hunter commando

Chapter 447 Brother Mu Has Really Changed

Chapter 447 Brother Mu Has Really Changed
Ling Ruoxuan explained, "Our Northern Narcotics Bureau cracked a drug case and found out at that time that the source of the goods came from the Jiaozhou Kanglu gang. We reported it to Interpol at the time, but for two or three years, this matter has been pending."

Chen Tao understood immediately, smiled and said, "It seems that Kang Lv is quite famous. That's good. Let's settle the old and new grudges together this time."

Turning around, he saw Li Mu frowning, as if he was thinking about something else.

"What, what do you think?" Chen Tao asked.

Li Mu hesitated for a moment and moved his mouth.

Chen Tao said, "Think it over carefully, say what should be said and what shouldn't be said, and hold it in your stomach."

After being slightly stunned, Li Mu could only smile bitterly and said, "Yes, headhunter."

Ling Ruoxuan was confused, "What riddles are you playing?"

"Nothing." Li Mu said, and the topic turned back to the action plan. He looked at the time, "Can we reach the target area before zero o'clock?"

"If the journey goes smoothly, there will be no problem." Chen Tao nodded and said, "There should be no problem. There will be commissioners from the Gong side to escort you all the way. What I was most worried about before was the Gokan area and several nearby states. Now there are Gokan With human escort, this biggest worry is gone.”

Li Mu said, "Headhunter, I don't think those countries will make things difficult for the Yan people."

Smiling, Chen Tao shrugged, and then said, "The specific details of the operation have been decided. Let your people have a good rest, I'm afraid they won't be able to sleep tonight."

Li Mu's brows twitched, "My people?"

Chen Tao said, "Sooner or later he will be yours."

Putting away the instrument, he added, "I can't always protect you."

Li Mu seemed to have thought of something, but couldn't catch it for a while.Here, Chen Tao has already driven him out of the car, "Go, there are still three to ten minutes, hurry up and get some sleep."


Li Mu got out of the car and left.

Ling Ruoxuan turned her eyes away from his back, thought for a moment, and asked, "Sir, are you leaving the Hunter Commando Team?"

"Why do you ask that?" Chen Tao asked as he packed up the map.

"Sir, you are too obvious." Ling Ruoxuan said helplessly, "You just hinted so obviously."

"Really?" Chen Tao's brows twitched and he said with a smile, "It's good to let him be mentally prepared so that when the day comes, he won't be caught off guard."

After saying that, Chen Tao folded his arms and closed his eyes to rest.

Ling Ruoxuan was stunned for a moment, thinking that the army is really an incomprehensible group, and soldiers are also an incomprehensible profession.Although they and the police are both violent groups and disciplinary forces, they are different in every aspect. Especially the few words of exchange between Chen Tao and Li Mu just now have left others with feelings that it is difficult for outsiders like Ling Ruoxuan to understand.

If you don't understand, don't waste time thinking about it. Ling Ruoxuan also knows that there will be very little time to rest, so she quickly seizes the time to sleep for a while.

Li Mu returned to the RV, but did not get in. Instead, he leaned against the car, took out a cigarette, lit one, and started smoking.But he didn't feel sleepy at all.I don't know why, but no matter how nervous he is, he can still find a way to put himself into a resting state to replenish his energy.This time, I was very energetic all the time, and my mind was constantly spinning when I closed my eyes to rest.

Maybe because this is outside the country?

When there was a noise, Zhao Yiyun got out of the car, walked over and asked for a cigarette to light. Like Li Mu, he leaned against the car and smoked, looking at the starry night sky.

"Can't sleep?" Zhao Yiyun asked.

Li Mu exhaled a few smoke rings, "It's the same with you."

"Shi Lei and Lin Yu slept like pig heads." Zhao Yiyun said with a smile, "Lao Du and Geng Shuai are watching. They probably don't feel sleepy either."

Li Mu smiled and said nothing.

"The topography of this place is no different from that of the southern region, but it always feels strange. This is probably the reason why I can't sleep." Zhao Yiyun said slowly.

Seeing Li Mu's frown, Zhao Yiyun asked, "Why, do you have other ominous premonitions? Are you dissatisfied with them?"

Turning to look at Zhao Yiyun, Li Mu exhaled smoke and said, "In an unfamiliar area, there is no real-time intelligence support, no logistical support, no battlefield technical support, and the forces of all parties are unclearly intertwined. What else am I dissatisfied with?"

Shaking his head helplessly, Zhao Yiyun said, "Old Li, you are not such a demanding person. In the past, you dared to lead people to kill based on one judgment alone. What happened now?"

"It's different." Li Mu said in a deep voice, "No matter how hard you tried in the past, you would always be at home. No matter how bad it was, at least medical support could arrive in a short time. To put it bluntly, I wasn't afraid before. That was because I was behind the scenes. There is strong support. Now what?”

After saying this, Zhao Yiyun suddenly realized, "Maybe this is the factor that really makes us rush so fast that we are not sure."

"In fact, it has been done well enough. Under the current situation, information from the intelligence department is constantly being transmitted, but it all has to be relayed through the rear. It is impossible to know whether Kang Lu is already alert. This is the biggest variable. "There are more than 100 armed men in Kanglu. Think about it, those people are all veterans of the jungle." Li Mu said not optimistically.

He sighed softly again, "I don't know when we will reach the level of the Northern Federation, with high-altitude and long-range unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, reconnaissance satellites, and intelligence stations all over the place waiting for us. In that case, it will be refreshing to work. "

"You're thinking too much, just calm down." Zhao Yiyun said helplessly.

Li Mu looked like he had taken Chinese medicine, and let out a long sigh, which seemed to be lamenting the unfairness of God and lamenting his own bad luck.

"I don't want to think about this anymore. Old Zhao, I always feel unsteady. The closer I get to the target area, the weaker I feel. It's so scary." Li Mu said this, and he always kept very little secrets from Zhao Yiyun.Among the brothers, only Zhao Yiyun is the most suitable for such a team neutralization role, otherwise Shi Lei would not say that Zhao Yiyun, the sniper, is more like an instructor.

Zhao Yiyun threw away the cigarette butt, took out his own cigarette, handed one to Li Mu, lit it for him, and said, "Sometimes, don't pay too much attention to feelings. They are nothingness in the first place. Besides, isn't there still a long way to go? Over there. Maybe once you enter the target area, you won't feel this way."

Li Mu took a deep drag on the cigarette and slowly exhaled the smoke. Li Mu nodded, "I hope so."

"Lao Li, in my impression, you are not such a sissy person." Zhao Yiyun said with a smile.

After being stunned for a moment, Li Mu smiled faintly, "People have to grow up. Now I understand a truth. Putting your brothers in danger just for the sake of temporary pleasure is not brave."

Zhao Yiyun thought about these words carefully, and suddenly realized that Li Mu had really changed.

(End of this chapter)

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