hunter commando

Chapter 373 Restless

Chapter 373 Restless
In front of you is a restricted area that has not been visited for at least 30 years. In the tropical rainforest that stretches across several countries, hidden are landmines that have been washed away by the years and constantly changing positions with the flow of soil.

Even the countries that deployed those things themselves at that time had no idea how many landmines there were in this area and where they were.

It took less than a month for the two warring countries to turn the border area into a death zone. Now, 30 to [-] years later, the two countries have spent ten years, but they still have not been able to clear all the minefields. .

Even in areas where large-scale mine clearance has been carried out, border residents have been injured by landmines from time to time.This shows how difficult it is to clean up time bombs buried underground.

His eyes passed over the "Dangerous Area No Entry!" sign that had been washed away by countless rains. The shocking red color and the big exclamation mark stimulated people's senses.

Chen Tao took out a waterproof military large-scale map from his pocket. Li Mu emerged from the grass beside him, took out a handheld computer from his tactical backpack, and put their two heads together.

The remaining people are scattered on the left and right sides. Even if you search carefully, it is difficult to see their figures.A makeshift defensive front was established almost as long as they stayed here.

Comparing the paper map and the satellite map on the handheld computer, Chen Tao and Li Mu discussed in low voices.

"Our position is here, 50 kilometers from the border. This is the point where the target crosses the border." Li Mu whispered, enlarging the satellite map on the handheld computer, pointing to a mountain col on the paper map, and adjusting Looking at the coordinates on the satellite map, when the two coordinate data were completely consistent, Li Mu pointed at the satellite map on the handheld computer and said, "This is it, about... [-] meters east of the boundary monument. You can see that there is a small road here. "

"It seems that the restricted area is not uninhabited, but the people inside are not ordinary people." Chen Tao nodded slowly. The handheld computer provided by the police was very easy to use, and the satellite map was very clear. You can completely see the actual situation at the border crossing point. There is a sheep intestine trail on top.

But the exact direction of the trail cannot be seen from the satellite map. After all, this is a dense tropical rain forest, and satellites are not powerful enough to penetrate the dense trees to take pictures.

"Find the path." Chen Tao made a decisive decision, "Be careful, the path is not absolutely safe."

Li Mu nodded understandingly. Since the drug transport caravan used minefields to transport goods, they would definitely think of using mines to block the path they took.Mines are so easy to use in the opposite area.

Chen Tao spoke in sign language and whispered an order through the headset, "Battle column! Search and advance!"

Shi Lei and Lin Yu jumped out of their hiding place in a single step and entered the restricted area, followed immediately by Geng Shuai, then Li Mu, then Chen Tao, Du Xiaofan followed closely, and Zhao Yiyun had a gun hanging around his neck. **The rifle is at the end.

"They went in."

In the field command camp about five kilometers away in a straight line, in the command tent, technicians pointed at the red signal on the screen and suddenly reported.

Director Su was standing in front of the screen and there was no need for technical staff to report.He stood there for more than an hour.

This case that had been followed for eight months finally came to the final moment, but he didn't feel as confident as before.

Maybe it was drugs worth hundreds of millions, or maybe it was someone other than him who was performing the most critical task. Director Su couldn't think clearly, but he just felt that his heart could not settle down.

This is rare for an anti-drug policeman who has fought in the anti-drug front for 20 years.

He had also analyzed that it was impossible for the drug-trafficking caravan to cross the border through the minefields at so many risks, but the conclusive intelligence from the undercover officers proved his analysis wrong.So, is there a secret safe passage through the minefield?

Before the Hunter Commandos arrived at the communication adjustment point, Director Su had no way of knowing whether the Hunter Commandos had discovered the existence of such a secret safe passage.

It is unconvincing to judge that there is a secret safe passage just by relying on a trail that is only about ten meters long on a satellite map.

"How long will it take them to reach the first communication adjustment point?" Director Su asked in the depressing atmosphere.

The technician quickly calculated, "According to the current traveling speed, it will take about an hour."

When arranging communication adjustment points, there are no rigid requirements for communication time, but only three adjustment points are marked.The adjustment point facilitates the rear to determine the specific location of the commando and facilitate rescue.

Director Su originally requested communication every hour, but Chen Tao refused.Chen Tao's reason is very simple - the longer the communication is silent, the more secretive the action becomes.

Chen Tao did not believe that an armed caravan with such powerful firepower would not have radio search capabilities.What if there is?A radio amateur can use simple equipment to affect wireless communications in a neighborhood. What seems impossible to outsiders, but in the eyes of professionals, it is extremely simple.

In the end, he had to stay close to the border, and Chen Tao would never allow any possibility of exposing his position.

The basic condition for an ambush is concealment.

Therefore, Director Su could only agree to Chen Tao's plan, and could only wait patiently for Chen Tao to take the initiative to contact the rear.

The time for the target to cross the border was getting closer and closer, but Director Su suddenly felt a little restless.He walked out of the tent and looked toward the border.The lush jungle in front of him blocked his vision. When he raised his head and looked at the sky, he suddenly remembered something.

Finally I know the reason for my restlessness.

He remembered the weather forecast from the observatory, which said that the first rain of summer would hit the area today.Starting from the first rain, the tropical jungle area will enter a rainy season that lasts for half a year or even eight months. The continuous rain will turn the original tropical jungle into a death zone.

The target chooses to ship the goods tomorrow, which is a good time.Rainwater can wash away many things and cause great trouble to police operations.

The sky is gradually getting dark, and a heavy rain is inevitable.

Can they do it?
Director Su no longer fidgeted, but became more and more worried.

The Hunter Commandos, who have been marching in the restricted area for more than half an hour, do they know about the changes in the weather? Of course they do, otherwise Chen Tao would not ask to enter the mission area more than 30 hours in advance.

Who else understands the dangers of the tropical jungle during the rainy season better than Chen Tao?

(End of this chapter)

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