"So Jingde was dismissed from his post for dereliction of duty and sent to Shengjing to work as a slave."

"This flattery is really a slap on the horse's foot."

"In his more than 20 years, Emperor Jiaqing never imitated his father's southern tour, nor did he organize birthday banquets with extreme luxury. All he showed to his subjects were edicts advocating frugality and eliminating extravagance."

"Jiaqing's frugality has left a profound mark on history, and its reputation has reached foreign countries."

"Xu Longfu, the North Korean envoy to the Qing Dynasty, recorded that the Jiaqing Dynasty was generally known for its diligence and frugality. "Looking at the many simple palaces, they can be called frugal. "

"The North Korean envoy spoke highly of Emperor Jiaqing's administration. Emperor Jiaqing was indeed thrifty, hard-working, and considerate of the people. It's really hard to say whether things would have been different if Qianlong could educate him earlier."

"However, for such a benevolent and wise emperor, he has been in power for more than 20 years. Except for a period of high spirits in the early days of his rule, later on, he became more and more helpless, depressed and distressed."

"The "law of preservation" that he thought was safe did not help the Qing Empire slowly recover and regain its glory as he expected. Instead, it became increasingly difficult to recover and out of control."

"In the later years of his reign, there was more than one incident that made him embarrassed and even made him cry in shame."

"On the evening of September 16, the 18th year of Jiaqing, the emperor was returning to Beijing from the summer resort. When he arrived at Baijian outside Beijing, he received a shocking news."

"More than two hundred Tianli Sect members were divided into two groups and invaded the Forbidden City the morning before."

"They cooperated with some religious eunuchs inside and outside, and attacked all the way to the Chuxiu Palace, the queen's palace. Fortunately, the prince Mianning led the guard troops to resist with all their strength, and finally annihilated the rebels."

"When the emperor saw the report sent by Prince Mianning in the palace, he burst into tears and stayed awake all night."

"The cult members invaded the palace and almost attacked the queen. This has never happened in so many dynasties. It is really a "wonderful thing that has never happened in the Han, Tang, Song, and Ming Dynasties."

"The emperor knows very well that such a huge scandal will be recorded in history forever."

"This stain can never be washed away. The emperor, who has a strong self-esteem, is deeply stimulated."

"The next day, the emperor issued an "Edict to blame oneself in case of change" written by Zhubi personally to all the subjects."

"Emperor Jiaqing talked about his repentance, "In the 170 years since the Qing Dynasty, our ancestors have loved the people like their own children and been deeply benevolent. Although I have mediocre abilities, I have never done anything harmful to the people. However, this A great humiliation unprecedented in the Han, Tang, Song and Ming dynasties happened during my term of office.

If I think about it carefully, the problem lies in the fact that the minister is following the rules and being lazy, unable to appreciate my painstaking efforts, acting carelessly, and cannot wake up no matter how hard he educates me!

From now on, of course I will reflect on myself, correct my shortcomings, answer the destiny of God, and resolve the grievances of the people.

Ministers, if you are willing to be loyal to the Qing Dynasty, please serve the country with all your heart and do your best to correct my mistakes and correct the bad social atmosphere.

If you are willing to be despicable, then please stay in office and go home to take care of yourself. Don't sit down and eat a vegetarian meal to increase my sins! "

"The last eight words of "Edict on Sinners in Case of Changes" are: I shed tears in my essay, and I will tell you in the encyclical!"

"An imperial edict that is so emotional and aggrieved is unique in ancient and modern times, both at home and abroad."

"Even in the following months, complaints, lamentations, and sighs appeared repeatedly in his edicts." "In the 20th year of Jiaqing, Prince Zhaozhen of Li imprisoned his subordinates in the palace and tortured them for trivial matters. The methods used were also very cruel.”

"After Emperor Jiaqing found out about this, he was furious and had the prince of Zhaoyi deposed and sentenced to two years of imprisonment."

"However, in the 21st year of Jiaqing, when Jiaqing was looking through the "Records" of the Kangxi Dynasty, he saw that Narsu, the king of Youping County, beat an innocent man to death, and also broke the limbs of two people."

"At that time, Kangxi only removed Narsu from the title of king, but did not imprison him. So that day he overturned the previous edict and released Zhaoyi back home."

"On October 19, the 24th year of Jiaqing, the Wenying Pavilion in the palace caught fire."

"The fire was not that big at the time. The eunuchs in the inner palace at that time were worried about bad guys getting into the palace, so they did not open the palace door to let the guards enter the palace to put out the fire. Instead, they chose to let the eunuchs put out the fire on their own."

"There was nothing wrong with the handling of this matter. However, when Emperor Jiaqing read Qianlong's "Records" a few days later, he saw Qianlong's regulations. Whenever he encountered an unexpected situation such as a fire in the palace courtyard, he must immediately open the door to let outsiders People came in to put it out."

"Because of this sentence, Emperor Jiaqing immediately issued an order to punish the relevant officials for violating Qianlong's instructions."

Cheng Yaojin: No, you are the emperor. You can deal with it how you want. Why are you always looking at other people's records?

Cao Cao: And an emperor can't keep his word?

Zhao Kuangyin: Isn’t this the same as my family’s? If you regard my words as the founding emperor's ancestral precepts, don't you have your own ideas?

"From so many examples, it is not difficult to see that Emperor Jiaqing mostly just implemented his governance of the country according to previous examples."

"The majestic king of a country doesn't have much of his own thinking and innovation at all, and blindly implements the ancestral system. The way he handles some things can't help but make people laugh."

"What is the difference between this and the Song Dynasty's ancestral motto of "respecting literature over martial arts"?"

Dugu Jialuo: But although Emperor Jiaqing is very mediocre, he really loves the people and considers them. At least he is better than some mediocre emperors who only know how to eat, drink, have fun, and live in debauchery. At least he works hard.

"So the problems of the Qing Dynasty cannot be blamed on Emperor Jiaqing. We can only say that he is mediocre and unfit to be an emperor. In fact, from the previous emperor list to Emperor Kangxi to the current Emperor Jiaqing, the Qing Dynasty has had many internal problems. As a result, every emperor has a reason."

"Generally speaking, Emperor Jiaqing also wanted to be a wise king, but unfortunately he was not qualified enough."

"The first thing Jiaqing did after taking power was to confiscate Heshen's home. The property confiscated from Heshen's home was quite astonishing. It is said that it exceeded the total income of the Qing government in fifteen years."

"After taking control of the real power, it can be seen that Emperor Jiaqing also had ambitions. This can be seen from his series of actions in killing powerful ministers Heshen and eradicating Heshen's party."

"Then he opened up his voice, dispelled evil and strengthened righteousness, and praised officials who were convicted of inappropriate speeches in the Qianlong Dynasty."

"At the same time, we are also required to be frugal in life and avoid extravagance and waste."

"Local officials in various places are strictly required to report the public situation in detail and are not allowed to conceal or whitewash it."

(End of this chapter)

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