hunter commando

Chapter 363

Chapter 363
"The order clearly states that two more suitable comrades need to be transferred from our company, and they are required to be non-commissioned officers."

Fang Hecheng calmed down and said in a deep voice, "What does it mean to be suitable? If Li Mu, Du Xiaofan, Zhao Yiyun, Shi Lei, Lin Yu, these people form a team, what role will they still need? The correspondent is gone. I even removed Jin Huanming, Who else meets the criteria? I see, this is basically a roll call without naming names, and they have to wipe out all my five companies."

"Old Fang, you are still calm. I know that if you complain, you will complain and you will not compromise at all when executing orders." Xu Yan said, "Jin Huanming's problem is not big, the focus is Geng Shuai. Old Fang, you also said just now We only have a few good prospects in our hands, and Geng Shuai is the last one. If we take him out, we will have no cards at all."

Fang Hecheng slowly exhaled the smoke and said, "Since the incident of running away, Geng Shuai has been out of shape. It is also for his own good to let him go out. In the new environment, with his former comrades from the fifth squad, maybe he can still You can recover, otherwise this soldier will be completely useless."

Pointing at Fang Hecheng with his finger, Xu Yan said, "Old Fang, Old Fang, who has been complaining just now that the company has no backbone and will be finished this year? Now who is pushing out the only remaining backbone? You, I've seen it a long time ago, you just have to worry about your life, you have to worry about the company and the soldiers."

Sighing and shaking his head, Fang Hecheng said in a deep voice, "Geng Shuai is a good young man, and I am reluctant to let him go. Among the remaining backbones of the company, Geng Shuai is the only one who stands out."

"Old Fang, you have forgotten Yu Anbang." Xu Yan reminded.

Fang Hecheng shook his head, "I haven't forgotten, Yu Anbang is in his sixth year this year, do you think he can still work as hard as before?"

Xu Yan was silent. This was a very realistic situation.The entire general environment is like this. It is a kind of inertia formed in non-war years. The army pays close attention to ideological education. It has always had two fundamental purposes. One is the red essence, and the other is to practice combat.

Training for combat is the core idea and ultimate goal of the entire military training.

"Seven backbones are gone at once, and the superiors will definitely draw backbones from other companies to replace them. Our company is the first batch of units in the reform pilot, and there will never be a shortage. The key is the overall strength of the backbones that have been removed. Quality is related to the overall military quality of the company." Xu Yan said solemnly.

Fang Hecheng nodded, "So, Lao Xu, without further ado, we need to have a good talk with our superior about this matter."

"Okay, I'll go over there after finishing this matter."

As soon as he finished speaking, Jin Huanming came over with Geng Shuai.

"Report! Guard Chief Instructor!" Geng Shuai stood at attention at the door.

"Come in."

Xu Yan stood up, walked to Geng Shuai, and looked him up and down. Now Geng Shuai's eyes no longer had the same fighting desire as before.Huang Chengming's incident of leaving the team without permission had a huge impact on him, especially the mental blow.

"Geng Shuai, after receiving the order from your superiors, you will be transferred to a certain department together with Jin Huanming. Go back immediately to pack your personal belongings for inspection. A car will pick you up at two o'clock in the afternoon." Xu Yan conveyed the order simply and rudely.

Geng Shuai didn't react at all, and Jin Huanming was even more outrageous. It took him a while to realize that the guard chief had also mentioned him.

"Chief Guard, me? Me? Me?" Jin Huanming pointed at himself in surprise, unable to speak a complete sentence.

"I repeat, after receiving orders from superiors, Comrades Geng Shuai and Jin Huanming were transferred to a certain unit. A car will pick them up at two o'clock in the afternoon." Xu Yan said, "Go and pack your things quickly."

Fang Hecheng stood up and said, "Go pack your things first, there is still time."

Geng Shuai and Jin Huanming looked at each other, "Yes!"

He turned around and ran out and went back downstairs to the row room to pack his things.

The two chief officers, Xu Yan and Fang Hecheng, personally checked. Geng Shuai remained silent. Jin Huanming kept asking, but Xu Yan and Fang Hecheng said nothing.

Within a few minutes, both of their belongings were cleared out, taking away what belonged to the individual and leaving behind what belonged to the company.Waiting in the lobby downstairs.

Jin Huanming had a complicated mood. He looked at Xu Yan carefully, then at Fang Hecheng, and whispered, "Instructor, this is not a training camp, but a transfer? When will you come back?"

Fang Hecheng said, "If you don't come back, from now on, you two will no longer be members of the fifth company. Nor will you be members of our brigade."

Patting Jin Huanming on the shoulder, Fang Hecheng said, "Xiao Jin, when you get to the new unit, do it well and don't embarrass the old company."

Geng Shuai gritted his teeth, his face expressionless.

In his heart, he thought that he was kicked out of the company.

"Instructor..." Jin Huanming's nose was sore and he was about to cry.

Xu Yan glanced at him and said, "What are you doing? Revolutionary soldiers are just bricks. They can be moved wherever they are needed. Don't be pretentious!"

Jin Huanming held it back for a moment.

In the hearts of soldiers, the company is home, and there will always be a time to go home whenever they go out.However, this time, for Geng Shuai and Jin Huanming, there was no time to go home.That feeling, both the feeling of being abandoned and the feeling of being unable to let go, is very complicated and gripping.

Fang Hecheng walked over and stood next to Geng Shuai, "There is still some time, Geng Shuai, come with me for a walk."

For a moment, Geng Shuai followed Fang Hecheng and walked with him towards the basketball court.

"We're leaving. Don't you have anything to say?" Fang Hecheng asked.

Geng Shuai lowered his head slightly, "Instructor, I have discredited the company. I should leave."

Standing still, Fang Hecheng looked at Geng Shuai and said in a deep voice, "Geng Shuai, a person must be broad-minded and able to tolerate things and people, all kinds of people. It is not the intention of the company to transfer you, not even the brigade." The Ministry's intention. You will naturally understand the specific situation when you arrive at the new unit."

Geng Shuai nodded slightly, just thinking that the instructor was comforting him.

"Geng Shuai, a person's life will always go through a dark period. Huang Chengming's private departure from the army is a relatively dark period in your military career. However, whether it is darkness or light, it is part of your life experience. You have to face it and accept it.”

Fang Hecheng warned in a deep voice that this was the last thing he could do for Geng Shuai. Whether he could let it go would depend on his own luck.

"If you can stand up again, you are still a good man. You have to pass this test." Fang Hecheng said, "Everyone from Class [-] is over there, Du Xiaofan is also there, and Jin Huanming also went to the same place. You two This small group is all comrades from the old Fifth Company. Geng Shuai, how can you know the good and the bad?"

Geng Shuai opened his mouth in surprise: "Li Mu and the others..."

"You'll be in the same unit, that's all I can say."

A few familiar faces from Class [-] flashed before Geng Shuai's eyes. He thought it was a farewell, but unexpectedly it was a reunion. Life is like a drama, like life...

(End of this chapter)

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