hunter commando

Chapter 437 Don't underestimate yourself!

Chapter 437 Don't underestimate yourself!

Since when did I forget my original intention? No, I have not forgotten my original intention. My faith is still firm. It is not that I have ignored the basic qualities of a soldier, but as a commander, my behavior can be called stupid.

At nightfall, Li Mu stayed in the conference room for the whole day. Lunch and dinner were placed on the table. He didn't move a word. He just sat there reflecting like an old monk in trance.

The greater Chen Tao's expectations for himself, the angrier and more disappointed he became.And his performance is still basically that of a soldier. How can he have the quality of a commander?
You can fight, but not like this.

You have to react to being peach-picked, but not this way.Responding with violence reflects the low quality of the entire army.

Tolerance is great. If you don't even have this ability to tolerate, how far can you go?
Li Mu's eyes slowly brightened, and he found his problem.

A qualified commander will never swing his fist at his brother troops, but does so for merit.

This is taboo!

Zhao Yiyun can be forgiven for doing this, Du Xiaofan can be forgiven for doing this, anyone can be forgiven for doing this, but not Li Mu!

Because he is the commander!
Chen Tao couldn't see the basic qualities of a commander when he handled the situation, so he was disappointed!

Staying calm does not only require staying calm in battle, and accurate decision-making must not only be reflected when commanding operations.You can't climb up without eating the fireworks of the world. If you don't do things well at ordinary times, you may get stuck, despite your outstanding achievements.

Li Mu let out a long sigh of relief, and the biggest stone in his heart was finally lifted.The biggest mistake he made was to underestimate himself!
After finding paper and pen, Li Mu began to write a letter of apology seriously.It is not so much a self-reflection letter as it is a profound summary of myself in the past six months, an in-depth analysis of my own ideological changes from the outside to the inside, and I have found the root.

However, Li Mu didn't know that Chen Tao suddenly took advantage of this incident to get angry, forcing him to grow up and become independent as soon as possible, instead of always thinking about having a headhunter and a backer behind him.

He didn't even know that Chen Tao would soon leave the Hunter Commando Team.

It was not difficult for the hand holding the gun to pick up the pen and write, thousands of words filled with sincerity. Late at night, Li Mu completed his personal review. All the energy in his body was exhausted. He felt relaxed. He fell directly on the table and fell asleep. .

Chen Tao walked in with gentle steps and picked up the dozen pieces of letter paper, which were filled with words.He watched slowly, very seriously, and spent a long time reading it. He put it down silently and turned around to leave. He did not forget to ask the sentry to fetch a blanket for Li Mu. The night in the mountains was a bit cold.

Walking downstairs and walking slowly in the yard, Chen Tao was also thinking about the future of the Hunter Commando at this night with the chirping of unknown insects and birds.

The commander was determined to follow the development of the army, and he led a team that impressed his peers and attracted the commander's attention.The commander believes that you, Chen Tao, should play a greater role and make a more important contribution to the reform of the army, so he issued an order to prepare to take on a heavier burden.

Although he doesn't know where he will be transferred yet.

What about Hunter Commandos?

It is foreseeable that there will not be big changes in the short term, but someone will definitely take his place.Before Li Mu became an officer, his status could only be limited to the actual commander of the commando team, but he could not serve as the commando team leader.

When the team organization is perfected, the sparrow may be small but has all the internal organs, and it will become sound.

After that, they may stay in the south for a long time and then face the special forces sent by various military regions and services. This is the primary task of the Hunter Commandos.It is also possible that they will be stationed in the Northeast for training in cold zone areas.All in all, the Hunter Commando must be an all-terrain combat force.

Thinking that all this will have nothing to do with him in the future, Chen Tao's unwillingness to achieve his ambitions will surge up in his heart.He even thought about asking to stay, even if he had to be a headhunter with only a few soldiers for the rest of his life.But the bounden duty of a revolutionary soldier is to obey orders. Wherever you are needed, you will go. There is no room for bargaining.

Strict discipline creates a steel collective. Every soldier is a small part of this large collective. You have to operate how you need to operate, so you can ensure that this war machine that protects your home and country is always ready. The state of war!
"No one can experience all the excitement. You have to learn to see and think with your brain." Chen Tao murmured to himself, explaining himself.

A man came over from the other side of the building.


But it was Li Jiujiu, the military commander of the No. 13 Special Forces Brigade.

After saluting each other, Chen Tao said, "Call me Staff Chen, don't call me Chief."

"Counsel Chen." Li Jiujiu said with a smile, "I came here specially to apologize to you."

"Apologise? For today's fight?" Chen Tao said with a smile.

Li Jiujiu nodded and said, "It's not just about the fight. It's also about the situation report. I was the one who led the people to look at the bandit leader, and it was my people who told them that we were the ones who arrested him. We were not kind in the first place."

Chen Tao looked at the baby-faced guard commander and said with a smile, "Li Mu beat you up in front of your soldiers, but you don't hate him at all?"

"To put it too seriously, let's not talk about hatred. Staff Chen, let's put it this way. I was holding back my anger at the beginning. You also know that if you lose my face in front of my soldiers, how will this affect my future military leadership? It had an impact." Li Jiujiu said in a deep voice, "But later I calmed down and felt relieved. There's nothing to say, my skills are not as good as others, that's it. Two of my men were injured, what happened to your commando team? None. To be honest, it’s impossible for me to be convinced, but I admit that the Hunter Commandos are more powerful than I thought.”

Chen Tao chuckled and said, "What you mean is that you want to put all the grudges on the training ground to resolve them."

"Consultant Chen, that's not what you said. I personally think that if there is a little contradiction, the best strength can be brought out in confrontation. For my troops, what happened today is a big stimulus." Li Jiujiu explain.

"Being aware of shame and then being brave is a good thing." Chen Tao nodded in agreement.

Li Jiujiu nodded heavily and said with shame, "I am the one with the highest rank here today. I didn't stop it in time, so the fight happened behind me. The responsibility lies with me. Staff Chen, I heard that you are going to transfer Li Mu. With all due respect, Is this too harsh?"

"Oh? I'm a little surprised. Why are you still helping him?" Chen Tao smiled and narrowed his eyes.

Smiling helplessly, Li Jiujiu said, "Although the contact time was very short, I have learned about him from intelligence before. To be honest, this soldier makes me feel ashamed. He has done a lot that I want to do but can't. Things that he has no chance to do. And he is just a first-term non-commissioned officer. Our leader said that he is worth five companies."

"Li Tangyi is generous with his words of praise." Chen Tao chuckled, "It's rare for such words to come from his mouth. Why, your leader is still trying to poach me?"

"If you want to transfer Li Mu, our leader will probably apply, or simply intercept it. You and our leader are classmates, he can really do it." Li Jiujiu said with a smile, this Staff Chen is comparable to the leader Much easier to get along with, no airs at all.

Chen Tao smiled faintly, "He has the courage, but not the strength."

The two looked at each other and laughed, and the grievances they had in private disappeared in the laughter.

(End of this chapter)

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