Build the underworld from scratch!

Chapter 229 Rescue the hostages

Chapter 231 Rescue the Hostages

The member displayed conflicting and anxious emotions, with his eyes wandering uneasily and his lips trembling slightly.

However, he insisted that he did not know anything about the situation and avoided answering Lin Sisi's questions.

The team's efforts finally yielded a breakthrough.In further analysis of the traitor's communication records, they discovered a key clue.

In one correspondence, the traitors mentioned a location that seemed to be part of their plan.

Lin Sisi immediately recognized this location. It was a remote area in the Kunlun Mountains that had not been used as a mission location before.

This piqued her interest and she decided to visit the location herself to find out if there were any potential clues.

Lin Sisi and her team members traveled to remote areas of the Kunlun Mountains to follow clues.

This place is desolate and dangerous, full of unknown dangers.They felt a depressing and tense atmosphere, as if an accident could happen at any time.

During their exploration, they suddenly encounter a group of radicals, members of an evil organization who have become aware of the team's actions.

A thrilling fierce battle broke out, with both sides going back and forth and trying their best.

In a fierce battle, Lin Sisi and her team successfully defeated members of the evil organization and captured one of the key figures.

During interrogation, the member revealed shocking news: there was indeed a traitor within their ranks, but the traitor was not the member they originally suspected.

The doubts in Lin Sisi's mind were refocused, and she began to re-examine other team members, especially the suspected member.

However, they have all been behaving like loyal team members without any hint of suspicion.

After more in-depth investigation and analysis, Lin Sisi finally revealed the true identity of the traitor.

It turned out that the traitor was the member who had communicated with the unknown email address, and his previous reaction was to cover up his crime.

In an emergency operation, Lin Sisi arrested the traitor and interrogated him.

During the interrogation, the traitor admitted to the crime of leaking information and how he was colluded with the evil organization.His betrayal of the organization was for personal gain.

The revelation and arrest of the traitor puts the entire team in deep trouble.

Trust within the team was severely damaged and members were angry and disappointed.

Lin Sisi must take measures to restore the team's cohesion to complete the remaining tasks.

After experiencing a series of psychological tactics, tracking and difficult battles, Lin Sisi and her team finally defeated the evil organization and ensured the successful completion of the mission.

However, the experience left deep scars and great sacrifices were made by the team members.

In the tranquility of the Kunlun Mountains, Lin Sisi and her team stand together, facing the challenges of the future.

They understand that only by uniting as one can we defeat evil and protect justice.

This story, full of suspense, excitement and reversals, demonstrates the tenacity and wisdom of Lin Sisi and her team in difficult situations.

Justice finally defeated betrayal, making them more determined to move forward and face the challenges ahead.

Lin Sisi and her team accepted the traitor's confession and decided to take immediate action to save the traitor's daughter.

They know that this is not only a battle against an evil organization, but also a family and emotional redemption.

First, Lin Sisi and her team collected intelligence about the evil organization, including their strongholds, members, and methods of operation.

They delve into the evil organization's patterns of action in order to identify weaknesses.

Next, they established contact with local law enforcement and intelligence agencies, shared the intelligence they had and requested support.

They need to work together to ensure the rescue operation is successful.

During the preparation process, Lin Sisi and her team were also actively searching for the whereabouts of the evil organization's daughter.They reviewed various clues and conducted a series of secret investigation operations.

Eventually, they gained crucial information about the location where their daughter was being held captive.

When the rescue operation began, the team was divided into multiple groups to perform separate tasks.

They use high-tech equipment to monitor and decipher the communications of evil organizations to maintain the secrecy of their operations.

At the same time, they quietly contacted the traitor's daughter, trying to comfort her and point her in the direction of escape.

At the same time, Lin Sisi himself led a team deep into the hideout of the evil organization.

This was a dangerous decision, but she firmly believed that only by going in person could the success of the rescue operation be ensured.

Her determination and tenacity inspire the entire team, who are determined to prevent any further harm to the traitor's daughter.

In the evil organization's lair, Lin Sisi's team encountered a fierce battle.

They launched a fierce confrontation with members of the evil organization, and every step was full of danger.

But they are determined not to let the traitor's daughter be harmed again and move forward unswervingly.

In the end, Lin Sisi's team successfully rescued the traitor's daughter and brought her back to a safe place.

Back at base, Renegade was with his daughter, expressing his gratitude with tears in his eyes.

He felt relieved from the heavy weight in his heart and his family returned to normal.

Lin Sisi and her team are also very satisfied for completing this arduous task. They know that justice and love are always the most powerful forces.

However, although the traitor's daughter has been rescued, the evil organization has not been completely destroyed.

Lin Sisi and her team know they must keep working to ensure the world is no longer threatened by evil organizations.

As a result, they continued to investigate in depth and track the traces of the evil organization.

They work closely with intelligence agencies to try to uncover the inner workings of the evil organization and find out who is behind it.

Now, they are determined to take the opportunity to retaliate against those in the evil camp and ensure that they can no longer harm society.

First, they set out to gather more intelligence about the evil camp.

They delve into the inner workings and top members of the evil organization.

They need to understand the enemy's weaknesses and operations in order to develop an effective strike plan.

Lin Sisi and her team gathered various intelligence sources, including secret informants, electronic surveillance, network forensics, etc.

They work to reveal the sinister organization's internal secrets, including its leadership's identities and plans of action.

This information serves as the basis for their action plan.

At the same time, the team also began to collect evidence about the crimes committed by the evil organization on the Road to Hell.

They collected a large amount of physical evidence and eyewitness statements to ensure that the evil organization could not escape the sanctions of the law.

While collecting intelligence, Lin Sisi and her team also conducted on-site investigations.

They delve into every corner of the Road to Hell, looking for any clues that can lead them to the evil organization.

This may include hidden hideouts, trading points or signs of sleeper members.

Over time, they gradually learn how the evil organization operates and the means they use to create chaos on the road to hell.

This intelligence became a key element in their precise planning.

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