hunter commando

Chapter 251 A huge emergency

Chapter 251 A huge emergency


Pull the trigger, the bullet rushes out, turn off the safety, fire the gun, and stand up.

The Orion team stood at the shooting line, lined up in a prone position with a 100-meter head target shooting in progress. They had just fired their first bullet.

The target reporter quickly reported the results.

Off target, off target, off target, off target, off target.

No one hit.

Li Mu and others were shocked, but they understood what was going on.

The right hand holding the gun was shaking so much that he couldn't hold the gun steady. Li Mu knew very well that even he pulled the trigger based on his feeling when the gun was shaking, let alone others.

Is such a shot accurate?

Chen Tao came over, stood in front of the team, looked at them with a sneer, and said, "Among you, it is said that there are two precision shooters, Shepherd and Feng Feng. Oh, the first shot is still the company's sniper. Why can't you hit the target? ?”

"Turn backwards!" Chen Tao suddenly ordered.

The Orion team, three or four meters apart, all turned back. Chen Tao walked up to them, stood in the middle, and glanced at them from left to right.

"The real battlefield is definitely not a shooting range. There is no good support, no fixed target, and no target caller! And the enemy can't give you time to let you rest enough before shooting at them! Think about it. , when you are exhausted and don’t even have the strength to hold a gun, and the enemy appears, can you not shoot?”

"There is no doubt that you must shoot the enemy hard! So you must master the shooting ability when your body reaches its limit!"

Chen Tao waved his hand vigorously, "There is no shortcut. It's up to you to control your trembling right hands with all your strength! Listen to the command! Turn backwards! Prepare to shoot!"

The soldiers took a step forward with their left foot, raised their hands, and once again assumed a prone shooting posture with a support. This was just the beginning. If they couldn't even shoot the best prone position with a support, then it would really be unreasonable!

The training is constantly advancing and increasing, Li Mu and others are immersed in the experience, shooting mainly depends on the experience, when all the movements are mastered very proficiently!Shooting is the only subject that relies on certain feelings. The so-called integration of man and gun refers to the so-called feel!

Let’s ignore the Orion team for the time being and look back at what happened with the [-]nd Battalion of new recruits in the large area of ​​​​the [-]rd Brigade, their old unit.

The time returned to [-]:[-] in the morning. When the veteran suddenly woke up, the first thing he did was to quickly glance around. There was no sign of the inspection cadre. He felt relieved. Then he looked at the time and saw that there were still ten days left. After a few minutes of being laid off, it was almost time to call the next one.

So, when he thought of Huang Chengming, he was dumbfounded - he didn't see him.

The veteran thought that Huang Chengming had gone to urinate or was hiding to smoke or something, so he was not nervous, and slowly turned around. Of course, he was too familiar with the places where smoking was hidden and where he often urinated.

It was just a dozen steps away, so when he looked left and right but didn't see Huang Chengming, he started to feel nervous.Suddenly, he saw the wooden gun leaning against the wall. The wooden gun that was supposed to be held by Huang Chengming was now leaning quietly against the gap in the wall.

The veterans are all too familiar with that gap. Soldiers often sneak out here to buy food, because there is a canteen on the opposite side of the wall.

"You are so brave, you dare to run out to buy food!" The veteran cursed secretly, and before taking two steps, he suddenly stopped. His eyes grew bigger and bigger in the darkness, and then He showed a horrified expression, because he suddenly thought, whose canteen is open in the middle of the night!

Damn it, he must have run away!

The veteran suddenly broke into a cold sweat, and finally all the sleepiness was gone.His lips trembled, and he looked around anxiously, calling Huang Chengming's name in a low voice: "Huang Chengming? Huang Chengming?"

He didn't dare to raise his voice, but in this quiet night, as long as someone was nearby, he would definitely be able to hear it!
The veteran didn't dare to neglect anymore and ran towards the company!
Fortunately, although the veteran was tired, he did not completely lose his composure. He did not yell, but directly knocked on the guard captain's door.

Xu Yan had actually just laid down. He had been doing desk work for more than two hours. When he heard a rapid knock on the door, he hurriedly put on his clothes and stood up.

"Chief of Guards?" The veteran shouted in a low voice and breathlessly.

Xu Yan opened the door and came out, "What's wrong? You're so panicked!"

The veteran took several deep breaths before saying, "Huang Chengming, Huang Chengming, maybe he ran away."

Suddenly, Xu Yan was completely sleepy. This was definitely a big deal!But he remained calm and asked quickly, "Be clear! Be specific!"

The veteran told the story in a confused manner, and finally lowered his head and said, "I took a nap and woke up, but no one was there. His wooden gun was just thrown there. I also looked around, but no one was there."

Xu Yan no longer hesitated. He pointed at the veteran and said, "Go and notify Yu Anbang immediately! Wake up all the veterans! Go quickly!"

"Yes!" The veteran quickly went to do it.

Xu Yan hurried back to the house to put on his clothes, and then hurried to the company headquarters. He picked up the phone and called the battalion headquarters: "Report to the commander immediately! A soldier from the fifth company of new recruits is missing!"

After hanging up the phone with a snap, Xu Yan hurried downstairs. At this time, there were rustling and nervous sounds in the veteran platoon. After a while, all the veterans assembled downstairs.

"Go! Call down all the squad leaders and deputy squad leaders of the recruit company! Quick!" Xu Yan ordered again.

Yu Anbang ran over and asked, "Chief Guard, do you have an urgent mission?"

In fact, Yu Anbang had guessed something because he didn't blow the emergency assembly whistle.The new and veterans all live in the same building. The new recruits live on the first and second floors, and the veterans all live in rows of rooms on the third floor.Therefore, as long as there is an emergency gathering, the recruits will be affected.

Afraid that the recruits would be affected, it could only be that something urgent happened related to the recruits. Apart from running away troops, Yu Anbang really couldn't think of anything so urgent.

"Huang Chengming disappeared while he was on guard. He probably ran away." Xu Yan was basically sure that Huang Chengming escaped because he knew that the soldier's mental state was very wrong.

There is no use regretting not focusing on Huang Chengming now. Finding him back as soon as possible is the top priority!

Soon, all the squad leaders and deputy squad leaders of the recruit company were gathered together, and Xu Yan quickly said in a deep voice: "From now on, every recruit in your class is not allowed to leave your sight, no matter where they go! Tomorrow's training All training will be changed to indoor training! Until there is a new command position! Geng Shuai, you stay, the others will disperse!"

The squad leaders and deputy squad leaders of the recruit company were no longer sleepy at all. They all realized what had happened and went back to watch.

Xu Yan gave an order to Yu Anbang, "You and the third director immediately start searching from the villages in the northwest. Go quickly!"


Yu Anbang and the Third Director took all the veterans and ran!

Geng Shuai stood there with a dead look on his face.

"Huang Chengming ran away. Did he do anything unusual today?" Xu Yan asked, staring at Geng Shuai.

Geng Shuai's heart suddenly sank to the bottom...

(End of this chapter)

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