hunter commando

Chapter 144 Even the King of Heaven can’t stop me!

Chapter 144 Even the King of Heaven can’t stop me!
Lin Yu is not stupid, he knows that he is very likely to become an unbearable burden for the entire 101 team.

He clearly heard Du Xiaofan's violent panting, giving people the feeling that the next breath might not be able to come up smoothly and then fall down!

Although Li Mu was slightly better, when Lin Yu tried his best to open his eyes and look over, he found that the squad leader's face was not good-looking. It was obvious that the rapid and violent consumption of physical strength had exceeded the limit.

Lin Yu wanted to run as hard as he could without being carried, but he found that his whole body was weak, and the phrase "sickness like a mountain" couldn't be more appropriate to describe it at this time.He knows his weight - even if he has been hungry for two days, he still weighs at least 170 pounds!
"Change hands!" Li Mu shouted.

Zhao Yiyun immediately stopped and replaced Li Mu. Shi Lei hurried up and replaced Du Xiaofan.Li Mu and Du Xiaofan were so tired that they could hardly breathe, their faces were slightly blue, and they were obviously suffering from hypoxia.


Li Mu takes the lead and the team continues to move forward!
The good walk is over, and ahead is a forest full of vegetation.Li Mu hung up his automatic rifle, took out his saber and used it as a machete to fight his way out.

Du Xiaofan looked past the three people in the middle and landed on Li Mu's back, feeling quite emotional.This person never explains what he does, and he never needs others' understanding - just like now, when he is about to enter a more complicated area, he must use his knife to clear the way, so he replaced Zhao Yiyun.

Cutting a path with a sword is not an easy task, and is usually done by the strongest and most physically powerful person in the team.In the past, this task belonged to Lin Yu.

The team's speed inevitably slowed down, and it was extremely difficult to move forward among the knee-high vegetation without a road.

Lin Yu's feet were caught by branches, and the inertia caused his center of gravity to lean forward.Zhao Yiyun and Shi Lei hurriedly stepped forward to hold on, but Lin Yu's weight could not be easily resisted. Coupled with the inertia of moving forward, Lin Yu and the two of them rushed forward, hitting the densely packed trees. In the haystack.

"Damn it!" Shi Lei let out a muffled groan, he was unlucky, when he fell down, his ribs just hit the rock covered with weeds, the pain was so painful that he couldn't help cursing .

Du Xiaofan stepped forward hurriedly and helped Lin Yu up with all his strength.Li Mu turned around, helped Shi Lei up, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Shi Lei pushed aside the weeds with his feet to expose the rock, "I hit the rock, it hurts me to death!"

Li Mu wanted to check Shi Lei's injuries, but Shi Lei shook his head and waved his hands and said, "Squad leader, it's okay. You'll be fine in a while. The bones are not broken."

Zhao Yiyun and Du Xiaofan supported Lin Yu, and Li Mu said, "Lao Du, hold on for a while, and I will take over for you later."

"No problem." Du Xiaofan nodded simply.

Just when everyone was about to move on, Lin Yu stood still, motionless.

"What are you doing?" Zhao Yiyun asked in a deep voice.

Li Mu came to his senses again and looked at Lin Yu.

Lin Yu said, "Squad leader, let me quit."

Everyone suddenly fell into silence, and the atmosphere became heavy.

"Old Zhao, Lao Du, I am heavier than the two of you combined. How long can you hold on?" Lin Yu said in a deep voice. He tried his best to control his consciousness. He felt that he was increasingly unable to exert force or flow smoothly. If you continue to direct your hands and feet, you may need to lift yourself up and leave.

Lin Yu looked at Li Mu and said, "Squad leader, I don't regret it. Really, at least I have been here, I have been here. Put me down and let me wait for rescue here. Otherwise, I will drag you all down. Can’t make it to the end!”

Li Mu stared at Lin Yu, knowing that his situation was getting worse and worse, and he was holding on to the last bit of sanity to speak.

"Lin Yu, you have forgotten that Team 101 is a whole. If one person is missing, even if the mission is successfully completed, it will be meaningless. No matter what, I will not leave you behind."

Li Mu said and glanced at the others, "Brothers, if you don't fight now, when will you wait?"

After speaking, he said decisively: "You guys wait here for me to come back!"

Li Mu turned around and plunged deeper into the dense forest, and soon disappeared.

Everyone looked at me and looked at you, but they didn't know what Li Mu was going to do.

Within a few minutes, Li Mu came back, carrying two thick pieces of wood about two meters long in his hands.Everyone knows what Li Mu is going to do.

"Lin Yu, brothers, no matter how hard you try, you have to hold on!" Li Mu stared into Lin Yu's eyes and said, "We will get to the end one by one! Even the King of Heaven can't stop me!"

Looking at the protruding veins on Li Mu's neck, Lin Yu gritted his teeth, his cheeks trembling, and nodded heavily.

"Backpack rope!"

Everyone took out their backpack ropes, and Li Mu started to make a simple stretcher out of two pieces of wood!Shi Lei stepped forward to help, and it took the two of them more than a minute to weave a simple stretcher out of five backpack ropes!
"Put him up! Carry him away!" Li Mu ordered.

A helicopter passed overhead at an extremely fast speed, at a relatively high altitude, and its roar shocked everyone's hearts!
"Quick!" Li Mu shouted.

Just as Lin Yu was put on it and the four people were lifting it up, the helicopter came again. This time it almost flew over the treetops, but at a very slow speed.

They have been found!


Li Mu shouted, and the four men carried Lin Yu and ran as fast as they could, regardless of whether the weeds ahead were traps or a bottomless cliff!
The captain of the helicopter saw the escaping figure of Team 101. He immediately reported to the command center via radio: "Command, this is the air reconnaissance team. They found the target in Area 7, northeast of K64 area. They are heading towards the K1 area. Target There are wounded. Over.”

Zhang Ning in the headquarters frowned slightly when he received the report.Yu Xiaoqiang, the leader of the third brigade, couldn't sit still and said, "How come there are wounded?"

"Lao Yu, don't worry. It's not a big problem. It's really dangerous. They won't stop asking for help," Zhang Ning said.

Yu Xiaoqiang is really anxious. Now these five soldiers of Team 101 are his treasures and cannot allow any damage.

Chairman Wang finally smiled, but then he realized that it was not time to feel proud yet - it was obvious that the injuries were not caused by the pursuing troops, because none of the three detachments sent any reports of encountering targets.

How exactly he was injured became a question hanging in the minds of the three leaders in the headquarters.

Zhang Ning issued instructions: "The air reconnaissance team will find out the situation of the wounded immediately! Airborne team! Chen Tao! Please answer after receiving it!"

After the buzzing sound of electromagnetic interference, Chen Tao's voice came, "The airborne team received it. I am Chen Tao. Please give instructions!"

"The target is behind you, in the northeast of K7 area, heading towards K1!" Zhang Ning said, "Your troops will pursue you immediately! Pay attention! There are wounded in the target! Be sure to understand the situation! Avoid casualties!"

Chen Tao was obviously taken aback, and then replied: "Airborne landing team received it! Execute immediately!"

Obviously, Chen Tao was even more nervous. He was more worried about casualties than anyone else. The captain was watching from the side!Even if casualties are allowed during training, any military training is inherently dangerous, but if it can be avoided, then it is the responsibility of the person in charge.

Zhang Ning suddenly looked at Yu Xiaoqiang and Chairman Wang, and said, "Come on, both of you chief officers come here, let's analyze where Team 101 will go."

Yu Xiaoqiang and Speaker Wang looked at each other, walked over quickly, stood next to Zhang Ning, and looked at the real-time satellite map on the electronic display screen.

(End of this chapter)

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