hunter commando

Chapter 266 I will pursue you fiercely in the next life

Chapter 266 I will pursue you fiercely in the next life

The woman also knew how critical the current situation was. She did not panic. She endured the pain of the dislocated foot and the stinging wound on her stomach. She grabbed Wu Jun's shoulders and slowly moved towards Wu Jun from his back. Move up!

"Comrade soldier, can you hold on?" the woman couldn't bear it and asked.

"Don't worry, hurry up! Step on my shoulders, grab the clothes and climb up! My comrades will catch you! Quick!" Wu Jun's voice was a little drifting, and his strength was passing quickly. Soon It will be on the verge of exhaustion.

"Auntie! Come up quickly! The slower you go, the more dangerous it is for me, Director!" Li Mu finally uttered his first words since coming down the mountain. He heard his own voice hoarse and trembling, not like a human voice at all!

The woman gritted her teeth, grabbed her clothes with both hands, and stepped on Wu Jun's body with her only moving foot. It was a bit random. Her potential was also stimulated, and she actually lifted herself up with her arms. Finally, the one that could move Her foot stepped on Wu Jun's shoulder, and with some leverage, she tried her best to stand up straight.

"Give me your hand quickly!" Li Mu shouted hurriedly!

The woman struggled to free up a hand and reached up. Li Mu grabbed it and used the greatest strength in his life. Li Mu yelled: "Ah!!!" With a voice like an ape-man's wolf howling, he struggled to pull the woman up!

Li Mu didn't know that he could actually do it. He could actually lift a man weighing [-] kilograms up with one hand!
After the woman's upper body came up, Li Mu freed up his other hand, hurriedly grabbed her clothes with both hands, and with a sudden force, he pulled her to a safe place!
Panting for breath, Yu Anbang shouted over there: "Get the director up quickly!"

Yu Anbang is also struggling to support it!

Chief Ra, come up!
A flash of lightning flashed in Li Mu's mind, and he quickly threw himself on the ground again. Unexpectedly, he used too much force, and almost his upper body was hanging in the air. He suddenly grabbed Wu Jun's hand and shouted: "Director!!! Come up quickly!!!”

Li Mu pulled hard, but found it difficult to use force. At this time, he discovered that the feet he thought were fixed points had left the two pits where he could use force!

What’s even more terrible is!

At this time, the iron broom head suddenly fell off!

Suddenly, Li Mu and Wu Jun both heard a thunderous sound in their hearts!

Wu Jun's entire weight hung on Li Mu's hands, and the strip of cloth made of clothes was carried by the iron broom head and fell rapidly downwards, and soon fell into the bottomless ditch!
All this was discovered in just one second!

At this time, Li Mu was so frightened that he couldn't speak at all. He just subconsciously grabbed Wu Jun's hand tightly and inserted his other hand into the ground to stabilize his body that kept sliding outwards. His feet moved randomly. He lay on the ground, but he couldn't find a point of strength and couldn't use any strength at all, because his body kept sliding into the deep ditch!

"Let go! Li Mu! Let go!" Wu Jun yelled with blood-red eyes. He could clearly see that Li Mu's waist was about to slip out, and soon both of them would fall into the abyss!
Li Mu gritted his teeth and said nothing, and could not say anything. He did not know that if he did not let go, he and Wu Jun would die together. At this time, Li Mu did not expect that he would die. He just You know, you must never let go, because the director will die!

Suddenly, Wu Jun smiled and said the last words: "Li Mu, you are a born soldier, be a good soldier!"

After finishing speaking, Wu Jun twisted his wrist vigorously.

"Do not!!!"

Li Mu shouted heartbreakingly, "Director!!!"

"Do not!!!"

Li Mu holds on tight, holds on tight, holds on tight! ! !
"Li Mu! Don't let go!"

At this time, Yu Anbang had already reacted. He was very fast, but the above scene happened in a very short few seconds!
He rushed towards Li Mu!

Li Mu's body was carried by Wu Jun's weight and slid outward. For a moment, his waist was suspended in the air. The next second, the two of them were completely suspended in the air and then fell!

Wu Jun gritted his teeth and fought hard!
"Do not!!!"

Yu Anbang rushed over, grabbed Li Mu's calf, held himself tightly, and pulled back with all his strength!

The scene in front of Li Mu was frozen at that moment. The smiling Director Wu Jun fell. His smile was quickly annihilated by the darkness. What echoed in his ears were the last words left by Director Wu Jun: "You are a born soldier, be a good soldier!"

Yu Anbang struggled to pull Li Mu up. When he found that Li Mu was the only one, he subconsciously rushed to the edge and looked down. However, what he saw was just patches of darkness with nothing and no sound. Less than.

Looking at Li Mu again, he was in a state of dementia.

The fellow villager who was saved sat there blankly, with tears streaming down his face.

In the distance, the shouts of the large troops coming to search and rescue them came...

After dawn, a large number of troops conducted a blanket search of the incident area. The military commander personally went to the scene and quickly found the body of Lieutenant Wu Jun. The body was intact. For everyone, this was the only comfort.The rescued woman told the whole process, and Li Mu was sent to the Army Hospital, where he will receive psychological treatment.

The mountain fire was eventually extinguished by the troops. The entire fire-fighting operation lasted for three days. The troops paid the price of one man sacrifice and more than a dozen soldiers being injured. However, the mountain fire was extinguished before it reached the village at the foot of the mountain.

Lieutenant Wu Jun was posthumously awarded the title of Army Major and was named a martyr. He, a young officer, had not been married so far, and his girlfriend was very painful after hearing the news. It is said that she took care of Wu Jun's parents for three years before remarrying. Find someone to marry, she is a very good woman.

Just as it was written in a suicide note found after cleaning up Wu Jun's personal belongings: My dear, I have promised my country in this life. Before I take off my military uniform, there may be many emergencies. If I am honored, you must find someone who will treat you well. A good person will marry happily and have children happily. In the next life, I will pursue you fiercely. I love you, baby.

Perhaps this is how Li Mu's suicide note at the bottom of the box came about - in his mind, Wu Jun was the most perfect Yanguo soldier. From then on, Li Mu followed Wu Jun's example in all his actions and thoughts.

In other words, Li Mu is another Wu Jun, and Wu Jun's spirit has been continued.

This matter is something that the soldiers and cadres of the fifth squad and even the fifth company are very taboo about, especially they dare not mention it in front of Li Mu.And Li Mu also fell into deep self-blame.

If only I could hold on tighter, tighter, tighter!
However, without if, time cannot be turned back.

(End of this chapter)

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