mother chick is crazy

Chapter 114 The Halo of Knowledge

Chapter 114 The Halo of Knowledge

Li Shaochen hesitated for a moment, but the person who asked the question seemed to be appreciative and harmless, so he replied: "My name is Li Shaochen, and I am, um, 11 years old this year."

Everyone here was shocked. An 11-year-old child had such conversation and such knowledge?Having children at home, I made some comparisons in my mind.The man added, "I have to say that your parents and teachers have trained you very well, and of course you are also very good. But I don't understand how your parents can bear to have you go out to work at such a young age?"

This person's words caused ripples in Li Shaochen's heart. Yes, everyone felt that they had been taught well, but whether they were well or not was really like drinking water.But in the face of others' concern, Li Shaochen decided to reply with a white lie: "To be honest, I came out to exercise, and I have to go back to school to continue studying."

The man was relieved and said, "Then you go."

As soon as Li Shaochen and the waiter withdrew, Lu Yining came up to him and teased him: "How do you feel, our little waiter?"

He wiped the fine sweat from his forehead. Even though he was chatting in front of customers, it was actually stressful.It is not an easy job to worry that I will make a mistake in the key points of my shorthand and have to reprocess it again. "Okay, okay. But now my mind is completely blank, and I have forgotten everything I just memorized."

The more he said this, the more incomprehensible the waiter felt.Is this like Zhang Sanfeng doing Tai Chi and forgetting about it in the end? "You guys come with me to meet the manager. I think it's necessary for the manager to meet the talented boy."

Lu Yining went to the manager's office with the waiter out of curiosity.

The manager asked what happened, and the waiter directly picked up the phone to record and played it back.In just a few minutes of conversation, the manager was deeply shocked.Is this the legendary academic master Niu Wa?He could tell so many things about a menu, and even if he listened to it, he wouldn't be able to help but order two more dishes.

The manager cherished his talents, held Li Shaochen's hand, and said excitedly: "Young man, not only are your meals free of charge, but I will also pay you a penny separately. I just need you to train our employees and perfect them. Our menu and our rhetoric. Can you take a look at it?"

This 180-degree turn made Li Shaochen a little stunned. He used his own personal experience to prove a truth: knowledge is power, knowledge is money, and knowledge is the means of survival.

"Wow, wow, manager, you are really Bole. My brother is the proud son of the early training class. After finishing the fourth grade, he skipped a grade and went to junior high school. He won the prize in the Olympiad." Lu Yining unconsciously began to act agent role.

"Early training? Skip a grade? Mathematical Olympiad." The manager was so shocked by these words that he grabbed the boy's arm and instantly became a fan. "I don't want you to train employees anymore. Can you teach my little ancestor a lesson to motivate him?" Is he studying hard?"

"This, this, this..." We still have to travel, and this is too sudden.Li Shaochen didn't know how to answer for a while.

Lu Yining was full of ideas and said: "Manager, why don't you think about it in a long-term way? We don't know about your little ancestors, so it's not appropriate to rush into the class. It's okay to train employees. We can also leave each other alone. Contact information."

"That's great!" The manager wanted to dance for joy.

At this time, another employee hurried into the office and said out of breath: "Manager, it's not good. Over there on the terrace, the cellist in the band has suffered a stroke, but the customer's party is not over yet, and the bride wants us to come again." Find a cellist.”

Where can the manager find the piano player in such an emergency?The manager was running around anxiously. "Little boys and girls, you go and enjoy your afternoon tea first. I'll come back later."

Although he couldn't understand why the newlyweds on the terrace held a party outdoors on a hot day, Lu Yining had a good impression of the manager and decided to save him from the fire and water. "Manager, let me try it."

The manager was so shocked that his internal organs shifted quickly in the middle of the afternoon. Could it be that the girl in front of him was still a little music fairy?

(End of this chapter)

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