hunter commando

Chapter 354 Li Mu Says Let Me Try

Chapter 354 Li Mu Says Let Me Try
"Three years ago, it was the same kidnapping case, but that time Can Hu kidnapped the daughter of a local wealthy businessman and demanded ransom. After five hours of negotiation, Can Hu agreed to let me replace the hostage. At that time, I was still Captain of the Criminal Investigation Detachment. But later, Can Hu was allowed to escape. Although the hostages and ransom were safe, this case has always been on my mind. If Can Hu is not arrested for a day, the knot in my heart will not be untied. "

Director Xue used a few simple sentences to introduce the case Can Hu had done three years ago. Although it was very simple, everyone could feel the criticality of the situation at that time and the pressure Director Xue was under.

"Today, three years later, no matter what, we cannot let him run away again."

After Director Xue finished speaking, he glanced around and then looked at the time. Three minutes had passed and his phone rang on time.

"Director Xue, have you thought clearly?" Can Hu's voice conveyed a sense of complete control over the situation.

Director Xue said coldly, gesturing to the technicians to verify Can Hu's location through signals. The technicians quickly got busy. Director Xue said, "Can Hu, I will talk to you on behalf of the W City Bureau. Before guaranteeing the hostages Under the premise of safety, as long as your request is reasonable, we will consider it.”

"The children are all fine." Can Hu said, suddenly there was a gunshot, everyone was startled, and then there was the sound of children crying.

Director Xue's expression suddenly changed, "Can Hu, I tell you, as long as there are any casualties among the hostages, I will do my best not to send you to hell!"

"Hahaha!" Can Hu laughed wantonly, "Director Xue, calm down, this is not like you. Don't worry, the child is fine, but the teacher... at this bleeding rate, she won't last long. Well, let the spider go. , as long as he is safe, I guarantee that everyone here will get out of the house."

Sure enough, it was Ben Spider!

When everyone heard it, their hearts were half cold.

"Think about it carefully. My patience is not very good. You only have 5 minutes." Can Hu said.

Director Xue hurriedly said: "It's impossible in 5 minutes! I can't decide this matter, it must be approved by higher-level leaders!"

"Then let the person who is responsible come and talk to me!"

"If you don't consider the objective facts, then don't talk about it!" Director Xue said in a very tough tone.

This made Li Mu give a thumbs up in his heart after hearing this, it's so domineering!

Director Xue continued, "For at least an hour, we will have a meeting to discuss and go through layers of approval!"

"Three 10 minutes, three 10 minutes later, I want to hear good news, otherwise I will chop up these children one by one and throw them out!" Can Hu finished speaking ferociously and hung up the phone.

"Make an attack plan immediately!" Director Xue ordered without hesitation.

There is no need to discuss it at all. It is impossible for superiors to use spiders to make deals. Moreover, it is impossible for the police to initiate such a plan. No one can bear the consequences!

"For Can Hu, psychological attack tactics are meaningless to him. We must give up all illusions and prepare for a strong attack immediately!" Director Xue said.

Li Mu had been frowning in thought. Seeing the police officers busy, his expression was very hesitant.Du Xiaofan asked him in a low voice, "Do you have other ideas?"

After glancing at Du Xiaofan, Li Mu said nothing.

After thinking for a while, Li Mu finally made up his mind, got out of the car and hurriedly followed Director Xue, saying in a deep voice, "Sir."

Director Xue stood still and looked at Li Mu.

"Half an hour, let's give it a try." Li Mu said.

"Try?" Director Xue took a while to react, "Sneak in?"

Li Mu nodded, "There is a way. In half an hour, Can Hu will definitely ask reporters to film the scene where you are face to face. He has spent so much money to do this, and it is impossible not to leave something behind. Can Hu is sure Reporters will be asked to enter the shoot. We can pretend to be reporters and go in and wait for the opportunity to act.”

It was a good idea. Director Xue's eyes lit up, "Yes, since Can Hu notified the media, he will use the media."

Li Mu continued, "Didn't two CCTV reporters come just now? I studied videography in the army, and I can dress up as a photographer. Liu Xiaohui can pretend to be a reporter. Her shooting skills are the best."

"Do you already have a comprehensive plan?" Director Xue asked.

Li Mu nodded slightly, pointed at Du Xiaofan who came over and stood next to him, and said, "I need you to provide a ******** rifle. Instructor Du will provide me with long-range fire support. We have a tacit understanding of cooperation." .I need a pistol and a dagger."

Director Xue was in a dilemma, it was a question of choosing one of the two.

Should we choose to let the SWAT team attack, or should we trust Li Mu and his team's plan?

The risks are all borne by himself, and he only cares about which method has a greater success rate.

Since Li Mu had made his decision, he must be sure of his plan. He began to persuade Director Xue, "Sir, while the SWAT team is preparing for a storm, the EOD team can also sneak in to search and eliminate bombs. In the current situation, we only have one chance. Wait half an hour and maybe we can rescue more hostages."

Director Xue was deep in thought and suddenly asked, "What if Can Hu doesn't ask for an interview when the time comes, but just asks us to release the spider?"

"Even if the spider is released, how can Can Hu verify it?" Li Mu said calmly, "Sir, I boldly judge that if Can Hu doesn't ask to face you, then he will definitely ask to send the spider over. Can Hu's purpose is not to rescue the spider , but to kill him!"

Director Xue was shocked and his eyes widened.

However, after thinking about it carefully, Li Mu's analysis becomes more and more reasonable!
If Can Hu really wanted to rescue the spider, then even if the police released the spider, how could Can Hu confirm this?
Don't forget that all of Can Hu's external contacts are now under the control of the police. It is very easy for the police to make fraud.And Can Hu couldn't possibly not know this.

After thinking calmly, Li Mu continued his bold analysis, "Can Hu is a professional killer. According to my analysis, Can Hu may really intend to use his life to make a lot of money. So, what if he proves to his employer that he killed the spider? There's only one way."

"Live broadcast!" Director Xue blurted out.

Li Mu nodded heavily.

"His employer will pay him the balance after confirming Spider's death. I think Can Hu is unlikely to exchange his life for money, because dead people don't spend money. He will most likely resume his old tricks and use hostages Escape. Sir, this is our only chance. The chance to bring Can Hu to justice on the spot is the most certain chance to make more hostages safe."

(End of this chapter)

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