hunter commando

Chapter 159

Chapter 159
Tang Tao rushed to the front, followed by the entire second ground team. Nearly a hundred good people opened the net and covered the 101 team head-on.He had torn off the low-light night vision goggles. For close combat, this thing was a burden. Moreover, the naked eye could still vaguely see the front clearly.

"Consultant Chen! I've blocked him!" Tang Tao reported to Chen Tao while running wildly.

Chen Tao's voice came through the radio: "Stop them firmly! I'm right behind them!"


Suddenly, a figure shot out of the ground in front of him. Tang Tao was startled and raised his arm to block it reflexively.

"Bang!" There was a muffled sound.

Tang Tao only felt that his arm was hit by a train, and even thought it was going to break. A sharp pain spread through the nerve lines of his whole body in an instant.

It was Li Mu who came out. They had stopped and lurked here 2 minutes earlier. Seeing that there was no way to escape, they decisively came out to fight to the death.

Li Mu did not expect that the target of the attack would react so quickly. With the flash of light, Li Mu could clearly see Tang Tao's military rank. He turned out to be a major.In just a few tenths of a second, Li Mu's attack movements didn't stop at all. He was not using a sure-fire fighting technique, but the most skillful small grapple!
Tang Tao was shocked to find that the other party's hand followed his arm to his shoulder. This was definitely a dangerous signal. The next step would be to restrain the entire arm, and the next step would be to surrender!

He twisted his waist suddenly, and at the same time, his left fist turned into a palm and punched out, aiming at the opponent's chest.Li Mu couldn't help but secretly take a breath, this is a good family man!Li Mu withdrew his hand and gave up grabbing the opponent's arm, turned sideways, and at the same time turned his right hand into a palm, swiped down from the opponent's shoulder, and precisely grasped the opponent's right wrist, then twisted and snapped suddenly, and suddenly Twisting his waist, he used the change in pace to twist Tang Tao's right arm to his back!


At this moment, only two words popped out of Tang Tao's head.

When masters compete with each other, they don't need to go through three hundred rounds.Li Mu knew in his heart that if he couldn't subdue his opponent within three moves, he would be doomed.

"I broke your neck!" Li Mu, who was standing behind Tang Tao, said this.

As soon as he finished speaking, two special forces rushed over and attacked Li Mu together!
It’s just that Li Mu doesn’t have a younger brother!
Zhao Yiyun and Shi Lei suddenly rushed out from both sides and instantly threw the two special forces soldiers to the ground.Zhao Yiyun held a branch in his hand and put it on the neck of the special soldier. Shi Lei directly put the saber on the neck of the other special soldier.

Needless to say, everyone knows what their results will be.

More special forces rushed over and surrounded the three of Li Mu!

No way out?
Zhao Yiyun and Shi Lei turned around and ran behind Li Mu without hesitation, and jumped into the weeds in the recess next to them.Li Mu took out the flare from his satchel, suddenly pulled off the ring and threw it on the ground. Then without any hesitation, he turned around and followed Zhao Yiyun and the others into the grass!

The flare exploded and was supposed to shoot into the sky, but because it fell to the ground, it was shot towards the special forces!

The key is not whether this thing is lethal, but that the flare is actually a smoke bomb, and the brightness it emits when it explodes is comparable to that of a flare!
The special forces all wear low-light night vision goggles!
What is a low-light night vision device?
Even in extremely dark nights, there is still light. The reason why nothing can be seen is because the brightness is lower than what the naked eye can see.The low-light night vision device is an instrument that can be used to see under extremely low light conditions that are invisible to the naked eye.

You can imagine how sensitive this thing is to brightness.

It is also conceivable that the light produced by the explosion of the flare will cause harm to the special forces wearing low-light night vision devices!
In an instant, almost within a second, all the special forces facing here fell into a state of temporary blindness!
Tang Tao, who took off the low-light night vision device, clearly saw Li Mu and the three of them set up Lin Yu from the grass and walked away from his troops, followed by Du Xiaofan on guard!
But Tang Tao can no longer continue to command the battle!

After opening his mouth several times, Tang Tao wanted to give an order, but Li Mu's words, "I have broken your neck!" kept echoing.

"Counsel Chen, I'm out." Tang Tao closed his eyes, sighed deeply, and reported to Chen Tao.

He couldn't say a word about anything else.

Chen Tao was quite surprised, "They rushed over?"

"I'm afraid so. My men were wearing low-light night vision goggles, and they were using flares."

"The flare..." Chen Tao muttered, and couldn't help but smile bitterly, "It was for them to survive. I didn't expect it to be used as a weapon of mass destruction."

"If our group army does not have special forces, I believe it is most appropriate for the third brigade to be reorganized into a special brigade." Tang Tao said with emotion, waved his hand, and walked aside with those who were eliminated. The commander's position was taken by his subordinates. The officer takes over.

Chen Tao and his men continued to chase Team 101, getting closer and closer, because they were all full!
In the command tent of the temporary field camp headquarters, the three leaders were paying attention to the situation and discussing something from time to time. Tang He and Bu Meiyu were busy communicating and uploading reports and orders.Everyone ignored one person, Feng Yuye, who had been included in the instructor team.

Since entering the command tent, Feng Yuye has been paying attention silently without saying a word.Every time Speaker Wang spoke, she wanted to refute, but she finally controlled her impulse.She felt sorry for her sweetheart and hated the bad ideas that Speaker Wang said.

After Yu Xiaoqiang stood on the side of Teda, Feng Yuye even hated Yu Xiaoqiang.Of course she couldn't understand why Yu Xiaoqiang did that, but later she figured it out and thought the same thing - let's end it as soon as possible, no matter the outcome, just have a good rest after it's over.

After not eating for several days and getting no good news, she couldn't imagine what Li Mu would become.

It can be said that it took a long time for Feng Yuye to switch from the perspective of the girlfriend to the perspective of the instructor.

After careful consideration, Feng Yuye decided to express his judgment.She came over from the corner and stood at attention, "Report! Request to speak!"

Zhang Ning, Yu Xiaoqiang, and Speaker Wang, who were discussing something in low voices, stopped at the same time and turned to look over.

"Allow it." Zhang Ning nodded, "Comrade Xiao Feng, you say it."

Feng Yuye said: "I would like to put forward some of my personal opinions."

After a pause, she looked at the three officers and said, "Based on what I know about Li Mu, I think he will turn around and come to the headquarters."

Zhang Ning's brows jumped, Yu Xiaoqiang also raised his brows, Speaker Wang was stunned, and said with a smile in disbelief, "What, you said they will attack the headquarters? Ahem, Comrade Xiao Feng, after all, your My specialty is not fighting..."

"This is my opinion. Whether you adopt it or not is up to you, sir. End of speech!"

(End of this chapter)

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