hunter commando

Chapter 147 Before the Storm

Chapter 147 Before the Storm

There were maybe only two hours until dark.

Through the gaps in the trees, you can see the setting sun.

Li Mu held up his palms, everyone stopped to put down the stretcher, everyone was panting like a cow.

The severe physical exertion brought everyone close to the limit. Even Li Mu felt that his legs were as heavy as lead. The sight he saw in front of him trembled slightly, and his head began to buzz.This is a sign of physical exhaustion. If you can't get a rest, you won't even be able to lift a gun.

The trees are unevenly distributed, some are straight and curved, some have lush leaves, some have sparse leaves, some grow straight upward, and some grow diagonally to pierce the sky. They look messy.

"Rest for 5 minutes!" Li Mu ordered.

Zhao Yiyun and Shi Lei hurriedly helped Lin Yu up and found a big tree to sit against. Du Xiaofan put away the simple stretcher, walked over, and rested against the other side of the big tree, scanning the surroundings with vigilance.

Li Mu tried his best to adjust his breathing and slowly walked around to make sure it was safe.

The resting place is not chosen randomly. This is one of the commanding heights of this gentle mountain. Beyond here is a place with sparse trees and a wide view.The gentle ridge they had just climbed provided good rear cover.

Li Mu was not worried about the pursuers on the ground. What bothered him most was the helicopter flies buzzing in the sky.Main battle tanks still feel powerless in the face of such flies, let alone simple infantry.If it weren't for the fact that the helicopter was a transport helicopter, not very maneuverable, and probably didn't carry a lot of ground reconnaissance equipment, Team 101 might have been bitten long ago.

It would be difficult to deal with a Z-9G. Compared with a helicopter, that thing is the difference between a fighter jet and a commercial airliner.

"Squad leader, what are you looking up at? The helicopter is not catching up, is it? My ears are ringing and I can't hear the sound." Shi Lei took a breath and said weakly when he saw Li Mu standing there searching the sky with his eyes.

Li Mu said, "Do you still remember that last year when we were conducting airborne training at the Army Aviation Regiment, we saw a few Z-[-]s doing maneuver training?"

"Isn't it strange? Everyone in the Army Aviation Corps is assigned to the Zhijiu, right?" Shi Lei said.

"The Army Aviation Regiment of our army is equipped with the latest Z-[-]G and has very advanced ground search equipment." Li Mu said.

Du Xiaofan said, "You mean that round thing on the nose of the aircraft, the photoelectric aiming device?"

"It's that kind of thing, with very powerful ground search capabilities." Li Mu nodded and walked over.

Zhao Yiyun said, "Are you worried that China Airlines will send out Zhijiu?"

"We have to worry. The helicopter is not a professional search helicopter. We can still use its shortcomings to avoid, but if it is a Z-[-], it matches well with the helicopter..."

Shi Lei was stunned, "Squad leader, I'm just a crow's mouth, but you are not."

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone's ears stood up.

A very vague buzzing sound that was different from the sound of a helicopter engine came. The sound of the helicopter engine was compared with the sound of the Z-9 engine. It was the comparison of the sound of the engine of a large truck and that of a car. It was very easy to identify.

As long as soldiers have received aircraft landing training, they can easily identify the model of the aircraft based on the sound of the engine.

The things Lao Maozi built were always not as sophisticated as those of Lanxi Guozi, although one was a transport helicopter and the other was an armed helicopter improved from a light utility helicopter.

The sound gradually became clearer. The sound of the engine was lighter and more delicate than that of a helicopter, like the buzzing sound of a swarm of bees. The sound of the rotor beating the air was also much smaller.

"It seems that I am also a crow's mouth." Li Mu said in a deep voice, and suddenly gave an order, "Quick! Hide in the grass! That guy will fly over soon!"

Everyone hurriedly lifted Lin Yu up, and hurriedly got into the waist-high grass on the right wing.

Li Mu quickly broke off the branch with leaves, hurriedly clearing the traces left behind, and then jumped into the grass.The grass shook a few times and became quiet.

A Z-9G armed helicopter painted in army camouflage flew over from the south. As Li Mu expected, the flying speed was much faster than the helicopter.

Almost above the head of Team 101, the Z-9G armed helicopter with the fuselage number ****** actually slowed down!

Li Mu looked through the gaps in the grass and knew that Z-9G had started searching.But he couldn't understand how Z-9G knew the location and started searching here so accurately!
"Check the equipment to see if there is anything suspicious of a signal transmitter." Li Mu said in a low voice.

He was worried that someone might have tampered with the equipment, so he installed a signal transmitter.

Everyone checked, shook their heads and said, "There is nothing."

"How did it know we were hiding here?" Li Mu frowned, puzzled.

Du Xiaofan said: "Maybe it's a coincidence."

Li Mu shook his head, "I don't believe in coincidences."

"Then the only explanation is that their commander has determined our route. Based on the speed of the attack, it is not difficult to estimate our approximate location." Zhao Yiyun said calmly.

Li Mu nodded, "That's the only way to explain it. Who is the commander? He has a good way."

"Anyway, it won't be that Xue Meng, and it won't be Bu Meiyu, there should be someone else." Shi Lei said seriously.

Li Mu said, "The leader is at the headquarters, so maybe the leader of the extra large is also there. Could it be that the captain of the extra large personally commanded it?"

"It's possible." Du Xiaofan said, looking up at the sky.

The Z-9G was flying slowly and leisurely, still within the field of vision. There was no telling when any clues would be discovered.Everyone's hearts were in their throats. It seemed that the Z-9G would turn its nose around in the next second, and then densely packed 30mm machine guns or 71mm air-launched rockets would come over, turning the hiding place of Team 101 into a Death hell.

"Hey, hurry up, it's getting dark." Shi Lei muttered in a low voice, praying, looking at Z-9G who was already chrysanthemum facing them.

Li Mu whispered, "The Z-9G should not have the search capability of the rear hemisphere. Our crisis will be over if we wait a little longer."

The Z-9G searched slowly from south to north at a height higher than the treetops. The photoelectric search equipment it carried and the two snipers it carried used visual searches to conduct a detailed search of every inch of the mountain forest.Slowly, the figure of the Z-9G disappeared behind the treetops to the north, but the sound of the engine could still be heard, obviously it was not far away.

"Let's go quickly." Shi Lei said.

Li Mu shook his head, "Wait a moment."

After scanning everyone, Li Mu whispered, "Do you think the Z-9G will act alone? Why does it come from the south and not from other directions? I remember that the helicopter came from the southwest."

Everyone looked at Li Mu, their expressions suddenly became solemn...

(End of this chapter)

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