hunter commando

Chapter 104 Sudden Survival in the Wild

Chapter 104 Sudden Survival in the Wild

The convoy of warrior vehicles galloped all the way into the deep mountains and forests, with Chen Tao in the lead vehicle controlling everything.

We walked all the way to a place where even warriors could not drive in. It was already deserted.Chen Tao ordered the car to stop and made a gesture.The door of Car No. [-] opened, and two special forces carried Li Mu out of the car. Xue Meng picked up a transparent plastic bag from his feet, jumped out of the car, and walked into the forest with them.

Chen Tao followed and watched them throw Li Mu under a tree. Xue Meng placed the transparent plastic bag next to Li Mu.After looking at the time, Chen Tao nodded and everyone evacuated.

The convoy continued to move forward, leaving the unconscious Li Mu in the forest.

"Team leader, it will take at least more than an hour for him to wake up. At this temperature, I'm afraid he will freeze." Bu Meiyu said worriedly.

Chen Tao shook his head, "No."

Xue Meng from behind said: "Don't worry, old Bu. If his physical fitness can't even withstand the cold for an hour, he can be sent back to the old army at dawn."

It's winter at this time, so you won't worry about any venomous snakes. Of course, the place has been treated. The key is the temperature.

Bu Meiyu was still a little confused and said, "Since we are not training them to be special forces, I think this intensity is quite harsh."

"Any group is composed of individuals. If the individual quality cannot be improved, the improvement of the team's combat effectiveness is a joke." Chen Tao said, "Moreover, there are no regulations stating that their quality must not be better than that of the special forces."

Xue Meng chuckled and said, "I seriously agree with what the team leader said! We have all come this way. Since they are the guinea pigs of the first air assault force in the army, they must undergo training that exceeds the intensity of special forces." The training is nothing.”

He was right, because even their extremely large soldiers had never experienced Chen Tao's training method.To be fair, Jida wouldn't dare to train new recruits like this anyway - it would really cost lives.

On the bumpy warrior car, Chen Tao said in a deep voice, "In the air assault force, precision shooters are particularly important. Our army does not yet have a completely clear concept of precision shooters and snipers, so we can only train them to the highest standards." . First as an individual soldier, then as a team, start from a young age and see the big things from the small. This is the meaning of this special training."

Xue Meng and Bu Meiyu nodded solemnly - at least Bu Meiyu no longer looked down on Chen Tao in her heart, ever since Chen Tao revealed his hand.

In the next half an hour, the convoy stopped at the specified coordinates and dropped the remaining four people one by one. All of them were equipped with a standard plastic bag containing old-fashioned camouflage uniforms and some small things.

At dawn, the warrior convoy withdrew and settled on the established flat ground. There were already several logistics vehicles there, and two field tents were set up. One of them was marked with a red cross, and the same tents were parked next to it. There is an Iveco ambulance marked with a red cross, and the other one is Chen Tao's temporary command post. Parked next to it is a communications vehicle with an antenna set up.There are many soldiers busy in this temporary camp.

There are only five soldiers, but the resources invested in this special training cannot be underestimated.As for the personnel who cooperated with the special training alone, in addition to a platoon of special forces, there were more than twenty vehicles of various types and nearly a company of logistics support personnel providing support for this special training.

Judging from the consumption of military expenditures, this special training will cost enough to hold a military region-level hunter training camp.

In the mist, this temporary camouflage-colored camp blends into the surrounding environment, which is quite a bit like a fairyland on earth.A steaming breakfast is being prepared in the cooking cart. I believe everyone will be able to eat hot food that will warm their stomachs at meal time.

The camera shifted to Li Mu's side, in the old forest with biting wind.

There is a saying that what wakes me up every day is not the urge to urinate but poverty. There is a certain truth in this saying. After all, Li Mu is woken up by the coldness.

He struggled to get up and shook his head vigorously, and finally he could see something clearly.His body began to tremble and his teeth chattered.

Here is a mountain forest with no end in sight. Various trees and vines grow on the rugged mountains. The sky is already slightly bright. It is the coldest moment of the day.

Li Mu looked around, but there was no sign of anyone except himself. His eyes finally fell on the transparent plastic bag next to him, which contained a set of jungle camouflage uniforms.

He quickly took it out, took out the camouflage uniform and put it on quickly.

You know, Li Mu only has a standard set of dark gray thermal clothes. In the early morning forest with a temperature of only [-] to [-] degrees Celsius, there is absolutely no way he can withstand it for long!

Old-fashioned camouflage uniforms, old-fashioned cowhide armed belts, old-fashioned camouflage hats and a kettle satchel. The satchel contains a thick old-fashioned solid-color raincoat. The kettle is empty. In addition, there are two matches, a backpack rope, oh, and There is a pair of camouflage rubber shoes and a pair of socks.


After putting on his clothes and shoes, Li Mu took out the contents of the bag one by one, carefully wrapped the two extremely precious matches and put them inside the raincoat to ensure that they would not be wet by the dew, and finally put them in the raincoat. Fold the transparent plastic bag and put it into the satchel along with the raincoat.

Obviously, I was thrown out of this barren mountain by the instructors, and the name of the project that had already started naturally emerged—survival in the wild.

Surviving in the wild without any signs at all, everyone thought that there would be a dismount, and thought about all kinds of possibilities, but they didn't expect that it would be survival in the wild.I entered this cruel project completely after being completely knocked out of my ability to resist, without receiving any prompting and without blinking my eyes.

There is no prompt, no content, not even a flare to signal for help in an emergency.

Presumably others are in much the same situation.

The only good thing is that I had enough dinner to last for a while!
Li Mu stood there and looked at the surrounding environment carefully.Judging from the topography and vegetation growth, this place should be deep in the mountain forest. The thick weeds covering the gravel on the surface indicate that there are very few signs of human activity here, and even very few animals. .

It took more than a minute for Li Mu to completely recover, although there were still waves of pain in his head from time to time.He couldn't help but cursed secretly, he actually used such a thing as shock bombs!

Li Mu raised his head and carefully observed the difference in brightness in the sky. Soon, Li Mu knew the north, south, east, and west.Immediately, his first thought was to join the others.

Li Mu almost subconsciously decided that everything must be done after finding someone else.He didn't know whether the mission required it to be done individually or as a team, but since there was no mission prompt, Li Mu didn't plan to care so much.

According to some research materials, in wild survival, the probability of two people surviving is ten times that of a single person.

Without too much entanglement, Li Mu walked towards Zhengdong.Since you have no idea where the others were thrown, try your luck!

However, Li Mu also has his own judgment - the instructor will not disperse the five of them very far.

(End of this chapter)

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