see you in spring

Chapter 124 Which One Comes First, Surprise or Accident

Chapter 124 Which comes first, surprise or surprise?

Han Guyu felt a little drowsy during the conference call. The leader talked for a long time about when and how the school would start, but he still didn't give any details.

It is now late February, and at this time in previous years, school is indeed about to start.But this year, Han Guyu felt that school would not be very likely to start, let alone late March, even in late March.

It's probably because we haven't had a meeting for too long. The leader has been talking for more than an hour and is still chattering.Han Guyu covered his mouth and secretly yawned, then poked at the notebook with a pen.

In the past two hours, the leaders repeatedly said two points: First, the current epidemic situation is still relatively severe. In order to ensure the safety of students, schools in various regions have made decisions to delay the start of school.

Second, in order not to delay the teaching progress, many schools have begun online teaching for senior students. Although they do not have the pressure to advance to primary school, they must also be prepared for online teaching. How to make online teaching interesting and attract students' attention Attention, that is the problem of each teacher.

Han Guyu felt dizzy. Those brats were openly deserting in class under her nose. Now that they are at home and listening to the class through the screen, how can anyone still learn?
After the more than three-hour meeting was over, Han Guyu stood up from the chair with stiff limbs and stretched hard, feeling pain in his back.

"My god, I'm done talking." Han Guyu went to pour a glass of water by himself, and drank it in one gulp.

Zhou You walked out of the room, saw that she had finished the meeting, and asked, "Is your elementary school starting?"

Han Guyu put down his cup: "Are you kidding? Although the epidemic is now under control, the epidemic spreads very quickly. There is no effective treatment drug developed yet. This student will definitely be busy when school starts. What if there is someone among them? He is a virus carrier. Who can afford the consequences? Besides, do teachers and students have so many masks? If so, can teachers wear masks in class? If you talk so much, you have to change one every class. If a person has symptoms Do thousands of people in the entire school have to be quarantined? Before special insurance is available, it is hard to say when the school will start for elementary school students in kindergartens and other grades where there is no pressure to go to school. Let’s listen to the experts: Staying at home is making a contribution to society.”

"Then if you don't go to class, how can you make up for the missed classes?" Since the two of them accepted and acquiesced in the divorce, the relationship between the two was much better than before they signed the divorce agreement, and they were able to We chatted peacefully like friends.

Han Guyu opened his phone and kept scrolling: "Online teaching. When I was in the meeting just now, I followed several Internet celebrity bloggers who made toy introduction videos. During this time, I watched those Internet celebrity videos and imitated their attraction. With the skills of the audience, I don’t believe that I can’t attract the ideas of those bastards.”

Zhou You leaned over and found that all she was paying attention to were videos of mentally retarded people teaching people how to play with house toys. He looked suspicious: "Is this what second-grade children like now? Do you want to also play house in class?" "

"Exactly, childish." Han Guyu raised his chin: "I plan to wholesale some toys online. Then I will set up a reward mechanism in class. After teaching a knowledge point, whoever has the best and most complete knowledge will get the toys for this knowledge point. To whom it belongs.”

Zhou You expressed disapproval of her bribing approach: "If it were me, in order not to get rid of these toys, I would have to learn how to not do it."

"Go away, a scumbag like you is out of my consideration."

"Are you so sure that those children will like the toys you reward? Do you want me to give you some advice?" Zhou You thinks that he has played for more than 30 years, and he still has some experience in what is fun and what is not.

Han Guyu sneered: "Do you think those naughty kids born after [-] still like the same things as you did back then? Your suggestions are outdated. If you have nothing to do, just take out the trash and throw it away. I will choose it online first. Toy."

Seeing that Han Guyu didn't listen to his advice, Zhou You was speechless and opened the door with garbage in hand to go out.As soon as the family dog ​​looked at the door, he also wanted to go down with Zhou You.

Han Guyu hurried over, picked up the dog, and touched its head: "Doudou, you can't go out. It's too dangerous outside. If you are caught, you won't see the sun tomorrow."

Zhou You put on his shoes and shook his head: "I don't know who spread the rumor on the Internet that pets can also be infected with the new coronavirus. When I went out in the past few days, I saw the bodies of three dogs in a row outside the community. Some of them had collars on their necks. It must not have been done by an outsider. You said that after raising it for so long, it should have some feelings. How could these owners do this?"

Dog owners can't listen to this. Han Guyu covered his Doudou's ears: "Okay, don't let Doudou hear such a terrible thing."

Zhou You closed the door and went out to take out the trash. Han Guyu sat back on the sofa with the dog in his arms, picked up his phone and started choosing toys.Nowadays, these toys are becoming more and more interesting, much more fun than the ones she played with when she was a child.

Han Guyu liked this one and liked that one, and bought them all without looking at the price.She is the godmother of Sun Yan's two sons and Jia Lie's youngest daughter. When buying toys, of course she has to prepare a copy for them.

She found that whenever she wanted to buy something related to children, she would do whatever it took.She could imagine how much she would dote on her children if she had them.

It would be great if there was a chance for her to spoil her children.

Han Guyu was immersed in her own world and bought a box of toys. After paying, she looked at the balance and smiled bitterly, comforting herself that in fact, what she learned from playing with these things may not be less than what she learned from books.Children's nature is to play. If those little brats don't listen to the lessons, it would be a good idea to play with them with unboxed toys.

(End of this chapter)

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