Build the underworld from scratch!

Chapter 205 Stationed at the foot of Kunlun Mountain

Chapter 207 Stationed at the foot of Kunlun Mountain

The old man told them that the ritual required specific ritual items, including ancient charms and incense.

They purchased the items and took advice from the shopkeepers on how to use them properly in rituals.

They then returned to school and began preparing the venue for the ceremony.

Lin Sisi and Zhao Xinting were responsible for placing charms and incense to create a mysterious atmosphere.

Zhang Haoran and Chen Zhigang began to communicate with the children to ensure that they understood how the ceremony was performed.

When everything is ready, the ceremony officially begins.

Lin Sisi led the team and carried out the ceremony step by step according to the instructions conveyed by the children.

This process is full of mystery and ritual, and every action needs to be executed with precision.

As the ceremony progressed, the atmosphere in the hall became increasingly tense, as if the entire space was filled with mysterious power.

With their eyes closed, the children seemed to be concentrating and becoming one with the ceremony.

Finally, the ceremony reaches its climax and a powerful energy is released in the hall.

The children's eyes open, their souls seem to be liberated, their existence becomes brighter and more real.

Lin Sisi and her group waited nervously, hoping that their efforts would succeed.

At the last moment of the ceremony, a warm wind blew through the hall, and the children's voices no longer sounded, as if their souls had been saved.

After rescuing the trapped children, Lin Sisi and her group felt an indescribable sense of relief and satisfaction.

The children have gradually recovered their lives and happiness, and they are full of gratitude to Lin Sisi and her team.

However, Lin Sisi knew that there were still many mysteries hidden behind this incident.

She and the team decide to delve deeper into Abraham's ritual and why the principal mysteriously disappears.

They hope to uncover the truth about what happened and ensure that no more children are trapped in that horrific school.

Lin Sisi began to have more in-depth exchanges with local residents, hoping to learn more about the legends and folktales about Abraham and the school.

They believe these stories may contain important clues that could help them solve the mystery.

Meanwhile, they continue to study the ancient book, seeking more information about rituals and spiritual connections.

The book becomes their guide, helping them stay safe on their adventures.

Lin Sisi and her team were deeply involved in this mysterious incident. They understood that although a group of children had been rescued, there were still many unknown dangers waiting for them.

They are determined to keep going until all the mysteries are solved and no one is ever again troubled by this terrifying spiritual force.

The outcome of this adventure remains unknown, but they are ready to face any challenge.

The mysterious events in Kunlun Mountain are unfathomable. Lin Sisi and her team decided to embark on an unusual adventure to reveal the truth behind this series of events.

They set up a temporary camp at the foot of the mountain, and everyone was determined to embark on a journey to solve this mystery.

The first task is to investigate the phenomenon of time distortion.

A group of team members have set up a time-measuring device at the base of the mountain, where they will regularly record the passage of time at various locations.Lin Sisi and some team members went deep into the area shrouded in the fog of illusion, trying to experience this phenomenon firsthand.

In the fog, time seems to be elusive, but they firmly believe that as long as they find the right clues, they can solve the mystery of time.

Next, they went to those spatially dislocated hillsides, carrying GPS devices and maps, trying to understand the patterns of these dislocations.

They found that certain locations seemed more likely to trigger dislocation, which may be the key.

In the study of wild animal fusion events, the team sent biologists to the Kunlun Mountains to collect samples of wild animals and conduct genetic analysis.

They were surprised to find unusual mutations in the genes of some animals that could be linked to the event.

At night, they wait for the sound of ghosts calling.In the cold and windy valley, Lin Sisi and her companions listened carefully, trying to trace the source of the sound.

Although they were unable to solve the mystery, they understood there was a connection between the sound and the event.

Regarding the phenomenon of going back in time, a scientist began to study the theory of time travel in an attempt to understand the physics of this mysterious phenomenon.

At the base of the mountain, they managed to record events in which objects levitated, and although there was no clear reason, the recordings may help them solve the mystery.

Research on spiritual communication is also ongoing, and they are trying to find out whether there is some invisible connection, which may be caused by the unique geological structure of the Kunlun Mountains.

The lost sounds and illusory lights and shadows also aroused their curiosity, and they tried to capture images of these sounds and lights for further analysis.

The entire team's work is extremely difficult. They not only have to deal with threats to the natural environment, but also solve the mystery of this mysterious incident.

But Lin Sisi and her team firmly believe that only by unraveling the truth of these strange events can they save the trapped souls and restore peace to Kunlun Mountain.

This adventure is full of challenges and incredible things. They will not be afraid of difficulties and continue to move forward to find the final answer to this mystery.

On a clear morning, Lin Sisi and his team were conducting sampling and measurement work in the valley of Kunlun Mountain. Their goal was to study the ecosystem of the mountainous area.

Suddenly, a strong earthquake shook the entire valley.Their instruments and equipment shook and nearly fell to the ground.

This earthquake was extremely violent, exceeding anything they had experienced in the Kunlun Mountains before.

The earthquake lasted for several minutes and was accompanied by loud noise and tremors.

When the earthquake finally subsided, Lin Sisi and her team were stunned.

However, what shocked them even more was that the terrain in the valley seemed to have changed drastically after the earthquake.

They noticed that the original contours of the valley had changed, with some hills disappearing and new terrain appearing in other places.

The most incredible thing is that the location they are on is a hillside that did not exist before.

Lin Sisi and her party were completely lost in this new geographical environment and were at a loss.

As time went by, they began to notice some unusual phenomena, such as strange biological behaviors, changes in light and shadow, and resonance of sounds.

They began to suspect that the earthquake not only changed the topography of the valley, but also triggered some kind of special energy release.

This energy created all kinds of strange phenomena in the Kunlun Mountains, turning their scientific adventure into a supernatural journey.

This unexpected earthquake became the beginning of Lin Sisi and her team's exploration of the mysterious Kunlun Mountains.

They are determined to reveal the secret behind this special energy and the true cause of all the strange phenomena in this mountainous area.

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