hunter commando

Chapter 323 Li Mu didn’t vomit in this chapter

Chapter 323 Li Mu didn't vomit this time
Outside the cafeteria, Li Mu vomited for 10 minutes, intermittently, vomiting out all the rotten digested things in his stomach, and finally vomited acidic water.

Zhao Yiyun took off the kettle and gave him a drink of water to rinse his mouth. Li Mu felt that his throat was burning and irritated by stomach acid. It was so uncomfortable and he didn't dare to drink water. He vomited as much as he drank.

"Share a small shadow. Don't mention rats to me in the future. I'll whip anyone who mentions them." Li Mu was as weak as a dying person when he spoke.

Anyone who has ever experienced vomiting or diarrhea knows that once it happens, no matter how energetic you were before, you will feel weak afterwards.

"Whoever brought cigarettes, give me one." Li Mu said.

Shi Lei took out the cigarette and handed it over, quickly lighting it for the squad leader.

Simply, Shi Lei posted a circle, and the group smoked a cigarette for a while to rest, waiting for Li Mu to recover.

Li Mu's behavior today surprised and amused the uninformed Du Xiaofan and Officer Tang. The others were all from Class [-] and knew Li Mu's weakness.

Shi Lei smiled and said, "Old Du, are you surprised? Let me tell you, a little mouse ran into the row room before. It's so fluffy. I don't know how cute it is. When it's over, we close the door and shout for killing. While the monitor was sitting there reading a book, the little mouse ran past him. He glanced at it, and then his eyes widened like a bull's eye. Guess what, the monitor uttered a horrific scream, and threw the book away. It shot out like a rocket, and the door almost broke apart! It was that time that we found out that the squad leader is afraid of rats, not afraid of anything but rats!"

Li Mu also kept blushing, shaking his head helplessly and smiling bitterly.

Everyone laughed and looked at Li Mu, just finding it funny.

Can you imagine that a person who dares to climb a cliff with bare hands and face a gun or a bomb without batting an eyelid would be afraid of rats? ! !

Just like men can't figure out what's so scary about cockroaches, why women scream like they do when they see themselves without makeup.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense. Continue patrolling." Li Mu finally straightened up, took a deep breath, took the last puff of the cigarette, threw the cigarette at his feet, and stamped it out.

Everyone got ready and waited for Li Mu to lead the team to set off, but they saw Li Mu looking down at his feet with a focused expression, as if he was thinking about something.

Just when everyone was surprised, Li Mu raised his head, glanced at everyone, and then his eyes fell on the cafeteria again.

Looking back at everyone, Li Mu asked, "Why is there a mirror in the canteen that has been abandoned for so long?"

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then slowly turned around to face the canteen, ready to fight.

Li Mu decisively ordered: "Search the canteen again!"

After the order was given, Zhao Yiyun and Du Xiaofan, who were the leading soldiers, rushed out first, stepped on the T-step, raised their guns, and slowly approached the canteen. They held a flashlight in their left hand and dragged the automatic rifle with their forearm. The muzzle of the gun followed the movement of the flashlight spot. move.

Li Mu gritted his teeth and quickly followed. Behind him, Shi Lei and Lin Yu hurriedly stood on the left and right wings, protecting Li Mu and Officer Tang in the middle, forming a triangular battle formation.

This time, it’s a real battle search!

Everyone turned into fighting machines instantly, including Officer Tang. His many years of front-line counter-terrorism experience have taught him to be able to enter the state in an instant.

"dining table! kitchen!" Li Mu ordered in a low voice!
Zhao Yiyun and Du Xiaofan quickly rushed in, followed closely by Li Mu, forming a triangle formation with them and quickly searching the dining table.

"Old Li! There are signs of burning here!" Zhao Yiyun shouted in a low voice.

Li Mu hurried over and took a look. There were traces of burning firewood. It must be because the temperature was low at night and someone lit a fire here to keep warm.

"The ashes are very new." Li Mu quickly made a judgment, "Search the kitchen!"

Li Mu was the first to burst into the kitchen, and the flashlight light spot shot in a circle quickly. Then Li Mu's heart was almost shattered by fright - a group of rats were frightened and fled away!
Taking a closer look, there was a dead body lying on the floor, highly decomposed!It emits a faint rancid smell, I don't know how long it has been!

Li Mu resisted his churning stomach and gritted his teeth.

Zhao Yiyun and Du Xiaofan rushed in, and after taking a closer look, they vomited out a second later.Officer Tang came in immediately, and even a man like him, who had seen too many corpses, bent over and vomited!

Shi Lei and Lin Yu came in, and it was even brighter inside. There was no suspense, and they vomited.

This time, only Li Mu didn't vomit.

The answer is obvious. The crow smelled the smell of the rotting corpse, but there was no way the crow could find it, so it lingered on it before giving up and flying away.

Li Mu found a lot of dead rats in the kitchen. Therefore, Li Mu quickly made a judgment that this person was most likely poisoned to death and contained toxins in his body. All rats that gnawed on his corpse were poisoned and died. The rats escaped because the poison was weakened.

"Get out! Report to the command center immediately!"

Li Mu calmly gave the order, and everyone rushed out as if they were fleeing.

The moment they breathed in the fresh air, everyone felt like they were alive again. The scene was really shocking to the soul.How can a person be like that?It's scarier than the scene of a tragic car accident.

On the contrary, Li Mu, who should be the least calm, is the most calm and calm. The root cause is that once Li Mu enters the fighting state, he has become numb to fear. No matter how scary or disgusting the scene is, it is just a passing cloud.

Officer Tang immediately reported the situation here to the command center. The bureau leaders took it very seriously and immediately led the team.

Li Mu did not dare to take it lightly and hurriedly arranged to open the cordon.The cause of death of the body inside is unknown. There is no guarantee that there are no criminals here. There may even be hidden terrorists.

In less than half an hour, a large number of police cars and ordinary vehicles with civilian license plates came speeding over. Those ordinary vehicles were obviously vehicles of the criminal investigation detachment. More than 20 police cars arrived, and a commercial vehicle brought the forensic doctor over. People from the on-site technical investigation department immediately investigated the scene.

The armed police mobile division's mobile team at the Patriotic Mall also received the order and arrived quickly, and a military truck pulled them over.

Immediately, soldiers from two squads of the Armed Police Mobile Division followed the orders of the police leaders and, together with the Orion team, conducted a blanket search of the industrial area.

It took a while for the soldiers of the Orion team to regain their composure. Only now did they realize that there were people they should admire - those forensic doctors.

They saw with their own eyes that the forensic doctor just walked in without even wearing a mask.Competent forensic doctors generally do not wear masks because that will affect the accuracy of judgment based on smell.

Maybe it was suicide, maybe it was homicide, but it had nothing to do with the Orion team, but they had seen big scenes since then, and knew that there were still such miserable ways to die in the world.

(End of this chapter)

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