I've done whatever I want

Chapter 245 The Best News

Chapter 245 The Best News
It was the first delivery in a Mercedes-Benz car, and there was still a bit of a joke.

"Come on, I'll take you to the warehouse. From now on, you can deliver the goods directly to the warehouse for processing! You don't need to bring the goods to the office." After Mark finished speaking, he led the two of them towards the raw material warehouse.

Fortunately, this time there is only a 10K order, which is only one box of goods. What if it is 100K?
Xin Tong touched his brain with his hand and smiled. He was so excited when he delivered the goods just now that he sent it directly to the conference room of the purchasing department.

Zhu Tao followed behind with the box of goods in his arms.

Walking into the raw material warehouse, he saw that the area to be inspected was almost full of materials. Xin Tong secretly lamented that the business of Huizhou Industrial Control was really good.

In his previous life, Huizhou Industrial Control was his competitor.

The warehouse clerk took the delivery note from Zhu Tao, carefully confirmed the quantity and label information, placed the chip in the waiting area of ​​the warehouse, and issued the inspection information in the SAP system.

Xin Tong turned around and said to Mark: "Manager Ma, thank you! It's time for lunch. Let's go out for a casual dinner and talk about Rolling Forecast!"


"Zhu Tao, would you like to contact Manager Cui and see if it's convenient for him?"


After a while, Manager Cui came over, and the four of them drove towards Jinji Lake.

They found a hotel near the lake, sat down, and ordered four bottles of "Dream Blue", one of Yanghe's "Blue Classic" series products that have just been released.

"Dream Blue" carries dreams, leads a direction, and opens up a world.

For a wine veteran who wants to open up a new world, visiting customers in Jiangsu without drinking "Dream Blue" is tantamount to coming in vain.

"Manager Xin, if there is no problem with the assembly of these 10K chips, we will switch to bulk purchasing!" Cui Jie said while drinking "Dream Blue".

"K100 is a very mature MCU chip, I am full of confidence! Come on! Cheers!" Xin Tong stood up and raised his glass.

The four drank it all in one gulp.

"Cousin, how is the verification of the K200 chip now?" Zhu Tao couldn't help asking.

"The K200 MCU is used in our multi-axis servo motor project. This will be a little more complicated. We are debugging to confirm the chip function! The certification of the K200 MCU is not so fast, and the results will have to wait until after the Spring Festival!" Cui Jie said.

At noon that day, four young men held wine glasses and started a fierce fight on the wine table. The tragedy was indescribable.

Although the chips have been delivered, for Huizhou Industrial Control, this can be regarded as Pilot Production (small batch trial production). If something goes wrong, it will be dead.

The first shot must be fired, and it must resound through the sky!
Selling a batch of goods is more embarrassing than talking about an unforgettable love!

Since the delivery of the 10K MCU, when he returned to Shanghai, Xin Tong was still restless, and his food and drink were not good. He wanted to succeed too much, so he was under too much pressure.

The road to starting a business is difficult. In his previous life, he was a rich second generation. After taking over the family business, he has never been so worried about an order.

Three days later, he returned to the rental house after running around with clients. Lying in bed, his mind was filled with Huizhou Industrial Control. Unable to control his temper, he still called the purchasing manager Mark: "Mr. Ma, our company recently delivered goods." Has the 10K MCU been put into production?”

"Already put into production!"

"Is the quality OK?" Xin Tong asked in a low voice.

"Manager Xin, no abnormalities were found in the incoming material inspection. Now this batch of chips has been put into the production line to complete the SMT process, and the MCU has been soldered to the circuit board. I have not heard of any abnormal feedback." Mark said.

"Okay, thank you Manager Ma!"

After hanging up the phone, Xin Tong let out a long breath.

No news is the best news!

The establishment of a company is not a trivial matter, and there must be a sense of ceremony.

He stared at the ceiling quietly. In a few days, Irene would fly over from the United States to attend the company's unveiling ceremony. In the past few days, Xiaoyu went to the flower market to purchase some green plants and decorated the office with warmth. too much.

Regarding the establishment of the company, he discussed with Irene on the phone over the ocean. Goldstone Technology is registered in the building, and the venue does not allow bands to cut ribbons. Besides, this is an investment in her private life, and she does not want to make a big fuss. She just wanted to do a simple unveiling ceremony.

This point is also in line with Xin Tong's thinking, to behave in a low-key manner and do things in a high-key manner.

"Beep! Beep! Beep!"

Bird's mobile phone rang!

He took it out and saw it was Mark's phone.

Is there something wrong with the MCU?Xin Tong's heart tightened. If there was a problem, the goal of achieving 2000 million agency income in Huizhou Industrial Control this year would be compromised.

After hesitating for three seconds, he answered the phone.

"Manager Xin, I just called the production manager to find out about the K100 chip."

Sure enough, it is about the small batch trial production of 10K MCU.

"Any feedback?" Xin Tong pretended to be calm and asked.

"Manager Xin, the assembly of these chips has been completed, and the single-axis servo motor has passed the OQC test and has been put into storage."

"Really?" Xin Tong asked excitedly.

"Yes, the small batch trial production has passed, so don't worry about the small batch trial production, now you have to consider the mass production, hurry up and prepare for the 100K delivery in February!" Mark urged on the phone.


After hanging up the phone, Xin Tong excitedly lifted the quilt off his body and jumped out of bed.

Someone is after your butt for goods!
So it seems that this year's sales target may be achieved!
If this is the case, [-] million will be next year. It is time to discuss the wedding with Irene. If she is asked to wait any longer, she will become an older leftover woman.

It is a very cruel thing to turn a beautiful girl into a leftover girl.

After entering winter, his bathing frequency is twice a week.

Frequent bathing will wash off the oil secreted on the skin surface and the protective bacteria normally parasitic on the skin surface, which will easily damage the stratum corneum of the skin, resulting in itchy skin.The "Guidelines for Cleaning Skin in China" issued by the Chinese Association of Dermatology also made scientific recommendations, suggesting that young people should take a bath once every 3 to 5 days in the cold winter.

Although he took a hot bath yesterday, he was very excited at this moment. He took off his clothes and got into the bathroom.

The temperature outside was about ten degrees, hot water was released, and the bathroom was steaming after a while, like a fairyland.

The handsome man held the shower head and washed the muscle bumps all over his body. The hot water hit his muscles and splashed out like a waterfall hitting a boulder in a deep pool.

After taking a hot bath, he felt that every cell in his body was opened up, feeling extremely refreshed.

After getting dressed, I got into the warm bed.

The order that made him fearful has been successfully completed, and Xin Tong feels extremely relaxed. He hasn't had a good night's sleep for many days. At this moment, he wants to sleep well and have a good dream.

(End of this chapter)

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