hunter commando

Chapter 299 Major War Injury Surgery

Chapter 299 Major War Injury Surgery
"Have you notified the dean? He must be the chief surgeon! Hurry up! There are multiple gunshot wounds and five wounds on the back! Yes! Type A blood! Two thousand C! Please get out! Get out!"

The director of the war casualty department spoke very fast, loudly giving orders to the doctors and nurses who were so busy that they were so busy, and at the same time, he scolded Chen Tao and others and drove them out!

"Lieutenant Colonel Chen! You soldiers also need to be treated immediately to prevent severe frostbite! Please restrain your men and not affect our work!" The director of the combat injury department pushed Chen Tao out.

The dean walked over in two steps, followed by his two assistants.

"The dean is here!"

The dean is a well-known war trauma expert in the whole army.

"Dean! Please..." Chen Tao ran over and said.

The dean waved his hand to interrupt him, "Don't say anything, okay?"

Immediately, he hurried to the operating room dressing room. The department director followed him and quickly reported the situation. Chen Tao watched them disappear inside. Then the operating room door closed and the lights turned on.

Chen Tao breathed a heavy sigh of relief and turned to look at Zhao Yiyun and the others. Several doctors and nurses were standing beside them, but they did not dare to say anything.

Zhao Yiyun's eyes were blood red, and the muscles all over their bodies were tense. They could kill a rhinoceros like that. How dare those doctors and nurses talk to them.

"Assemble the Orion team!" Chen Tao ordered.

Zhao Yiyun and others lined up quickly reflexively.

"Look to the right! Look to the front!" Chen Tian directly issued an order, "Task, cooperate with the doctor to complete the treatment, finish, disband!"

Only then did the doctors and nurses dare to step forward and hold their arms, one by one, toward the treatment room. Before they had walked a few steps, they heard a popping popping sound. The four members of the Orion team fell weakly one after another. Fall to the floor.

They had already exhausted their last bit of strength, and their support until now was entirely dependent on Li Mu, who was in danger. Li Mu was sent to the emergency room, so naturally, they lost that support.

"Hurry! Stretcher!" The doctor shouted, and the corridor was abuzz. Everyone on duty and those not on duty were called over, and everyone became busy.

In the past 20 years, there has never been so many wounded here.

Chen Tao slowly sat on the bench in the corridor. He was the only one left in the corridor that was messy just now.Xue Meng and the others followed the convoy back. He and the Orion team took a helicopter directly to the Army Hospital. He was fine, but everyone in the Orion team had to undergo treatment and observation. Those soldiers had been soaked in such cold lake water for more than half an hour. .

He rested his elbows on his knees and looked at his palms, which were still dripping with blood. Both his left and right palms were dripping with blood.This wasn't his blood, and he didn't even scratch his skin.

The blood belongs to Li Mu.

Chen Tao carried Li Mu onto and off the plane, his body covered in Li Mu's blood.He couldn't help but wonder, how much blood did Li Mu lose?From the time he fell into the water to the time he was discovered, there was at least 10 minutes. How much blood did Li Mu lose?Chen Tao couldn't imagine what Li Mu relied on to survive.

It was unimaginable, as if he was enveloped by the light of life. If Li Mu survived, he must survive.

Chen Tao sat there motionless, waiting quietly. Several older professors, accompanied by assistants, hurried over and entered the operating room through the sterilization room to discuss the operation together.

Slowly, Chen Tao closed his eyes, leaned back in his chair, and rested his head on the wall. He felt slightly dizzy. He seemed to have returned to the battlefield against Vietnam 20 years ago, when he was still a teenager who had concealed his age and joined the army. Boy, those bullets were raining down and the flesh was bloody.

I don’t know how long it took, but Xue Meng came. After he arrived at the camp, he immediately attended the report. As soon as the meeting ended, he immediately ordered a car and rushed over.

Xue Meng took off his hat and sat down next to Chen Tao.

"Team leader, the situation is clear." Xue Meng whispered.

Chen Tao opened his eyes and nodded.

Xue Meng sorted it out and reported in a deep voice, "The information provided by the intelligence team has been proven to be false. Something happened to the informant. Their purpose is to induce us to send a reconnaissance team, and then the foreign mercenaries they hired will carry out the suppression. Kill. Abboud, who was captured alive, confessed that this round was to avenge us for capturing the spider alive."

"So, the three of them, Li Mu, took on the most difficult battle for all of us." Chen Tao said.

"That's right." Xue Meng said, "The headquarters analyzed that they must have thought that we would send a reconnaissance team, but they didn't expect that there was only a three-person reconnaissance team active in that area. The lake area is the focus."

Chen Tao took a deep breath and said, "The situation was unexpected. Li Mu and the others walked away from the gate of hell. Have you figured out the situation of the foreign mercenaries?"

Shaking his head, Xue Meng said, "Maybe it's clear, maybe it's not clear. This kind of information, team leader, I don't have access to."

Chen Tao nodded understandingly.

"However, according to my personal judgment, judging from the traces left on the battlefield and the equipment found on the corpses, that group of foreign mercenaries was definitely not simple. Moreover, I even doubt that they did not attack with all their strength in the early stage." Xue Analysis in a deep voice.

Chen Tao glanced at him, his brows twitching.

Xue Meng nodded, "That's right, I suspect they want to capture our people alive."

"This can be confirmed from Aboud." Chen Tao said.

Shaking his head with a wry smile, Xue Meng said, "Team leader, you need to go back and find out. At my level, if you weren't here, I wouldn't be able to report the situation."

Chen Tao's eyes fell on the operating room and said, "Let's wait until the results come out. Li Mu hasn't been out of danger for a day, and I don't feel relieved even if I step away."

"I can tell that this bastard has a tough life." Xue Meng said, "Team leader, don't worry, he can swim half of the lake by himself and survive this. It's the same as the situation at that time. Than, it doesn’t matter.”

Chen Tao smiled, nodded and said, "That's true, that **** won't die that easily."

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a burst of hurried footsteps. He turned around and saw several nurses dragging carts containing plasma towards this side quickly, and they were quickly handed over to the operating room.

Chen Tao and Xue Meng's hearts suddenly lifted. After all, words of comfort were no match for the cruel reality.Not dying on the battlefield, definitely not on the operating table, this is just people's desire.

After a long time, Xue Meng said: "Team leader, you have been sitting here for five hours. You go to rest for a while and eat something. I will watch here. If anything happens, I will report to you as soon as possible."

Chen Tao was taken aback, and looked at the time, but it was already past eleven o'clock in the evening, and he had really sat here for five hours, that is to say, the operation had been carried out for five hours.

Involuntarily, Chen Tao's eyes once again fell on the operating room where the lights were still on.

"I'm afraid I won't be able to eat or sleep."

(End of this chapter)

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