hunter commando

Chapter 441 Establishment of the Frontline Command

Chapter 441 Establishment of the Frontline Command

The convoy was speeding along. Li Mu couldn't see clearly outside at night and didn't know where the convoy was heading, but he knew the direction, which was towards the border and speeding along the highway.

After running for more than two hours, Li Mu saw the familiar outline of the city outside the car window.

"Isn't this the Army Aviation Base? We really pulled back!" Shi Lei said immediately.

"I'm afraid so."

The convoy soon drove into the familiar Army Aviation Base, where a certain Army Aviation Regiment affiliated with the headquarters Army Aviation Administration and the Hunter Commando Team were stationed for training.

Soon, the car stopped in front of their small building, and Chen Tao was already shouting to get out of the car.

The soldiers got out of the car quickly, brought their own equipment and equipment, and it was the same as returning to the camp as usual. After placing the equipment and equipment, they gathered downstairs.

Chen Tao was already waiting. He said straight to the point, "Rest as soon as possible. From now on, you must keep yourselves in good condition, get enough rest, and be ready to go out at any time!"

Li Mu opened his mouth to ask, but Chen Tao said, "I will let you know when it's time to let you know! Disband!"


When Li Mu was going upstairs, he looked towards the row of bungalows in the distance. The members of the No. 13 commando team and the staff officer led by Li Tangyi were there, and they seemed to be stationed there.The unusual atmosphere and movements made Li Mu very puzzled.

What on earth could be so important that even such an important confrontation exercise was canceled? You know, the confrontation exercise was of great concern to both major military regions. So much manpower and material resources were spent but nothing happened in the end. The cost was so high. In the end? Why?
It is a pity that the Internet is insulated from the soldiers, and the soldiers do not have access to things like smartphones, otherwise they would definitely be able to guess the truth through the news.

Everyone went to bed with doubts. After struggling all night, there was not much time until dawn. The soldiers did not dare to despise Chen Tao's instructions, and forced their bodies to enter a resting state even if they were not sleepy.No one wants to be left out when there is a mission because of poor mental performance.

Chen Tao was not able to rest so quickly. He drove to the row of bungalows. One of them was used as a frontline headquarters, and the technical staff were busy setting up the command system.When Chen Tao arrived, he also saw several people in police uniforms and armed police uniforms coordinating. The command system of the frontline headquarters needs to be seamlessly linked to the headquarters of the police agency, so the whole work is quite complicated.

According to the confirmed plan, the army provides support in attack and arrest, while the police agencies are responsible for other aspects. The police agencies obviously take the lead in the detection of the entire case, and the army only provides the attack team.

It's just that this is a fashion and it's in the slightly chaotic early stage after the incident. Everything may change. For example, the Hunter Commandos will be temporarily placed under the command of the Armed Police Force, but the commander of the frontline headquarters is the No. 13 Special Operations Brigade. Leader Li Tangyi.There is a bit of confusion in the command.

Therefore, more accurate and detailed information is still needed.

Chen Tao knew that at this moment, maybe the intelligence department was working around the clock, and maybe the overseas departments in the security department would get involved in investigating the matter.

Thirteen Yanguo citizens were killed in such cruel ways. The national government attached great importance to it. A task force headed by a senior police officer was established three hours after the incident. Now that the people have arrived in the south, the next step for the police is to Investigate the crime scene.At the same time, relevant departments are working intensively to deal with the aftermath, and the insurance company has prepared the money and can pay compensation at any time.

Chen Tao stared at the gradually improving frontline headquarters with Li Tangyi while discussing the specific details. Soon the senior leaders of the Army Aviation Regiment arrived, and his troops also received orders to be ready to provide support at any time.

As time passed and communication channels were opened, more news came.The diplomatic department is exerting pressure on the Kingdom of Siam, urging them to make every effort to investigate. In fact, the focus is on coordinating the arrival of police officers to investigate.The national government will not believe the Siamese police. They still have to solve the case themselves. Only in this way can the families of the victims give an explanation to the whole country!
Chen Tao felt quite emotional in his heart, now we are no longer that weak big country that is bullied by others, but a powerful country with incomparably strong military and financial resources, although the two adjectives "super" cannot be added in front of it.

It is not an easy task to send police officers into other countries to detect cases, but Chen Tao knows that everything will be completed in the shortest possible time.When he worked at the headquarters before, he often dealt with people from the diplomatic department. Chen Tao knew that the work efficiency of the diplomatic department in emergencies was definitely comparable to that of the intelligence department.

In fact, the relationship between the diplomatic service and the intelligence service has always been inseparable and inseparable, with frequent and close contacts.

Li Tangyi looked at the time. It was already past four in the morning, and it would be dawn in two hours. He said to Chen Tao and Leader Gao, "Commander Chen, Leader Gao, you go back and rest first. I will give you the order." We will send someone to inform you two as soon as possible."

Obviously we can't spend it all here. Chen Tao nodded and said, "Thank you for your hard work, Leader Li."

The two said goodbye to Li Tangyi and left. Li Tangyi sat down on the chair and closed his eyes to rest. He did not dare to leave the headquarters for even half a step.At this time, Director Qi was on his way back to the military region, and further instructions from the military region would be issued soon.Now Li Tangyi actually has only two commandos in his hands, the Hunter Commando and the No. 13 Commando.The situation was unclear. Li Tangyi didn't know whether the seven or eight commandos were enough. If not, it would take at least three hours to mobilize people.

The technical staff moved a TV set and connected it to the satellite signal, and soon Li Tangyi could see the news media reports.Many TV stations are paying close attention to the progress of reporting on the MGH tragedy. Less than 24 hours after the incident, some news media have already invited experts to analyze and speculate. There is one view that is very close to the actual situation - Jiaozhou Drug Lords Institute for.

After seeing the first-hand pictures and videos of the scene, Li Tangyi had a strong bad feeling.The assailant's technique was very professional, not like that of a drug dealer at all.In other words, a very professional armed drug dealer.Of course, Li Tangyi could only dare to guess in his heart, and he absolutely couldn't say it out of his mouth.

Perhaps the above had already obtained relevant clues, otherwise the No. 13 Special Operations Brigade, which is good at tropical rainforest operations, would not have been put on standby, let alone the hunter commandos with rich experience in actual combat.You must know that there are many capable people in the armed police force, and they are capable of supporting this task alone. If the superiors have concerns, there is only one explanation - the target of the battle may not be simple.

Li Tangyi closed his eyes to rest, but found that as soon as he closed his eyes, the photos of the victims taken by the advance team kept sliding past his eyes.Especially the captain's, his hands were tied behind his back, his feet were hung from iron blocks, and his body had several bullet holes. He might have been drowned alive after being sunk into the river, or he might have been shot first and then thrown into the river.

It's too awful.

With a sudden slap on the armrest, Li Tangyi opened his eyes, with an angry look on his face. This was simply a provocation to the people of Yan Kingdom!
(End of this chapter)

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