see you in spring

Chapter 103 Frustrated Man

Chapter 103 Frustrated Man
Dongqing waited until noon to finish making lunch for the children, but there was no feedback from Sun Yan.

He wanted to call and ask, but felt uncomfortable urging others. After all, Sun Yan had a lot of things to deal with at home, and others had no obligation to immediately put down what they were doing and go out to find it.

After hesitating for several seconds, he decided to go out for a walk by himself. Maybe Jia Lie would not go far by driving.

After the child finished eating, Dongqing said to her daughter: "Wanggua, daddy will take you for a walk around the community later."

When Winter Melon heard that he could go out, his eyes lit up and he looked at the snow outside: "Then can I play in the snow?"

"No!" Dongqing refused without thinking.

Nowadays, the Internet is all about the new coronavirus. According to the saying spread on the Internet: the coronavirus in the air is carried to the ground by snowflakes. -25℃ to 5℃ is the most stable state of the coronavirus and the most infectious state.The virus can survive for 3 hours through contact with skin and clothes. If it cannot be guaranteed that it will not touch the mouth and nose within these 3 hours, all clothes should be disinfected with alcohol.Don't go out to play in the snow!It is also said that this virus is only afraid of high temperatures and is highly contagious at low temperatures!

Dongqing is not sure about the authenticity of this statement, but since there are such rumors, it is best to be careful.The ground was filled with snow from last night. He planned to put two more plastic bags on his boots and carry Little Winter Melon on his back when he went out to prevent her from touching the snow.

Little Winter Melon knows when her father's words are negotiable and when they cannot be refuted.Although I'm not happy about not being able to go out to play in the snow, being able to go out for a walk is at least better than staying at home every day.

"Dad, Mom said each of us only has one mask. If we use it today, will we not be able to go out in the future?" Xiao Donggua asked worriedly while putting on her coat.

"...Dad will go to the drugstore at the entrance of the community later to see if there are masks for sale." Dongqing got dressed, took out two masks, and carefully tied the one for Winter Melon on the drawstrings on both sides of the ears. , making this adult mask fit the child's face better.

Before going out, he checked the child in all directions, put on a hat, mask and gloves to make sure the protection was in place. Then he squatted down and said, "Come up, daddy will carry you."

When Little Winter Melon heard that she didn't have to walk by herself, she finally became happy again. She leaned on Holly's back and said, "Let's ride the big horse."

Dongqing hasn't carried a child on his back for a long time. After little Winter Melon could walk and run on her own, he tried to let her exercise on her own.Now the child is almost 1.2 meters tall and weighs nearly [-] kilograms. Although it is not too heavy, it is equivalent to the weight of four bags of rice. He held on to the door frame next to him and when he got up from the ground, he couldn't help but utter " He said "Hmm".

At that moment, he finally realized that he was middle-aged.The Dongqing who could still work overtime after a basketball game back then has become farther and farther away from him.

After leaving the house, the community was deserted. Fortunately, the property management still swept out the snow on the sidewalk. Dongqing carried the child on his back and walked around the community. He didn't see his car. His daughter, who was slowly sliding down, appeared again. He lifted it up and slowly walked out of the gate of the community.

It's the Lantern Festival in two days, and not many shops along the street are open.

What came earlier than spring this year was the epidemic.Under the lockdown, no industry has been spared.

The drugstore on the street was still open, and Dongqing walked in with her daughter on her back.

The boss saw Dongqing carrying the child on her back and thought the child had a fever. He quickly stopped the two people outside, took out an electronic thermometer and measured the body temperature on their foreheads, and then felt relieved.

"The child doesn't have a fever, I just don't want her to step on the snow on the ground." Dongqing put down the small winter melon on her back.

The boss smiled and said, "That's right. School has not started, children don't get together, there is no infection, and there are fewer fevers. I can't sell the cold and fever medicine. What medicine do you want to buy?"

"Are there any masks?" Dongqing glanced at the counter.

The boss shook his head repeatedly: "Don't think about it, we can't get the goods. Not only the masks are out of stock, but also the bezoar detoxification pills, Hua Qingwen capsules and isatis root."

Holly came out of the drugstore with the little winter melon on her back, feeling heavier and heavier.Without masks, how will their family go out in the future?At this time, he felt powerless again.The child on his back was getting heavier and heavier, and he could no longer continue walking, so he could only walk slowly towards home.

On the way, I came across a lottery shop outside the community. The door of the shop was closed, and there was a piece of paper on the door: Lottery sales were suspended during the epidemic, and the resumption of sales is to be determined.

Dongqing was stunned on the spot. He originally wanted to stop by and buy a lottery ticket. He had been keeping this set of numbers for five years and bought them in almost every issue.In previous years, the welfare lottery went on sale after the tenth day of the Lunar New Year. He calculated that the lottery would be drawn today. Unexpectedly, during the epidemic, even the lottery was stopped.

He looked at the red banner that had been hanging in front of the store for a whole year, with the same slogan: Winning 1000 million is much easier than earning 1000 million.

As a science student, Dongqing knows that the probability of winning the lottery is smaller than being struck by lightning.Six years ago, he would never have thought of buying a lottery ticket.But since he became a househusband, he has changed from a promising young man in the eyes of everyone to a weakling.Since his job application was rejected again three years ago, his will was depressed, and his situation went from bad to worse, he found that he was eager to change this situation, and the lottery ticket became the carrier to change his destiny.

In fact, all this happened by chance. One time when he went home from shopping for groceries, someone gave him two pieces of steel. He felt that the steel made a lot of noise in his pocket. He happened to walk to the lottery shop in the community and saw the lottery shop surrounded. A group of people were busy choosing numbers.Dongqing thought about spending the steel coin, so she also came over to see others looking at the historical number distribution, and he followed suit.

After all, he is a highly educated science and engineering master, different from those old men in their 60s and 200s who buy blindly.He calculated the numbers for the next draw and placed a bet on the two-colored balls. He actually calculated the first five red balls correctly. For his first purchase, he won [-] yuan.

After that, his hope seemed to be rekindled overnight. In addition to doing housework at home, he began to dive into the sea of ​​calculation and guessing whenever he had free time.

In the past few years, he has spent 5000 yuan on lottery tickets one after another, and the bonuses he has won are full, and the total does not exceed 3000 yuan.Sometimes he would think that he had spent so much money and energy on calculations but had not gotten back his money. If he had left the money and not bought lottery tickets, it would have been enough to take his children to have fun twice in the province.

But he knew that no matter what, he knew that he would still buy it, because a lottery ticket is a hope. No matter how low the odds are, as long as there are still thoughts, life will not be too decadent.If he really wins 500 million, the millions of debts on Jia Lie's shoulders will be gone, and the pressure will not be so great. The relationship between the couple will be eased, and the children can be happy in a harmonious family environment. grew up.

But now that he bought it, he still hasn't been able to fulfill his wish.Not only did it fail, they even stopped selling lottery tickets.There is no hope, and the family has encountered great difficulties. What can he rely on to change the fate of himself and the family?

(End of this chapter)

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