hunter commando

Chapter 402 Mysterious Commando

Chapter 402 Mysterious Commando

"Stop the car, there must be something wrong."

V32 circled the town again, and Li Mu asked Du Xiaofan to pull over.They had changed hands half an hour ago. In order to maintain sufficient physical strength and energy, Li Mu asked Du Xiaofan to take over the driving position.Fortunately, although Du Xiaofan has not touched a steering wheel for more than two years, he is still very proficient. This is also because he has a manual transmission sports car in his home garage.

"Get off the car and buy a bottle of water and a pack of cigarettes." Li Mu said, opening the door and getting out of the car.

Du Xiaofan kept the car idling, and the two of them walked towards the canteen on the roadside.

At this time, the sun was half blocked by the mountains, and darkness would soon follow.They had been wandering around for nearly two hours, but they didn't find any trace of troops gathering.Logically speaking, it is impossible for such a large-scale troop gathering to be without traces, but there are none.

Therefore, Li Mu concluded that something must have gone wrong.

"Either there is a problem with the intelligence, or the target has changed the gathering place." Li Mu whispered as he walked towards the canteen.

Du Xiaofan nodded, "Which one do you think is more likely?"

"There's no way to tell. I don't know the source of the headhunter's information." Li Mu shook his head slightly.

While talking, he came to the canteen. Li Mu smiled and said to the proprietress who was coaxing the children, "Boss, please bring two bottles of mineral water and two packs of cigarettes."

Li Mu speaks the Zhudao dialect. He knows that there is a dialect here that is very similar to the Zhudao dialect.

The landlady didn't look strange at all, she took it out and said, "One hundred."

Du Xiaofan paid the bill, and the two of them took a swig of mineral water. They opened the cigarette and lit one, then stood in front of the canteen and started smoking. They habitually looked around, especially at both ends of the road.

"What's the next step?" Du Xiaofan asked in a low voice.

Li Mu exhaled a puff of smoke and said thoughtfully, "With no way to distinguish the authenticity of the intelligence, we have only one choice."

"Expand the search scope?" Du Xiaofan asked with a frown.

Li Mu nodded, puffing out smoke from his nostrils, and said, "I don't believe hundreds or even thousands of people can disappear."

"This range is quite large. We have searched a five-kilometer radius of the town just now and found nothing. There is really something going on. They can't go without eating or drinking. There can't be no activities, right? Hiding it so deeply, I can’t figure out how it was done." Du Xiaofan shook his head and whispered.

Li Mu looked at the pedestrians and vehicles on the street. The number of pedestrians and vehicles gradually decreased. At meal time, everyone came home to eat one after another, whether they were working outside or running business outside.

There are more than a dozen food stalls and food stalls in two rows on the roadside. There are many trucks parked in front of the door. The trucks passing by choose to eat here to replenish their energy. Some even stay here for one night to ensure they have enough energy to enter the mountainous area. .You must know that after entering the mountainous area, it is not so convenient.

Of course, if there are restaurants and hotels, there must be prostitutes, and 90.00% of the customers are passing truck drivers.

Li Mu shook his head to get rid of this messy information from his mind.What Chen Tao said is absolutely correct. Once Li Mu takes off his military uniform, he basically doesn't look like a soldier at all.His thoughts and thinking can quickly keep up with the rhythm of society. For example, he can easily analyze and judge invisible prostitutes from what he observes.

For no reason, the spirit barrier flashed, and Li Mu's eyes lit up, "You're right, I can't figure out how they disappeared out of thin air, that means they didn't disappear."

Du Xiaofan couldn't figure out the meaning of Li Mu's words for a while, and looked confused.

"Tell me, if they didn't disappear, but were hidden very deeply, what would be possible?" Li Mu asked in a low voice. Looking at his expression, you could tell that he probably had the answer in his heart.

Du Xiaofan frowned and replied, "Hiding in the mountains? That's impossible. There are so many people here. If such a large group of people join this living environment, there must be clues."

After finishing speaking, Du Xiaofan looked at Li Mu's slightly smiling expression and slowly understood. His eyes slowly widened, and finally he showed an expression of disbelief.

"Is it impossible? Will they only send a small team?" Du Xiaofan told Li Mu the answer in his heart.

Li Mu nodded firmly, "It's very possible. With a small number of people, it is easier to hide traces. I just thought about it carefully. Although the No. 13 Special Operations Brigade is a relatively stable force, think about it, if you Commander of the No. 13 Special Operations Brigade, your superiors have asked you to confront a commando with only seven combatants in a cruel and inhumane confrontation that concerns the honor of two military regions. What kind of force will you send? Troops? Go out in full force or send a seven-man commando equally?"

Absolutely no one has thought about this question.

After knowing the rules given by the director, everyone was shouting that this imbalance in military strength was unfair. Everyone ignored one more thing - both sides can send any troops according to their own needs.

In other words, the director's department does not impose strict requirements on the number of participating troops.

Du Xiaofan quickly figured out some of the subtle joints. His eyes became brighter and brighter. He took a long puff of cigarette and said, "Because the honor of the two military regions is at stake, I will definitely send seven soldiers equally." As a commando, if you win in this way, you will gain glory, bullying more than others is not enough."

"That's what I mean." Li Mu nodded and said, "Furthermore, even if the No. 13 Special Forces Brigade sends a seven-man commando team, if the subsequent battle situation is not favorable to them, they can still increase their strength. You know, the director's department has no limits in this regard.”

"Fuck, you're too cheap." Du Xiaofan understood immediately and cursed.

"The most humble person is invincible, which is what cruel war is about." Li Mu chuckled and said. He glanced around to make sure no one noticed their conversation. He lowered his voice and said seriously, "Now our mission is clear. First, find the commando team hiding in or around the town. Second, try to find the camp of the No. 13 Special Forces Brigade. It is impossible for them to arrive and send troops here from Xiyan City District. There must be a large force. Stationed in the surrounding area."

"I'm afraid we won't be able to complete the second task. How big is the scope? It just depends on the two of us. There's no way we can do it in less than two days." Du Xiaofan said with a wry smile.

Li Mu thought for a moment and said, "Find the mysterious commando first."

Du Xiaofan hesitated for a moment and said, "Lao Li, these are all based on your judgment. If you make a wrong judgment, we won't have time to start over."

"Nothing is certain, especially when the two armies are facing each other." Li Mu said soberly, "First of all, we can't distinguish the authenticity of the intelligence, so we can only analyze it based on the authenticity of the intelligence. Then we conducted an almost carpet-like search, and there was no After discovering the assembly area, we can infer that there is only one possibility - the target force cannot be hundreds of people. Then, it is logical that a mysterious commando team exists."

Du Xiaofan had to admire Li Mu's clear and meticulous thinking. He was able to maintain such a clear mind in an environment that could be said to be equivalent to the enemy's abdomen. This alone is beyond comparison for ordinary people.

"Okay, I agree and second your judgment." Du Xiaofan nodded decisively.

Li Mu looked back and saw that the proprietress was already feeding the children, so he said, "What we need to do next is to find a place to eat."


Note: Recommended votes are bullets, monthly tickets are cannonballs, rewards are atomic bombs, brothers, we are running out of ammunition, please support!

(End of this chapter)

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