hunter commando

Chapter 384: Attempting to bribe soldiers

Chapter 384: Attempting to bribe soldiers

"Target No. [-] has a mole on his chin, and there is a beard on the mole."

In the communication channel, everyone was talking word by word.This is a change in the Hunter Commando's maturity. The soldiers have begun to enter a state where chatting and laughing turn into ashes.

"Demeanor, didn't you say you can analyze a person's personality from their appearance and actions? Try it." Shi Lei teased.

Chen Tao smiled silently and did not stop him.

Du Xiaofan took a serious look at the three people who were still walking slowly along the edge of the reservoir. Target No. [-] was Brother Mole whom Shi Lei had just mentioned, and he was walking in front.

"Target No. [-] has a steady pace and a square face, but his arm swings are too large and his eyes are cold. This is a person with a contradictory personality and a ruthless heart. Such people usually have excessive self-confidence and believe that they are on the absolutely right path." Du Xiaofan came up and gave some analysis, which made Shi Lei stunned.

Shi Lei slapped his mouth and whispered, "Fengfeng, how can you make it sound like the truth?"

"Don't believe it?" Du Xiaofan raised the corner of his mouth, "Make a bet. Target No. [-] will definitely resist with a pack of cigarettes."

"I'm afraid you won't succeed. Let's all testify." Shi Lei said.

Chen Tao knew it was impossible to remain silent, so he gave a warning: "No shooting is allowed unless you are attacked. The police want to capture him alive. Do you understand?"

"Understood!" Du Xiaofan said firmly, "Target No. [-] will definitely shoot at us without hesitation. The shotgun he is carrying seems to be a famous brand and has high accuracy."

Shi Lei said, "The son of a rich man like you must have hunted a lot before joining the army. If you ask me if he hunted wild animals, I will be lenient if I confess."

Du Xiaofan twitched his lips and said, "I have fought in the wild, and I have only seen wild animals a few times in the zoo."


"The target has entered the shooting range, shut up." Li Mu warned.

Three targets entered the 100-meter range.

"Headhunter, leave target No. [-] to me." Du Xiaofan asked in a deep voice.

Chen Tao agreed: "Fengdu is responsible for target No. [-], Geng Shuai is responsible for target No. [-], and the rest will follow me. I repeat, don't shoot unless you are under attack. Listen to my command!"

"Roger that!"

The edge of the reservoir is shaped like an egg. The Hunter Commando's lurking position is at one end of the egg. The path beside the reservoir extends along the side, then turns along the edge of the reservoir at the tip, and then walks forward into the woods to the west. Can pass through the entire No. [-] area.

In other words, when the target traveled to one end of the reservoir, it was less than 50 meters away from the Hunter Commando's lurking position.

Chen Tao said in a low voice while signing, "Get ready to go out."

Li Mu, Shi Lei and Lin Yu were ready and began to stand up slowly, bending their knees at an angle of about ninety degrees and tightening their feet.

"go out!"

Chen Tao gave the decisive order. At the same time, he jumped out from his hiding position, raised his gun and shouted: "Raise your hands!"

Almost at the same time, Li Mu beside him also jumped out, aiming his gun at the second target.Shi Lei and Lin Yu also emerged from the assault position in front at the same time, shouting and raising their hands.

The sudden movement surprised the three targets. Target No. [-] subconsciously took aim at the gun and was about to pull the trigger!
This kind of sudden movement is actually very dangerous, because the target may shoot subconsciously.

But Chen Tao had already made arrangements.

Zhao Yiyun, who was monitoring target No. 5.8, saw target No. [-] preparing to shoot and fired decisively. A [-] mm bullet accurately hit target No. [-]'s gun-holding hand.


Target No. [-] screamed, the gun in his hand fell, and he screamed in pain while covering his hands.

"We are Yan Kingdom soldiers! Put down the gun and get inspected!" Li Mu shouted in time.

Target No. [-] and Target No. [-] have already touched the shotguns. Target No. [-] moves very quickly and has already picked up the long-barreled shotgun.


Du Xiaofan fired decisively, and a bullet hit the ground at the feet of target No. [-], splashing some dust.Target No. [-] stopped moving.

"Put down the gun! Raise your hand!" Li Mu strode forward. Shi Lei and Lin Yu cooperated and quickly approached the target.

Target No. [-] and Target No. [-] hesitated for a moment, "Bang bang bang!" Without hesitation, several bullets hit their feet. The splashed mud hurt their calves. They didn't dare to take any chances. He quickly raised his hand.

Regardless of whether it is a poacher or not, carrying such powerful controlled guns into the army training area is a criminal offense in itself.

Looking at the soldiers in camouflage uniforms with camouflage smeared on their faces, the poachers knew they had encountered a problem. Target No. [-] looked cold and cold, and suddenly saw two more soldiers appearing behind him. I was shocked. I didn't know how many people were hiding in the woods.

"Headhunter, we found something!" Shi Lei and Lin Yu cooperated and went forward to check the mesh bag on the second target and found several ivory tusks.

Chen Tao took a closer look and saw that there were six tusks with a trace of blood remaining on them.

It can be confirmed that he is a poacher!
Taking a glance, Chen Tao decisively ordered: "Tie it up!"

Shi Lei and Lin Yu immediately went up and handed over their weapons first, then pulled out the rope and tied their hands behind their backs.

"Comrade, are you not the police?" Brother Mole with cold eyes said to Chen Tao when Shi Lei tied his hands.He also saw that Chen Tao was the one giving orders.

Chen Tao glanced at him and ignored him at all. He walked aside, took out his mobile phone and called someone at the police station.

Li Mu came over, rummaged through Brother Mole's belongings, pointed at the other two, and ordered the others, "Search them and take out any suspicious items found."

Shi Lei and Lin Yu immediately began to search with all their hands. Geng Shuai and Du Xiaofan were on guard with guns. There was also Zhao Yiyun, who was still hiding at this moment, acting as the last line of defense in the dark.

"Little comrade, there is a card in my right trouser pocket, and the money in it is all yours, as long as you let me go." Brother Mole suddenly said to Li Mu in a low voice.

Li Mu raised his eyebrows, emptied Brother Mole's right trouser pocket, and sure enough he took out a bank card, holding it in his hand and looking at it.That's a beautiful savings card.

"The password is 198889, little comrade, let me go." Brother Mole actually reported the password and looked at Li Mu pleadingly.

Li Mu's eyes searched back and forth between the bank card and Brother Mole's face, as if he was thinking about something.

"You can use my mobile phone to check the balance and verify the password. You will definitely be surprised." Brother Mole whispered. Seeing Chen Tao turn around and come back after making the call, he whispered quickly, "Trust me , you will definitely be satisfied.”

After he finished speaking, he closed his mouth.

Li Mu suddenly smiled slightly, looked at Brother Mole with squinted eyes, glanced back at Chen Tao who was walking over, and asked Brother Mole in a low voice, "How much is there in it? Yan Guo coins?"

Brother Mole was secretly happy and whispered, "More than 18. Yanguo coins."

Li Mu smiled with satisfaction.

Chen Tao came over, and Li Mu handed over his bank card and said, "Boss, Target No. 18 tried to bribe me with [-] Yanguo coins, but I sternly refused."

Brother Mole's eyes were about to burst into flames when he looked at Li Mu.

"Oh? It's most likely dirty money." Chen Tao borrowed the bank card and looked at it, then said loudly, "Collect all their personal belongings and hand them over to the police together!"

At this time, the hands of the three targets were tied behind their backs, and the escort operation officially began.The hunter commando team needs to send the suspect out of Area [-] and hand over to the incoming police.

(End of this chapter)

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