hunter commando

Chapter 203 Hunter, non-hunter

Chapter 203 Hunter, non-hunter
The five members of Team 101 were lying in a row on the lawn. The soft grass, the warm sunshine, and the northwest wind that was a bit cold but not bad all seemed so quiet and pleasant.

At this time, they had taken a hot bath and put on clean camouflage uniforms. Of course, they were still wearing the 87-style three-color jungle camouflage uniforms, the hunter camouflage 07-style camouflage uniforms, etc., but they were not included in them for the time being. .

A figure appeared in front of the five people. It was Xue Meng holding a pointer in his hand. The pointer was actually a retractable baton. Xue Meng had this habit.

The big-headed soldiers sat up quickly. At that time, they couldn't help but faint. They felt that all the bones in their bodies were ringing, as if they were about to fall apart.They struggled to get up from the grass and lined up.

Li Mu looked at the time and said, "Instructor, it took less than 15 minutes to rest, it's too fast."

Xue Meng glanced at them and said, "I didn't tell you to continue training immediately."

After walking for a few steps, Xue Meng said, "It's done well. In view of this, I will give you another 10 minutes of rest time." As he said, he took out the hand that had been placed behind his back, and in his hand was a pack of Gray Wolf. , threw it to Li Mu, "Give each one one. I will definitely admit it if I lose, but it is not appropriate to give it to you now."

Li Mu and others all stared at him with wide eyes, as if they didn't recognize Xue Meng.

Xue Meng looked back at the command building in the distance, then turned around and said, "Listen to the command! Backward - turn!"

The soldiers turned around, facing away from the command building.

Xue Meng walked to the front of the team, took out a lighter and threw it to Li Mu, saying, "Sit down! Start smoking, hold on tight!"

Li Mu quickly dispersed the cigarette, lit it immediately, and gave the rest to Xue Meng. Then he took a long puff, and his head suddenly felt dizzy.

I haven’t smoked in three weeks!

It would be strange if he didn't faint.

Several other people had the same movements and expressions. They took a puff, raised their heads, and blew out the smoke heavily into the sky. Shi Lei shook his head slightly and looked like he was enjoying it. Some people thought he was sucking in fans!
Xue Meng couldn't stand it any longer. When he saw Bu Meiyu walking from the command building, he shook his head and walked away, saying, "Take the time to rest. Today's training has just begun."

He also felt very sorry for these soldiers. They were all young men in their early 20s. To put it bluntly, they were all inexperienced children who had not yet fully grown their hair. They risked their lives just for an oath. They were so cute that it made people feel heartbroken. .Of course, from the instructor's point of view, Xue Meng could only train them as enemies, and the more miserable and powerful they were, the better.

After Xue Meng left, Du Xiaofan took a deep drag on his cigarette, looked at the others, cupped his hands, and said, "Brothers, thank you!"

Li Mu chuckled, Shi Lei simply grinned, Zhao Yiyun and Lin Yu were relatively more reserved.

Shi Lei reached out and put his arm around Du Xiaofan's shoulders and said, "I mean, Du Xiaofan, did you think we were going to break up with you at the time? But having said that, I felt good about scolding you."

"Come on, don't hook your shoulders!" Du Xiaofan pushed him away, and simply ignored Shi Lei, and turned to Li Mu and said, "Old Li, I was really angry at that time, thinking that you guys really looked at me!" Not to me. After completing the task, I calmed down and thought about it, only to realize that you guys are fucking using aggressive methods."

Li Mu smiled and said, "The situation was urgent. There was no other better way, so I had to make this decision. No matter what, we passed smoothly."

Du Xiaofan nodded shamefully and sighed, "Hey, I'm still a little behind in terms of physical strength."

"Winning or losing is not the goal. I guess what the instructor wants is the process." Li Mu said, then he turned to talking to everyone, "That guy Xue Meng didn't scare us. This is just the beginning. I guess... ...Shi Lei, you have no chance of getting constipated."

"Scared? What do you mean?" Shi Lei didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

Lin Yu said to him in a rough voice, "What the squad leader means is that there may be no more beef to eat in the future. What a brain!"

Shi Lei glared, "Big buffalo, believe it or not, I'm going to slap you, who are you saying you have no brains!"

"Come on! I'll give you both hands! I can kick you to death!" Lin Yu refused to be outdone.

"Fuck, my uncle can't bear it, and my aunt can't bear it!" Shi Lei wanted to throw the cigarette butt on the ground, but he paused in the middle of the action and couldn't bear it, "Forget it, I won't argue with you."

The reason why he said the last sentence was that Lin Yu showed off his muscles as strong as steel.Don't forget, Lin Yu's figure can compete with Xue Meng's. It's like a hill. Shi Lei's body is no match for him.


Shi Lei's deflated look made everyone laugh loudly.

What is joy in suffering?

Why do soldiers talk about having fun in hardship?

How to make this music?
Arguing is one of the ways to vent your emotions, and even fighting is one of them.People have the ability to balance themselves, just like a boiler. Once the steam reaches the critical point, it will automatically deflate and make a whining sound.

Although they have just completed a seemingly impossible task, it is over. The soldiers will not be complacent about it, nor will they have lingering fears about it, because more arduous training is waiting for them in the future.

Not even a step can stop, and there can be no pause.

"You see, here, we have no dignity. Here, the most comfortable day is always yesterday." Li Muyao pointed to the big red letters on the wall of the command building, "Actually, I have always disdained these huge slogans. It takes so much effort. What can I do if I have that time? But now it seems that the experience is profound. It seems that people have to go through it before they can truly experience the feelings summarized by others."

Zhao Yiyun smiled and said, "Old Li, I've never seen you express emotion like this."

"I've always been very sentimental," Li Mu said.

"De Xing, but this is good, you finally look like a normal person. To be honest, since you came back from the agency, it seems that you have changed as a person. You don't like to talk much, and you don't smile much either." Zhao Yiyun said .

Among the few people in Class Five, only Zhao Yiyun dared to talk to Li Mu like this. Shi Lei, Lin Yu, and Geng Shuai had always placed themselves at a lower level and obeyed orders.

Li Mu smiled, glanced at everyone, and asked, "Do you still have an impression of the granite at the extra large south gate?"

Several people looked at each other, and Du Xiaofan said in confusion, "What's so special about that? It has the four red letters of Yan Nation Hunter engraved on it."

"Yes, hunter training was initially organized by our military. Later, it became famous and the whole army followed the example. The military newspaper reported it several times." Shi Lei said.

Shaking his head, Li Mu did not deny what they said, but said, "What I want to say is that on the day of the extra big day, when I saw the four words "Hunter of the Yan Kingdom" on the granite, I felt that it did not mean extra big. It’s about us.”

He pointed at the others and then at himself, "Hunter, hunter."

Zhao Yiyun narrowed his eyes slightly, "I probably understand what you mean, it's a hunter, not a hunter."

"It's a verb, not a noun."

After saying this, everyone looked thoughtful, as if they felt something big was about to happen.

Note: Hunter camp group number: 217848533. The army is growing. Brothers who have not found the organization yet, gather together!
(End of this chapter)

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