched and he slumped against the car door!

Li Mu roared, kicked the box apart, quickly picked up the automatic rifle, grabbed a few magazines and loaded them, while hanging another one around his neck, and grabbed a few more magazines and stuffed them into his pockets. Inside, the man had already rushed out of the car with his waist bent!
"Fight back, why are you still standing there!" Li Mu shouted at the lieutenant who was looking at the corpse of the tribute soldier in a daze.

As if he had been awakened, the lieutenant shouted the command and led his men to disperse, firing violently in the direction of the bullet!
The bullets seemed to deliberately avoid the car, and the attackers fired carefully, giving the Hunter commandos more time to react.Zhao Yiyun and Shi Lei moved only slightly slower than Li Mu. They armed themselves and began to sort out other guns and ammunition. At this time, Du Xiaofan, Geng Shuai, and Lin Yu who were sitting in another car ran over.Zhao Yiyun and Shi Lei each threw guns and magazines to them one by one. They caught it in their hands and immediately rolled out neatly, lying on the ground and shooting!

Li Mu quickly approached the Land Cruiser at the front with his gun in hand. It was Chen Tao's car and the one most vulnerable to concentrated fire.

Chen Tao had already dragged Ling Ruoxuan out of the car. The driver also opened the door and rolled out. Without Li Mu's instructions, he moved closer to the RV.The RV contains all the guns of the convoy. You must go there to get the guns to have the ability to fight back!
Throwing another automatic rifle to Chen Tao, Li Mu then moved the muzzle of the gun slightly sideways and fired a small fan-shaped shot into the woods on the left wing where sparks flashed!

In less than 1 minute, all members of the Hunter Commando team launched a concentrated fire counterattack!
The attackers seemed to be blinded by this fierce and precise firepower. They were still wondering, when did the tribute army have such strong combat effectiveness?
Li Mu pulled down the low-light night vision device, and the situation in the woods suddenly became much clearer. A dozen people were scattered widely, all ambush in the woods on the left side of the convoy.There was a thick tree trunk lying on the road ahead, no different from a highway robber!
"One shot! Prepare to cover! Demeanor! Prepare to attack! You attack the right wing and I'll take care of the left wing!"

When the other party was silent for a moment, Li Mu seized the opportunity and decisively ordered an assault!

He took the lead and climbed into the road ditch, relying on the ridge to carry out precise killing shots!On the other side, Du Xiaofan and others began to launch an assault from the right wing.The Gongjun men also understood Li Mu's meaning and opened fire fiercely in the middle to contain the opponent's firepower.

Seizing the opportunity, Li Mu jumped out of the highway ditch and looked up to see a young man wearing an old solid-color military uniform holding an AK-47 and firing violently into the middle.In the middle is the tribute army, they shoot continuously, the fire is the most obvious, unlike the hunter commando side, they are almost all accurate short bursts, and every shot poses a great threat even if there is no result!

Li Mu moved the small dot of the laser pointer to the young man's forehead and pulled the trigger without hesitation. The young man seemed to have been slapped on the forehead with a brick by a very strong person. The man fell backward, and the AK-47 in his hand fired several shots into the air.

After solving the nearest target, Li Mu got up and started shooting on the move!With the advantage of night vision, in the darkness, Li Mu cut in from the attacker's left wing like a deadly ghost.The small dot of his laser pointer sometimes landed between the target's eyebrows, sometimes at the target's heart, and sometimes even directly at the target's Adam's apple.Every time, two bursts of fire solve the problem!
The offensive on the right wing was even sharper. Du Xiaofan had a numerical advantage. Except for Zhao Yiyun who relied on the RV to provide precise fire support, the others followed Du Xiaofan and launched the assault!This group of people who have gone through the baptism of fire and gone through the world's most advanced infantry training methods are definitely not comparable to the tribute army!
There was a constant stream of gunshots, like firecrackers.

From the first gunshot to the hunter commandos completely eliminating the last attacker, the whole process took less than 3 minutes!
"Stop shooting! Lieutenant! Stop shooting!" Li Mu shouted loudly. He was really afraid that the tribute soldiers would accidentally hurt his own side.

The hunter commandos quickly swept the battlefield to confirm that no one was dead.

Li Mu then issued an order, "Expand and establish a defense line!"

The soldiers dispersed in a flash and quickly disappeared into the darkness. With the convoy as the protection target, a circular warning line was launched.

Li Mu ran back quickly. Chen Tao was at the edge of the land patrol, using a satellite phone to report the situation. When he saw Li Mu coming, he quickly asked: "Are there any casualties?"

"One of the Gongjun soldiers died, and I'm fine here." Li Mu replied.

Chen Tao then reported, "Sir, we have no casualties. One person from the tribute army died."

The officer on the other end of the phone seemed to be saying something. Chen Tao frowned slightly and said in a deep voice, "Sir, I suggest we continue moving forward and pass through this area as soon as possible. After passing this area, we will enter the target area. The mission can be launched in time. Sir, judging from the exchange of fire just now, the attackers are from the tribute army. Yes, their attack targets are all focused on the tribute army."

Chen Tao stopped again and listened to the officer on the other end of the phone.

After a while, Chen Tao nodded and replied: "Understood! I will immediately reorganize the people and move forward! Understood! I will leave a car for them and let them return on their own! Please don't worry, sir!"

After hanging up the phone, Chen Tao said to Zhang Gang beside him, "Liaison Officer Zhang, Gongfang will immediately order the escort team to return and leave the RV to them. Please go and communicate with the commander of the escort team."

Gongfang's escort team only had one Jinchen Bujima. Because it was in front of the RV, it was not attacked, but it could not accommodate more than a dozen people.

Zhang Gang immediately went over to communicate with the commander of the Gongfang escort team.

Here, Li Mu quickly checked the situation of several accompanying police officers. No one was injured, but they all looked at Li Mu strangely, as if they were looking at monsters.You must know that these police officers are all very experienced. None of them has worked with gunmen for several years, otherwise they would not be transferred to operate with the Hunter Commandos.But they had never seen such a sharp counterattack. In less than 3 minutes, there were more than a dozen attackers, and they were all killed, and none of them escaped.

The police car and drivers with high police ranks now understood why their superiors would send such an unimpressive team to perform reconnaissance missions.Even though there were only seven or eight people, the fighting power that burst out was definitely frightening.

"Headhunter?" Li Mu turned back to ask for instructions.

Chen Tao waved his hand, "Gather the troops and keep moving forward!"


(End of this chapter)

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