Build the underworld from scratch!

Chapter 234 Abandoned Factory

Chapter 236 Abandoned Factory
After the discovery of the bug and the revelation of the traitor, Lin Sisi and her team felt a little relieved, but they also understood that new challenges were waiting for them ahead.

The Men in Black's plans gradually take on a more terrifying dimension, forcing the team to be more vigilant and tight-knit.

Team members compiled the bug information into a detailed report.

The information obtained from the bugs is shocking: the men in black seem to have more powerful and mysterious powers than previously imagined.

And their plan involves a horrific ritual that could trigger a devastating event.

Lin Sisi realized that the target of the men in black was not just her and her team, but that their plans could pose a huge threat to the entire world.

In order to prevent this threat from coming to fruition, she must reveal the true purpose of the Men in Black, find their main base of operations, and eliminate them all.

However, just as the team was preparing to investigate further, the traitor's betrayal once again put them in danger.

The traitors reveal their plans, making the Men in Black even more wary.

This forced Lin Sisi to re-evaluate the situation and adjust strategies to ensure the safety of the team.

It will be filled with tension and suspense, as the Men in Black's plans gradually come to light, while the betrayal of the traitor will also raise more questions.

Lin Sisi and her team will have to face more dangerous and complex situations in order to stop the evil plan of the man in black.

Lin Sisi and her team, full of desire and determination for the Men in Black plan, successfully tracked down clues about a potential Men in Black member.

This clue leads them to an abandoned factory, which was once a busy manufacturing center, but now only remains desolate and silent.

At night, the team sneaked into the factory quietly, and their figures looked even more mysterious in the dim light.

Lin Sisi leads the way, and her supernatural abilities help them avoid possible traps and surveillance cameras.

They know that this task is extremely dangerous, but it is also necessary.

As soon as they entered the factory, they felt a depressing and uneasy atmosphere, as if the air was filled with foreboding.

They walked carefully through the factory's corridors, their ears straining, ready for possible threats.

Suddenly, a voice came, as if someone was whispering deep in the factory.

The team paused nervously, alert and prepared for any possible attack.

Lin Sisi gestured to others to follow her, and then quietly moved in the direction of the sound.

They continued to approach and found a half-open door, from behind which came a clearer whisper.

Lin Sisi gently opened the door and saw members of the Men in Black plotting something in a dim room.

Their words were filled with mystery and menace.

The team's eyes are firmly fixed on the actions of the Men in Black, and they try to eavesdrop on more information about the Men in Black's plans.

This room may contain key clues that could help them better understand the true purpose of the Man in Black.

Whispers in the abandoned factory echoed in the team's ears, full of tension and suspense.

Lin Sisi and her team, wearing black agent equipment, approached the half-open door, trying to eavesdrop on the plot of the man in black.

The people in black sat around a large round table. On the table was a huge blueprint with complex devices and markings on it.

Their language was strange and strange, as if from another world, confusing the team members.

Lin Sisi sent a message to her teammates through a special headset. Her voice was low and firm: "Proceed with caution. We must try our best not to be discovered."

The teammates nodded, understanding that now was the time to take advantage of Lin Sisi's supernatural abilities.

She concentrated on trying to read the mind of the man in black and look for clues.But the people in black seemed to have some kind of resistance, and she couldn't easily spy on their intentions.

Jack, the team's technical expert, carefully operates a mini-camera, trying to capture the details on the blueprints.

These details may be their key to understanding the plan.

Suddenly, the eyes of a man in black became alert. He looked up at the door, as if he noticed something unusual.

Members of the team nervously hide in the shadows, trying to avoid detection.

The man in black stood up and looked at the door warily, his hand slowly reaching for the weapon behind him.

Lin Sisi could feel his tension and danger.

Suddenly, the man in black's eyes swept across the room, seeming to be looking for something.

His sight is getting closer and closer to where the team is hiding, and the danger is getting closer and closer.

Lin Sisi had to take action. She used her supernatural ability to control a camera, making it make a sudden malfunction sound, which attracted the attention of the man in black.

The man in black's head turns toward the camera, distracting him from his alertness.

At this point, other team members saw an opportunity and acted quickly.

Amy, the team's agent, quietly approaches the other side of the room, trying to find more clues.

Lin Sisi continued to work hard, although the man in black's mind seemed to become more confusing and difficult to read.

She feels resistance to her abilities, but she won't give up easily.

On the other side of the room, Amy found a filing cabinet with a bunch of papers and folders inside.

She thumbed through it quickly, trying to find more information about the plan.

Time seemed to slow down at this moment, and the team members were all focused on the task.

They know that this is an opportunity and a dangerous adventure.

Suddenly, a member of the men in black seemed to notice something was wrong. His vigilance escalated again, and his eyes were locked in Lin Sisi's direction.

Lin Sisi felt great pressure, knowing that her supernatural abilities might be exposed.

At this moment, everything becomes tense and dangerous, and the fate of the team hangs on a thread.

They must handle it carefully to ensure that the mission is not discovered by the Men in Black, while searching for more information about the Men in Black's plans to reveal their true purpose.

The members of the Men in Black were still looking around the room alertly, seeming to sense a potential threat.

Lin Sisi knew that their action must be completed as soon as possible to avoid being discovered.

Amy found a document in a filing cabinet with the coordinates of a location.

She hurriedly photographed the document, then quietly retreated back to the team.

She knew the document might contain important clues about the Men in Black's plans.

Lin Sisi's supernatural abilities finally made a breakthrough in her struggle with the mind of the man in black. She successfully obtained some information, although it was still fragmentary.

She learns that the Men in Black plan to unleash a devastating event at some point, but the exact goals and details remain vague.

Jack kept taking pictures of the blueprints and devices in the room, trying to get as much information as possible.

He knew that this information would be crucial to uncovering the Men in Black's plans.

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