hunter commando

Chapter 408 I Don't Go To Hell Who Goes To Hell

Chapter 408 I Don't Go To Hell Who Goes To Hell

Five minutes after Land Patrol passed by, Li Mu decisively turned on the ignition and then quickly drove out of the small road towards the toll station.

This guy needs to get on the highway again, return to Chonggou Town, and kill him with a single shot!

Passing the toll station smoothly, Li Mu increased the speed to more than 3000 rpm, which is the speed at which the maximum torque bursts out. He quickly increased the speed of the D32 to [-], then gradually accelerated and headed back towards Chonggou Town.

But Li Jiujiu got off the expressway, and after chasing for a while without seeing the car, Li Jiujiu immediately came to his senses. As long as the other party got off the expressway and stopped anywhere, it would be difficult for him to find it.

Simply, Li Jiujiu pulled over. There was a road sign in front of him. To the right was the national highway and to the left was a certain town.He took out a cigarette and gave it to Zhang Wei, lit it and took two puffs, then opened the car window and thought.

He was not anxious at all and was very calm.

Four-year military academy, two-year division chief, two-year guard chief, and he was not considered a young guard chief at Lizhinian. Many company guard chiefs were 27 or [-] years old, but he was the most promising key training cadre.Underneath the baby face is a calm and collected mind, no matter what the environment.

When he was the director, he led the team to participate in the Erna Assault Competition and won first place. The director led the team to participate in the peacekeeping mission the next year, and became the guard commander when he came back.In his first year, the Guard Chief led his team to participate in several important joint military exercises throughout the year, and also assisted the local Narcotics Control Bureau in dealing with drug traffickers in the southwest.

It is not too much to say that Li Jiujiu is a grassroots command officer with rich combat experience. Besides, Zhang Wei beside him has been his most effective squad leader since he was the chief of the department. Now he is a bit of a staff sergeant. Meaning.

Neither is simple.

"Think about it, if it were you, how would you go. Go back to the base or lurk on the spot, or..." Li Jiujiu looked at the national road leading to Chonggou Town, "or kill the carbine and go back to Chonggou Town."

Zhang Wei frowned and thought, "If it were me, I would lurk on the spot. It is definitely impossible to go back. Since I have come out to conduct reconnaissance, I will not return until I understand the situation, unless I receive an order. As for fighting back, If it were me, I wouldn't dare to do this. Chonggou Town is a big deal, and going back when the other party is already alert is tantamount to death."

Li Jiujiu smoked out the last half of his cigarette in one gulp, threw the cigarette butt out, put the gear into gear and stepped on the accelerator to move forward, while saying, "Then they must have returned with carbine, let's go back to Chonggou Town and dig them out!"

Zhang Wei didn't understand for a while, "What do you mean?"

"It's very simple! If you think the same thing as I do, then they won't do that and just take the risk of fighting back!" Li Jiujiu said decisively.

At this time, the Land Cruiser was already galloping, speeding along the national highway in the direction of Chonggou Town. In the dark night, the headlight beam bounced up and down with the bumps.

Zhang Wei understood that Captain Wei's thinking was always different from that of others, and as soon as he was sure, he would act immediately, never hesitating at all, and his personality was very clear.Even if my judgment is wrong, in Li Jiujiu’s words, I only know that the path is wrong after I do it!
The talent of a general.

It has to be said that Li Jiujiu almost penetrated Li Mu's mind, and Li Mu's every step was accurately judged by him.The difference this time was that Li Jiujiu didn't expect Li Mu to go back to Chonggou Town on the expressway. He thought Li Mu and the others were taking the national highway.

It is not far from Chonggou Town, more than 20 kilometers. If you take the high speed, it will be [-] kilometers, and the speed is faster. If you take the national road, even if there are no cars on the road, the speed will not be fast. It's in a residential area and the road conditions are pretty bad.

The thoughtful Li Jiujiu did not forget to call Car No. [-] in Chonggou Town and asked them to continue patrolling, focusing on the intersections entering Chonggou Town, national highways, provincial roads and rural roads, including highway intersections.Chonggou Town is the only place to pass when entering Shiwanda Mountain, so there are many traffic roads passing through, otherwise there would be no highway entrance.

Li Mu and Du Xiaofan ran all the way back to Chonggou Town. When they got off the highway, Li Jiujiu and Zhang Wei were still halfway on the national highway.

If Li Mu entered the town directly, it wouldn't take long before he would be discovered by the No. 13 car of the No. [-] commando patrolling the town.

Obviously, Li Mu is not in vain, although he does not have four years of solid professional education experience like Li Jiujiu.

Li Mu found a secluded forest about two kilometers away from the town, threw the D32 inside, and got off the car with Du Xiaofan.

Crouching in the woods on one side, the two began to discuss their next move.

"I thought about it carefully just now, and there is definitely a big problem in Chonggou Town." Li Mu said, rubbing his nose, resisting the urge to smoke, smoking in the dark, it is easy to be discovered, he continued, "Their assault The team is in the town, where is the main force? Could it be that the main force is further away? Look at the map."

As they spoke, the two of them used a dim flashlight to study the map spread on the grass. Li Mu said, "Look, there is no better location than Chonggou Town. Would you give up such a good location and choose Gathering further away? You see, Chonggou Town is the only flat land within a radius of dozens of kilometers. If the No. 13 Special Operations Brigade subsequently invests troops, I think they will definitely use helicopters. Chonggou Town is suitable for garrisoning A place for helicopters.”

Du Xiaofan nodded slowly, "What do you mean?"

Li Mu raised his head and scanned the dark night around him. In the night were the endless mountains. He said in a deep voice, "I always feel that the large troops of the No. 13 Special Forces Brigade are hiding somewhere in the surrounding area." , maybe the commando team is just a cover, or even a bait."

"It's not that exaggerated, right? Based on the analysis of the situation so far, their commando team has put in a lot of effort. If it's a bait, there's no need to hide it so tightly. It's not that different." Du Xiaofan shook his head and said.

Smiling lightly, Li Mu said, "The bait must come as it is, otherwise we will not be fooled. Besides, the bait can also become an attacking team at any time, anyway, the initiative is in their hands."

"That's possible." Du Xiaofan nodded, "Then what should we do next?"

Li Mu said in a deep voice, "Let's camouflage the car first, and then let's search for the surrounding mountains within a five-kilometer radius around Chonggou Town!"

Du Xiaofan gasped suddenly - this shit is killing me!There were only two people in the mountain within a five-kilometer radius. This search intensity was abnormal. Du Xiaofan could already realize that he might not be able to sleep tonight. He would have to search all night long. Moreover, there were more dangerous environments in the mountain.

He smiled bitterly and said, "Lao Li, I would like to add that performing missions with you is not only thrilling, but also life-threatening."

"Haha, if I don't go to hell, who will?"

(End of this chapter)

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