hunter commando

Chapter 240 Mysterious Sniper

Chapter 240 Mysterious Sniper

Bu Meiyu's figure is definitely very distinctive, and the sniper Li Mu saw, who was strong and well-proportioned, was definitely not Bu Meiyu!
This shows that there is another sniper hiding behind the chimney of the village committee building, and Bu Meiyu, as the commander, is obviously in another place.

"Headhunter, the target sniper fled to the southwest from the rooftop, and it's not Bu Meiyu!" Li Mu reported decisively.

Chen Tao replied quickly: "Got it! We are searching for Bu Meiyu! Try to keep an eye on that mysterious sniper!"


Li Mu pondered for a moment and suddenly recalled a profile he had just seen, and suddenly found that profile was very familiar.It looks familiar, and I must have seen it somewhere!It's like someone you've known for many years, but haven't contacted for a while, and you suddenly see him in a completely impossible place, and your consciousness hasn't reacted yet.

Without any time to think, Li Mu got up and quickly glanced around. The village with scattered buildings was very messy. After a while, the mysterious sniper disappeared.

"Dalang!" Li Mu shouted, jumped down, rolled slightly on the spot to shift the gravity, and then said, "Chase along the river! Quick!"

"Yes!" Shi Lei agreed and rushed downstairs like crazy.

He also roughly knows the topography of the village. The entire village is almost based on the cement roads on both sides of the river as the main road. In other words, no matter which direction you go, walking along the river is the closest road.

Li Mu put the automatic rifle on his back, took a few steps back quickly, took a deep breath, and looked at the rooftop of the village committee building in front of him.The rooftop of the building where he is located is almost three meters away from the rooftop of the village committee building, and both have guardrails.

He wanted to jump over, but there was nothing faster than pursuing him from above.

The distance of three meters is not long and can be jumped over.

What Li Mu was worried about was that the guardrail had an impact. If someone stepped on it incorrectly and tripped, he would fall head first.The floor heights of rural buildings are very impressive, but they are not as high as urban commercial buildings. A three-meter-high floor is definitely [-] meters high, and a two-story building is only seven meters high.

Even if you can't fall to death, you can fall to half death!

Go to hell with whoever you love!

Li Mu cursed in a low voice and suddenly started running. His running posture was particularly energetic. Feng Yuye only started to pay attention to him after seeing him running at the sports meeting the year before last. It was like a cheetah that had been hungry for several months. If you catch your prey, you must catch up or you will starve to death. It gives people that kind of style feeling, which is both scary and overwhelmingly powerful!

Calculating the distance in his mind, Li Mu suddenly jumped about 1.5 meters in front of the guardrail. He flew into the air and landed accurately on the top of the guardrail with his right foot. His colleague's knees were bent at about [-] degrees, and the moment he landed firmly, , his right leg suddenly kicked straight, and a strong kicking force made his body that had fallen down by inertia fly up again. At this time, Li Mu took a big step forward with his left leg!
He actually jumped using a triple jump!
The little kids just now were playing under the alley. When they looked up, they accidentally saw a soldier brother. Hungry, a soldier uncle flew over in the sky. He suddenly let out a prolonged exclamation of "Wow" and opened his mouth. big.

"Look! Uncle Soldier can fly! Uncle Soldier can fly!!!"

Li Mu vaguely heard the voice of the little kid below from the whistling wind, but he did not dare to move away. When he reached the top of the three-meter distance, his body began to make a parabolic movement downwards. At this time, it was completely estimated that Can't cross over.

Then, Li Mu sadly discovered that his left foot was still 20 or [-] centimeters away from the top of the guardrail on the rooftop of the village committee building opposite!

In other words, Li Mu couldn't step on it. In other words, he was going to fall!

However, how could Li Mu gain fame in vain?

He had already prepared a second hand, and when he stretched out his arms and smashed his body against the wall, he suddenly grabbed the top of the guardrail with both hands.


Li Mu hit the wall and groaned!
"Wow...!" The little kid below exclaimed repeatedly.

Li Mu looked down, smiled wryly and said hello: "Hello, comrades."

"Hello sir!"

"Comrades have worked hard."

Congratulations kiddos.

Li Mu suddenly gained strength. He exerted force on his arms and lifted his whole body up. He lifted his right leg and rolled over to reach the rooftop.

Li Mu is also a person who has been on the line of life and death many times. Now this kind of childishness does not make him break out in a cold sweat. As long as Chen Tao doesn't know about this, he will not blame him. Otherwise, he will be reprimanded.

The mysterious sniper's way of escaping is just like parkour. Jumping from one building to another is a good way to exercise as long as it doesn't damage the fellow's belongings.

If Li Mu wanted to catch up, he could only jump from one building to another, just like parkour.

He knew the route of the mysterious sniper because he also knew the terrain of the entire village. Without this memory ability, he would not smoke so fiercely. After all, smoking will affect his memory.

Viewed horizontally, the distance between buildings in rural areas is usually not large. The three-meter distance between the village committee and the small building is, after all, a road that can pass cars, which is not much.So there was no danger next.

On the contrary, when Li Mu was jumping over a relatively new small western-style building, a yellow flower girl came up from the stairwell with a basin of clothes. She almost bumped into him, startling others, and he himself was also shocked. .The yellow flower girl looked at Li Mu with fear, and when she came back to her senses, she watched with starry eyes that this handsome brother soldier actually jumped to the building next to him, and his little heart jumped with a thump. I'm afraid it will be an unforgettable experience.

Finally, I saw the figure of the mysterious sniper. He had already run to the edge of the village and was climbing down the water pipe from the two-story building on the edge of the village.

Li Mu quickly adjusted his breathing and regained some strength. He stopped walking up the stairs so as not to have trouble talking to fellow villagers, so he just jumped down the window sill like a monkey.There are two places to stay, and the height of seven or eight meters is not difficult at all for these big soldiers.

The mysterious sniper rushed out along the path leading to the outside of the village. Li Mu chased after him and fired his gun. Over there, Shi Lei also appeared. He ran along the river for a longer distance and looked up. He saw Li Mu chasing after him.

Shi Lei quickly reported: "Headhunter! The shepherd has bitten him! I'm on my way to support! Come over quickly and surround me!"


(End of this chapter)

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