hunter commando

Chapter 346 Limited time precision shooting

Chapter 346 Limited time precision shooting

No. [-] put on his equipment, walked to Li Mu's side, and shouted the report.

Li Mu turned his head and glanced at her, without saying anything or paying attention, and continued to guide the other six female special police officers in shooting.

Six people lined up in a standard military posture in the shooting position, with their own automatic rifles placed in front of them. Lao Liu and several staff members were busy helping with the preparations.

Li Mu walked slowly from one side to the other behind them, explaining the rules, "Timed shooting, each round, you have 1 minute to shoot, precision shooting, if the number of rings reaches 250, you can rest in advance, if you do not meet the standard Yes, continue for the second and third rounds. You only have three chances. If you still fail to meet the standard after three rounds of shooting, there will be no lunch break at noon. I will arrange specific activities for you then! Are the rules clear?"

"Clear!" the female SWAT officers replied.

Li Mu stood still and said, "I can't hear your answer. Are you clear?"

The female special police officers blushed and shouted: "It's clear!!!"

The clear female voice, mainly high-pitched, clearly reached the other side of the office building, attracting several leaders of the SWAT detachment who were in the meeting to look sideways and smile with relief - the instructors in the unit are quite capable!
"Well, that's still the case." Li Mu nodded with some satisfaction, "I remind you, don't think about the second and third rounds if you don't meet the standard in the first round. You'd better strive to reach the standard in one go, otherwise you will Didn't even have the strength to pull the trigger!"

"Officer Liu!" Li Mu turned to look at Old Liu.

"Arrived!" Lao Liu replied loudly. He was also infected by the aura of this soldier, and his blood boiled with enthusiasm.

"Please organize them to shoot." Li Mu said.

"Promise to complete the mission!" Old Liu saluted, especially a non-standard military salute.

Maybe it was because the trainees were women, and they were all girls with good figures and looks, so it was understandable that Lao Liu and the others were particularly excited.In fact, judging from the appearance of the women's SWAT team, the leaders who were responsible for establishing the women's SWAT team still had some intentions of treating the women's SWAT team as a vase team.

"For accurate shooting, pay attention to the timing and shooting speed. While ensuring accuracy, remember that you only have 1 minute to shoot. If you cannot fire at least 1 rounds of bullets within 25 minute, there is absolutely no chance of reaching the target! "Li Mu reminded everyone loudly.

The female special police officers are all highly educated, so how could they not be able to solve such a simple math problem?Therefore, I sneered at Li Mu's words in my heart. Who can't do theory? According to this theory, 25 rounds of bullets must hit the ten rings of the bull's eye. If there is a deviation of one, it will fail.

The 100-meter prone position relies on the chest target, which is the most common shooting. Even in normal times, it is difficult to do this, let alone now that the gun is too unstable to use up a lot of physical strength!

What Li Mu wanted was such an effect.

And the female special police are also very clear, don't expect to use 25 bullets to shoot no less than 250 rings, the best way is to speed up the shooting speed, as long as the number of targets is enough, then you can easily complete more than 250 rings standards.

However, as Li Mu reminded them, they only have 1 minute, which means that to a large extent, they only have [-] rounds of bullets, because the next magazine needs to be loaded by themselves. In terms of time, It’s too late!

Thinking of this, the female special police officers realized that the instructor was very evil and restricted everything left and right, leaving no loopholes at all.

Old Liu quickly made arrangements and reported to Li Mu: "Report to Team Leader Li! The shooting is ready! Please give instructions!"

Li Mu returned the favor, walked to the middle of the team, and began to give orders: "Get ready to shoot!"

The female special police officers took a step forward and then lay down, assuming a lying position with support to shoot.

Seeing that everyone was seated and ready, Li Mu continued to give the command: "Free precision shooting, time 1 minute, start shooting!"

After giving the command, Li Mu pressed the stopwatch in his hand at the same time.


The gunshots rang out one after another like firecrackers, and Li Mu couldn't help but shake his head slightly.My mentality is too impetuous and I am still young.If the current situation continues, it will be difficult for them to meet the standards.However, Li Mu noticed something strange.

No. [-]'s shooting is very steady, not rushing or impatient.

Li Mu nodded secretly in his mind. After all, she was a female scout from the Marine Corps and she had real abilities.Li Mu estimated that if someone reaches the standard at one time, it can only be No. [-].

Among all military training projects, one project is very contradictory. The reason why it is said to be contradictory is that it is very easy to master, but also very difficult to master.Just shooting.

It is said to be easy to master. A person who has never fired a gun can easily hit the target with a certain amount of guidance if his eyesight is normal.It is difficult to master because if you want to hit the target accurately under any circumstances, it is definitely not something that ordinary people can achieve.

It is obvious that the current situation of the female special police officers is not normal.

Li Mu has seen many examples. Many sharpshooters will suddenly lose their accuracy at certain times and cannot return to their original state no matter what.

This shows that shooting is related to a person's overall situation, mental state, mentality, and even emotions.Li Mu can become a precise shooter that even snipers of special forces admire. The most fundamental foundation is that even in very difficult situations, he can still maintain a stable and good mood-who would have thought that a too fast heartbeat would definitely cause him to lose weight? Will affect the stability of shooting.

Without stability, everything is empty. Stability overpowers everything.

The marksmanship of these female special police officers is worse than Li Mu imagined. Even if it is not measured by the standards of the army, such marksmanship is still difficult to be competent for the job.

Looking at the time, 47 seconds had passed. Li Mu roughly knew that most people still had no more than three bullets in their magazines, and No. [-]'s magazine still had at least five bullets.Li Mu could tell through the messy gunshots who fired how many shots.

The sound of gunfire gradually faded away, and in the last five seconds, only No. [-] kept shooting, still so steadily.



Number [-] fired the remaining five bullets in the last five seconds.

All six female special police officers fired all thirty rounds of ammunition within one minute.Obviously, everyone made the same choice, using the bullets of one magazine, instead of thinking about loading the second magazine after finishing the shot, it would be too late in time.

There was no need for a target shooter to report the target. Li Mu already had the result in his mind. No. [-] might meet the target, but the other five were miserable.

"Time's up! Turn off the safety! Stand up with a gun!" Li Mu ordered loudly, "Check the gun!"

Starting from the [-]st, Li Mu checked their gun inspection results one by one.Lao Liu personally followed Li Mu to conduct a second gun inspection, and then put the gun back to the gun stand. No one could touch the gun without an order.

After the gun inspection was completed, Li Mu finally gave the order that everyone had been waiting for: "The target reporter reports the target!"

(End of this chapter)

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