Momo no rain

Chapter 118 Sorry, I just fell asleep

Chapter 118 Sorry, I just fell asleep

"Honey, what time is it now?" Duan Zimo asked Momo weakly.

"It's about two o'clock in the morning." Momo looked at Zimo tenderly and replied, and then she asked: "Are you hungry? Let the nurse go out and buy you something to eat?"

"I'm not hungry, but my mouth is a little dry. Let's drink some water."

"Okay, I'll pour you some water right now." Momo said and hurriedly got up and picked up the water bottle under the bedside table and poured a glass of water.Since the water was a bit hot, Momo picked up another cup and swung it back and forth.The temperature of the water had almost dropped. Since Zimo had a wound on his stomach and couldn't sit up, Momo took a straw to support him and let Zimo drink some slowly and carefully.

"Do my parents know that something happened to me?" Duan Zimo asked Momo after drinking some water.

"I called them when you were in the operating room. They waited for you to come out of the operating room, sat for a while and then went back." Momo answered honestly.

"Mom didn't say anything to you, right?" Duan Zimo knew his mother well. As long as anything happened to him, his mother would always find a reason to blame Momomo.

"No, no." Momo didn't want to say it was not true in front of Zimo, and didn't want to increase Zimo's troubles, so she hurriedly denied it.

"Well, if my mother says anything, don't take it to heart. She's always had that temper, and there's nothing my father can do to her." Duan Zimo comforted Momo with tenderness in his eyes.

"Yeah, I know." Momo responded to Zimo softly, her eyes couldn't help but feel a little wet.No matter how unreasonable her mother-in-law is, as long as Zimo has her in her heart, she feels that she can bear all the grievances.

"Tell the nurse to stop sleeping and ask him to take care of me, not to sleep. You go and lie down for a while." Duan Zimo heard that it was past two o'clock and the nurse was still sleeping soundly. I felt that this person had no professional ethics. .

"I can't sleep, I want to stay with you." Momo sat on the edge of the bed, holding one of Zimo's hands and looking at him, and said softly, "Why don't we fire the nurse tomorrow? I don't think hiring him will be of much use. I have to pay him 200 yuan every day, which I feel is not worth it. I can take care of you."

Momo had lived a hard life. She did not enjoy the wealth and power of her husband's family like those girls who become pretentious after marrying into a wealthy family.After she got married to Zimo, she still lived her ordinary life as always, never spending a penny more than she should have.I never want to pay someone to do something that I can do myself.

"Let's talk about it tomorrow. We must pay him today. We can't let him sleep all the time. Listen to me and wake him up. You can go and have a rest. In two or three hours, it will be dawn. You can't rest even if you want to. Someone will definitely come to visit me tomorrow, and there will be so many people coming and going, how can you rest." Duan Zimo urged Momo again distressedly.

Momo felt that Zimo's words made sense, so she walked over and woke up the nurse, explained what needed to be paid attention to, and then lay down on an empty hospital bed opposite Zimo.

Maybe it was because Zimo woke up, nothing serious happened.Momo suddenly felt a lot more relaxed while lying on the bed. In addition, she sat in front of Zimo and didn't move for several hours. At this time, her body was completely relaxed. The exhausted Momo fell asleep in a short time.

Momo woke up frightened by her mother-in-law who pushed her and screamed.She didn't expect her mother-in-law to come so early, and she came to the hospital before five o'clock.

"Wake up, wake up! I asked you to take care of Zimo here. Zimo is not asleep, but you are sleeping soundly!" Momo opened her surprised eyes and saw her mother-in-law's gloomy face.

"Mom——! Momo just went to bed at almost three o'clock, why did you call her!" Zimo said angrily to his mother while lying on the bed.

"She is here to take care of you, not to enjoy your happiness. Besides, this incident also happened because of her. How could she sleep here as if nothing had happened? She has such a big heart!" Luo Yuanyuan still acted like someone owed her something. Millions of faces.

At this time, Momo had already sat up. She put her hair back, as if she had not heard what her mother-in-law had just said. She tried her best to squeeze out a smile and said to her mother-in-law: "Mom, you are here. I'm sorry, I just fell asleep. I Get up now." Momo said as she lifted her legs out of bed and stood up.

"Mom, I'm going out to buy two toothbrushes." Momo pretended to be nonchalant and said to Luo Yuanyuan, "What do you want for breakfast? I'll buy some for you and bring it back later."

Luo Yuanyuan said with an unhappy face: "You don't have to worry about me. You are here to take care of Zimo. You have to ask him what he eats."

"Oh." Momo glanced at her mother-in-law and thought to herself that she really didn't know what she should do to satisfy her.She secretly calmed down her emotions and turned to Duan Zimo, "Zimo, what do you want to eat? I'll buy it now."

"I'm not very hungry, just buy me something." Duan Zimo's energy has recovered a lot, and he said to Momo while lying down.

"Well, I'm going." After Momo said that, she was about to go out. Suddenly she remembered that she still didn't know what her mother-in-law ate, so she plucked up the courage to ask her mother-in-law: "Mom, what do you want to eat?"

"I've eaten at home." Luo Yuanyuan replied dryly to Momo without looking at Momo, her eyelids drooping.

Momo looked at her mother-in-law helplessly and walked out of the ward.

Half an hour later, Momo came back with breakfast and the purchased daily necessities.

"Did you call your adoptive father to ask about the time you arrived at his house?" Luo Yuanyuan asked her coldly as soon as Momo walked in and put the breakfast on the cabinet.

"Mom, I'm sorry, I haven't had time to ask yet. I will definitely call and ask after Zimo has eaten." Momo said hurriedly to her mother-in-law.

"Mom, what are you asking Momo for at that time?" Duan Zimo asked curiously.

"It's not because of you. Forget it, let's not talk about it." Luo Yuanyuan learned to be smarter this time. She understood that if Zimo knew what she was going to do, he would definitely not support her and might make trouble with her again, so she thought about it or Don't give it to Zimo.Then she immediately changed the subject.

"You eat first. Didn't the nurse just say that after breakfast, she would transfer you to the general ward at eight o'clock? I'll call your dad and ask him to call Dean Sun Lei to see if he can You arrange a single room." Luo Yuanyuan said, stood up, took out her mobile phone from her bag and started to call her husband Duan Xinmin.

The result of the call was that Duan Xinmin didn't want his son to be special. In the end, Luo Yuanyuan talked with him, and Duan Xinmin reluctantly agreed to call Dean Sun Leike and ask him to arrange a double room for his son.

At 08:30, the nurse came over with a stretcher cart and prepared to transfer Zimo to a double room on the fifth floor of the hospital.

When Zimo was sent to ward 502 on the fifth floor by the nurse, there was already an old man in his eighties with white hair living there. Later I heard that he accidentally broke his hip bone while going to the bathroom.There is a male caregiver who is about 60 years old taking care of the elderly.

Seeing that there was a new patient, the old man's nurse stood up hurriedly. He actually knew the nurse who was taking care of Zimo. After they helped the nurse move Zimo to the bed, they saw that nothing happened at the time, so the two nurses chatted. stand up.

(To be continued)
(End of this chapter)

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