hunter commando

Chapter 369 Still Familiar 101

Chapter 369 Still Familiar 101
When wine meets a bosom friend, a thousand cups are too few. Can Li Mu and Leader Gao become bosom friends on the night of the wedding banquet when they first meet?

At the same time, Li Mu didn't think that any of his brothers would fall in love with the senior leader at first sight.

Therefore, even though he had drank half a catty of local farmer's rice wine, Li Mu still clearly felt that tonight's reception banquet was not ordinary.

It’s not that all the dishes are just the standard dishes of some troops, nor is it that all the people attending the reception banquet in the evening are leaders of the Army Aviation Regiment, but Li Mu vaguely felt that such a reception banquet contains special meanings. Such meaning.

Why can a few big-headed soldiers drink with the deputy regiment and main regiment cadres?
Even if alcohol prohibition is not that strong here in the Southwest.

The strangest thing is the headhunter. Li Mu knows that headhunters have always been very opposed to soldiers drinking.Alcohol can paralyze nerves and seriously affect physical performance.Even if they smoke, headhunters always control the amount of soldiers.Even though tonight is a wedding banquet, it's really strange to let it go so freely.

"Brothers of the Hunter commando team, when you come to me, you are at home. Come, respect brothers, and wish you a happy training! Done!" Leader Gao raised his glass again and said loudly.

Shi Lei hurriedly filled a glass of wine and raised it. Naturally, the others also hurriedly raised their glasses, all of them blushing.Where is the chance to drink, let alone the chance to drink like this.The last time a veteran was discharged from the army, he drank too much.

Li Mu smiled slightly, raised his glass, and everyone clinked their glasses together.

While clinking glasses, Li Mu's eyes accidentally met the only middle-aged man in casual clothes present.Li Mu, who had experienced life and death, his eyes actually flashed.The deep and chilling gaze was not exposed, it was just a fleeting glance, but it was keenly captured by Li Mu, who was not drunk at all.

In fact, Li Mu paid more attention to this middle-aged man in casual clothes tonight.No one at the table introduced him, so he had no idea who he was.

But Li Mu is certain of one thing - he is definitely not a soldier.

Friends of high leaders?

Observing the way they talked during the dinner, it didn't look like they were talking.

Headhunter friend?
It didn't look like it was the first time we met.

It is really strange for such a strange non-military personnel to appear at such a welcoming banquet.

You must know that the confidentiality level of the Hunter Commando Team is very high, otherwise the establishment would not be classified under the unrelated propaganda team.

I drank until after nine o'clock, more than three hours, and drank [-] kilograms of local farm rice wine.The orderlies sent the staggered leaders back to their rooms. Li Mu and others helped each other to go to the commuting club dormitory, but the headhunter and the mysterious middle-aged man went somewhere unknown.

Back in the dormitory, Shi Lei fell on the bed and fell asleep, Lin Yu vomited in the toilet for half an hour, struggled to get out and fell on the bed screaming loudly.Geng Shuai's situation was the worst. Zhao Yiyun and Du Du Xiaofan almost carried him back to the dormitory halfway. He vomited on the floor while lying on the bed.

Li Mu sat there and poured a glass of boiling water, drank it slowly, and lit a cigarette.

Zhao Yiyun and Du Xiaofan brought mops for cleaning. These two drank the least because they didn't rush and fight like Shi Lei and Lin Yu.

Jin Huanming did not live with everyone. He was an ordnance officer, correspondent and clerk, and lived in the team headquarters. In fact, he was the only one in the team headquarters.He didn't drink.In any army and at any time, people in Jin Huanming's position are determined not to drink and must stay sober at all times.

You don't know when the higher authority will issue an order.

After cleaning, Geng Shuai sat down to the side, then slowly fell down like a boneless animal, and fell asleep in less than a minute.

Li Mu couldn't help but laugh. This guy had a bad drinking tolerance and kept holding on just to avoid embarrassment.

Zhao Yiyun was really fine. He pulled up a chair and sat down diagonally across from Li Mu. He took the cigarette from Li Mu and lit one.

"The reception banquet tonight was weird, did you notice it?" Zhao Yiyun blew out a puff of smoke.

After nodding his head, Li Mu said, "I just don't know if it's a bad thing or a good thing."

"What kind of bad thing?" Zhao Yiyun asked.

Smiling, Li Mu said, "The wine that catches the wind and cleanses the dust turns into a strong wine. Do you think it is a bad thing or a good thing?"

"Isn't it?" Zhao Yiyun was taken aback and said in disbelief.

"Look, after staying in the team, only half a year later, we participated in many actual combat operations." Li Mu said solemnly, "If the first two operations were sudden and accidental, but the subsequent several consecutive missions, we cannot use the same Explain the reasons. Have you ever thought about the root cause? There are so many troops in the whole army, not to mention the whole army, just our military region, so many troops, who are we, why should we be the one to take the lead? "

Frowning his brows, Zhao Yiyun thought deeply, "The exercise at the end of last year, the battle where the Red Army commander was killed, do you mean that from here on, we are being targeted?"

"It can only be explained this way." Li Mu nodded slowly, "Maybe the superiors did not have high hopes for us at the beginning, but as we continued to demonstrate our abilities and qualities, they attracted attention."

Zhao Yiyun smiled bitterly and sighed, and said, "I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing. Maybe it's a mixture of good and bad. On the good side, we have a lot more experience than others. On the bad side, we might be really glorious one day."

"Those who are fearless have nothing to fear. The more you fear death, the easier it is to die. I think I am qualified to say this." Li Mu said with a smile.

Zhao Yiyun shook his head helplessly, "Of course you are qualified, there is no one more qualified than you."

Li Mu suddenly glanced at the brothers lying on the bed and said, "Everyone, get up. There are no outsiders here, so there is no need to act anymore."

"Hey." Shi Lei was the first to get up, his eyes were bright, not at all like a drunk person's confusion.

Then there was Geng Shuai, he smiled and rubbed his face, "I am indeed a little dizzy."

Lin Yu got up and walked over to Li Mu asking for a cigarette, "I really want to smoke after drinking."

No one was drunk.

"I heard you all. Just adjust your mentality tonight. Get up tomorrow and tonight will become history." Li Mu dispersed the smoke. "Tomorrow will be sunny or rainy. The weather forecast cannot give us an accurate answer, so , we must be mentally prepared, no matter what the weather is, it will not have an impact."

The brothers nodded solemnly. They were all people who had come through the bloody storm. If you want to make them lose their vigilance, even alcohol or a toast from the leader will not work.

The lights in dormitory No. 101 stayed on until ten thirty. This was the only time the lights in dormitory No. 101 were not turned off at the specified time.

That's right, the house number hasn't changed, it's still the familiar 101.

Note: Brothers, adjust the update time tomorrow, focus on updating at night, let the rifle pass the hurdle in my heart.

(End of this chapter)

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